Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Is Drinking Perrier Bad For Pregnancy?

A photo - A History - A photo

CHURCH Sant'Egidio Abate (Part 3 / 3)
The church in the shape of a Latin cross is very simple in its architectural structure, the facade has pillars with Ionic capitals on the first order, the second composite, which give a nice boost of sobriety and clarity.
La navata centrale con volta a botte è riccamente decorata con stucchi semplici, con archi ad ogiva, vele delle finestre a semicerchio e coppie di colonne con capitello dorico. La zona che meraviglia è la parte del transetto e del timpano. Nei recenti restauri, tutti noi abbiamo riscoperto una nuova chiesa di sant’Egidio. Il tetto del transetto fino a qualche tempo con volta a botte è stato completamente staccato per mettere in risalto il magnifico tetto a capriate lignee della chiesa precedente alla grande trasformazione subita nell’ottocento. Con i restauri però qualcosa di sorprendente è venuto fuori e ci ha meravigliati tutti, oltre 450 metri quadri di affreschi ornavano tutto il transetto. Era una sorpresa che ci si aspettava, for over sixty years was known of the existence of these frescoes, but unfortunately nothing had been done to bring them to light until 1998, when the wonder of many have appeared in their beauty.
The frescoes date back almost certainly at the end of the sixteenth century, as regards the right wall is known as "the Fathers of the Church," while the left wall of "The Passion of Jesus Christ" should not be more than half of the seventeenth century. But at the center of this wall was a wooden cross at the end of the sixteenth century, now in the church. It is hoped that the same returns in the place where it was collected. Apart from the stylistic reasons that can not be the frescoes of the periods given above for several reasons, say historical. At the end of the 500 Linguagrossa passed into the hands of Baron past few years which Bonanno from his oath to observe the local customs, their oath took place in the Church of St Giles February 14, 1606, begins with his "et worsening harassment ' to the people. Try to get even the pure and mixed empire , ie civil and criminal jurisdiction on the population and this led him to finally break the relationship, mai sano, tra lui e i linguaglossesi.
            Il Bonanno però non poteva, per ragioni fiscali, perdere il suo potere sui suoi sudditi, e con una mossa astuta decide di costruire una grande chiesa, per ringraziarsi la benevolenza dei cittadini di Linguagrossa, nel 1613 inizia la costruzione dell’attuale chiesa Madre. Tutte le sue risorse economiche, soprattutto i proventi che vengono dalle tasse esorbitanti che riscuoteva, vengono impegnate nella costruzione della chiesa. La chiesa di sant’Egidio funge ancora come chiesa madre del paese, questo ancora for a few years until the inauguration of the Mother Church took place in 1636, from this year onwards for over 150 years the church did not suffer any improvements. Another reason why the frescoes not be dated later than 1640 and the disastrous economic situation that the country faces as a result of a reduction to the Royal Property in 1634. And yet the great famine of 1673 that decimated the country. But why are the frescoes Inalbi, perhaps because of some plague, it was believed that they were carriers of infection, or perhaps a change in architectural taste, most likely this is the reason.
In 1885 Bishop John Previtera, (1844-1904) Bishop of Patti, Archpriest of the country when he was made to move the statue from the altar of the holy right side altar and erected at his own expense a chapel rich marble inlays very beautiful.
Inside the church there are paintings of exquisite, all of the nineteenth century, "Saint Alphonsus Liguori" probably Pasquale Sciacca, San Vincenzo Ferrieri "and" Martyrdom of Saint Erasmus "in 1848, both of Emanuele Grasso, the "Lady wasteland between San Pedro and San Pasquale" and the "Martyrdom of Saint Apollonia" perhaps Provenzani Domenico, and yet the "Souls of Purgatory" in 1878 by Giuseppe Minutoli, le statue della "Madonna di Lourdes" e di "San Giuseppe".
Nella chiesa si conserva anche il Fercolo su cui viene posto il santo quando viene portato in processione. Opera di Antonino Puglisi da Linguaglossa, tra l’altro autore del fercolo del Cristo Morto conservato nella Chiesa del Calvario. È un fine lavoro di intaglio tutto rivestito in oro del 1864. “La squisitezza decorativa è diffusa in ogni particolare con tutta l’oculatezza dell’orafo: ad esempio, le eleganti colonne rudentate, decorate alle basi di un fine rilievo e sormontate da capitelli, accentuate nell’aggetto; i fregi della base e della trabeazione, cui danno una vivace nota i dentelli e le mensolette; i quattro angoli, il reliquiario and the interior panels carved in red background with gold. "
The fercolo the saint in 1923, thanks to the donation of the devotee of Ferrara Egidio Mariano, was placed on a cart to be able to bring in a procession with more comfort.
The saint as in most of the performances and as an abbot with machine guns and bacolo, unlike the saint Nordic representations have next to where the doe nurse. The statue is very simple but evokes the viewer great pathos. The miter bacolo and silver, the bacolo miraculous eruption of 1923, were given away by the family of Regan after the eruption of 1865. bacolo More silver was given later by Philip Regan the eruption of 1809. Great devotees Regan, after the miracle of 1923, Rosario Regan had to redo the entire floor of the church of the saint, as a vote except for having its own district in Caristi hazel, in Cerro, the floor has been removed in recent renovations.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What Do Bus License Look Like

05 - A History - A photo

La sirena bicaudata, nella scultura romanica, si diffonde in molti paesi d'Europa ed in particolar modo è raffigurata nei capitelli e nei portali delle chiese romaniche. Spariscono dalle decorazioni delle cattedrali nei secoli successivi, probabilmente per un più assiduo controllo dei committenti ecclesiastici. Così nei corredi funerari, lampade, gemme, piastrelle, affreschi, urne e sarcofagi portano impresso il segno della sirena bicaudata, potente talismano in grado di accompagnare l’anima del defunto verso l’ultimo e il più pericoloso di tutti gli attraversamenti: quello delle acque avernali. La sirena bicaudata entrerà poi tra gli stemmi distintivi usati dai tipografi. Generalmente viene rappresentata con lunghi capelli, quelli dei Nazirei, simbolo occulto del Cristo. La sirena a simbolo delle tentazioni e dei bassi istinti, animaleschi, che mettono alla prova l’individuo.
Una sirena bicaudata esprime il principio del dualismo cosmico che si manifesta nella creazione, la transizione, una metamorfosi radicale come quelli preposti alla nascita, o al passaggio dall’adolescenza alla maturità, dalla verginità al concepimento, dalla vita alla morte. Così nei corredi funerari lampade, gemme, piastrelle, affreschi, urne e sarcofagi portano impresso il segno della sirena, potente talismano in grado to accompany the soul of the deceased to the last and most dangerous of all the crossings: the water Plutonian.
Recent restorations, to say the least radical it was discovered that the church, although built in a very long period, it is apparent from the various works of construction, and has always been what today has come down to us, no longer then the addition of a nave to the transept of the said "Holy Souls", the name comes from the part of Joseph Minutoli of 1878, which is precisely the Holy Souls in Purgatory. Maybe in 1510 we added the bell tower and the sacristy.
What is certain is that the church already existed in 1308, since this would have to pay the tithe to the Vatican. In sheet number 111 to 886 of the tenth year of 1308-1310 reads: "Presbyter Iohannes cappellanus ecclesie S. Egidio de big Language", and again for Lingfield and still referring to the same church, in the instructions 103/verso number 524 reads: " cappellanus Languages \u200b\u200blarge tar. II" and the sheet number 107 to 671 reads: " cappellanus casalis Languages \u200b\u200blarge tar. I, gr. X".
From these data is obtained so that the Church of Sant'Egidio had to exist by the end of two hundred, and was certainly the Cathedral Church of the country. It was not the only existing church in the territory of Lingfield, in the district known as the " Fontanelle, not far from the town, the hills that surround the country, was the ancient Abbey of St. Catherine:" The first this Abbey Monastery of Saint Catherine was built up to the roots of the forest that nowadays is called the Monaco for the monks who lived there. At present we can see the relics of ancient stones framed in place of nuts in this convent of the Carmelite Fathers in that district called the plan almost a half mile away from the city. This wood is reduced in most vineyards, hazel and chestnut subject to census Abbey owned it, and in sfossar of them will have found other signs of ancient tombs and Flats, but having been abandoned monastery that was manufactured in the City. " Other country churches were all around the country, the Church of St. Nicholas the Greek, that of San Nicola di lu Salvagnolu and San Marco, who were in the land of Jesus and Mary. The church was then dedicated since its inception in Sant'Egidio " Initio fundationis et huius aedificationis Civitatis . (Continued)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Where I Buy Red-violet Hair Dye

04 - A History - A photo

CHURCH Sant'Egidio Abate (Part 1 / 3)
The church of Sant'Egidio Abate is the oldest among the churches that exist today in Lingfield. Almost certainly it was built after the period of Norman domination. When in 1145 Linguagrossa is already a reality, there was a small church nestled in the woods Rahab just where today stands the Church of Sant'Egidio, one of the church today is not the Gothic portal into the wall east of the transept. When it was decided to demolish it to build a more grande si decise di inserire a ricordo il vecchio portale; lo stesso in seguito non venne mai utilizzato come ingresso secondario, infatti si trova fuori asse dal centro della facciata del transetto, per anni si è creduto che il transetto fosse la chiesa preesistente alla chiesa attuale ingrandita nel XVI secolo, era probabilmente la chiesa esistente prima che si costruisse quella attuale, e che . Infatti si nota chiaramente che lo stesso si trova spostato a destra rispetto all’asse centrale della parete. Un discorso a parte va fatto per questo portale che tante discussioni a fatto sorgere tra gli studiosi di storia patria. Ci piace qui riportare la descrizione un po dotta ed anche prolissa che ne fa l’autore Anonino di una Storia di Linguaglossa della fine del settecento:
“I nostri antichi levarono per armi della Città una ninfa Serena che impugna due serpi. Se bene doppo la reduzione al demanio avesse levato l’Aquila  come  in  segno  d’armi regie.  Dalle finzioni degli antichi non vi è dubbio veruno che molte e diverse utilità si possono raccorre. Altri ne inseguono precetti di religione, altri di moralità e di simiglianti benefizi. Così dalle allegorie delle Ninfe si denota l’opera della natura, per esse ci viene significata la virtù vegetativa consi­stente nell’umor preparato, per le quali si fa la generazione, nutrizione ed augumento delle cose. Si dicono esser figliole Ocean, mothers of the Rivers, nudrici of Bacchus and Ceres, are said to be fruitful, vague flowers, grazing cattle and maintain the life of mortals. In br protection, as are mountains, valleys, ports the woods and trees under it to be the mood spread within these things ... Others, however, the figures painted in the corner of his Serene fish, but be that as it should, one and the other alludes to the story, the poicchè Serene, as we saw above, inhabited the banks of the River Acis. From various snakes still morality if they can get, there are symbolized for them the demons, so in many parts of Holy Scripture ... quasicchè although in fashion Mongibello arise from this river in any case does not take the rough and succido of that rather than opens fire Tartarean challenging and highly resistant to Demons trying to keep them far from him. And with this change turned our old one that was secular in true Catholic moral teaching that it is giving us the roots of Mount Etna in the fire according to the common opinion of many serious writers ... communication with the hell we should always stay vigilant and strong to resist not to let the demons to plunder our bitterest enemies, and scroll to the short span of our life in the sea of \u200b\u200bcrystal clear, this world. And if first representations of the gentle hill adored the Demons then reduced to the faith of Catholicism. "
nice interpretation, very imaginative and not too far from the actual interpretation of this symbol should be done as discussed in the past, leading those who are interested in our history a fascinating hypothesis, but far from reality.
The mermaid is one of the recurrent symbols of the medieval bestiary, poised between the concept of wisdom, charm and sense of eroticism and perhaps the hint of the soul awaiting purification. The mermaid is connected with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe double, expressed by the symmetry and the intersection, perhaps alluding to the ambiguity and the mystery of human nature, where the balance between body and soul, between earth and sky and constant insecurity, the only certainty in the daily battle between temptation and redemption, was, for medieval man, Christ the Judge of the Apocalypse .
St. Augustine said, "Life in this world is like a stormy sea through which we must guide our ship to the port. If this succeeds, resist the temptations of the Sirens, it will lead us to eternal life"
The sirens
-fish with a single tail are universally known, erotically charged from the waist up, asexual from the waist down. The mermaid, as represented by the hands that diverge on for almost two gynecological code-legs represent female sexuality in its entirety. A mermaid expresses the principle of cosmic dualism that manifests itself in the creation, transition, a transformation as radical as those responsible for the birth, or the transition from adolescence to maturity, the virgin conception, from life to death. is a symbol of femininity and fertility and Christianity also represents the duality of human nature (good and evil, reason-instinct). But in the diagnosis, either good or bad is always good and always bad, and this is the curse of creation. The hidden evil good and good and does the same tricks. (Continued)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Adults Breastfeeding Adults

03 - History - 02

The Mareneve
The whole street named Mareneve, whose project was born from the mind and heart of valliggiani one of which more than any other gave himself wholly for the sake of our Lingfield, Hon. Attilio Castrogiovanni. He said The Hon. Selvaggi said, first discovered the Linguaglossesi like the sea and the snow here constitute, in their prime and nowhere else in Europe, a singular combination of multiple employment opportunities for tourism development of our land.
On 11 April 1947 in the presence of the High Commissioner for Sicily and a large group of parliamentarians and regional authorities, and was inaugurated over Station Square, a pillar of lava stone in memory of the beginning of the work. The path was already traced Mareneve and nearing completion.
The name was fascinating and continues to have a huge fortune. From the street name is passed to the magazine, bar, publishing houses, cottages, will certainly indicate to other institutions to a tourist. But when the name was born, and who was the inventor. In a letter dated July 30, 1958 Hon Attilio Castrogiovanni wrote in Santo Cali:
"...... Suddenly John Savage gave me the terrible proposal: - We will fund the road if there is a name that describes it in its essence, I give you time until tomorrow morning!
You can believe me when I tell you, dear Saint, that that night close my eyes .... I had before me the snow in our mountains and the blue sea of \u200b\u200bTaormina, the sea and snow, snow and Amre ... Thus was born the Mareneve do not know if for a fixed idea that for years associated the two ideas, or a sudden radiance ... "It was
born 'on the road from muntagna the Mareneve.

Anti-freeze Patch Soul Silver


For anyone starting a new business, the methodology of the franchise may be an interesting new opportunity to be considered carefully.

Franchise (or franchising) is a form of continuous collaboration for the distribution of goods or services between an employer (Franchisor or Franchisor) and one or more entrepreneurs (franchisees or Affiliates), legally and economically independent of each other , who enter into a special contract by which:

The Franchisor grants the franchisee the use of his own the business, including the right to exploit the know-how (the set of techniques and skills needed) ed i propri segni distintivi, unitamente ad altre prestazioni e forme di assistenza atte a consentire all'Affiliato la gestione della propria attività con la medesima immagine dell'impresa Affiliante.

L'Affiliato si impegna a far proprie politica commerciale e immagine dell'Affiliante nell'interesse reciproco delle parti medesime e del consumatore finale, nonché al rispetto delle condizioni contrattuali liberamente pattuite.

Il franchising si presenta oggi sotto tre tipi diversi:

Franchising di distribuzione: il franchising presuppone che l'Affiliante abbia messo a punto e sperimentato delle tecniche e dei metodi commerciali costituenti il know-how che egli trasferirà al suo Affiliato. Given the use of trademarks, services rendered and goods provided the franchisor asks Affiliate a consideration in the form of entrance fee and / or periodic fees (royalties).

Franchising services: E 'a system in which the Affiliate will not sell any products, but offers the service invented, developed and experimented by. The scope of this system is very diverse, ranging from food service (restaurants, pizzerias, takeaways, pubs, bars, etc..) To tourism and leisure (hotels, holiday villages, travel agents, campgrounds, sports centers , etc..) rapid reproduction by the press and to beauty salons and hairdressers, dai servizi di consulenza professionale agli istituti di istruzione e formazione, dalla intermediazione immobiliare all'autonoleggio, ecc.

Franchising industriale: In questo sistema i partner Affiliante e Affiliato, sono due imprese industriali. Il primo concede all'altro la licenza dei brevetti di fabbricazione ed i marchi, gli trasmette la sua tecnologia, gli assicura un'assistenza tecnica costante. Il secondo, l'Affiliato, fabbrica e commercializza le merci prodotte dal proprio stabilimento applicando il know-how e le tecniche di vendita dell'Affiliante.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Surfboard Convertible Cars

A Photos - A History - A photo

Iò sugnu figghiu di Ninu Munti
            Iò sugnu figghiu di Ninu Munti, 'u ghiancherij, niputi di Peppi Munti, da razza di Munti; accusì sugnu sicuru ca mi ricanusciti. Quannu scinnu a Friera e vai a truvari a me patri e me matri, mi fazzu na passiata, vaiu a truvari a don Tanu Fara, a don Turiddu, a donn’Aggiddiu, a nanna Jenna, salutu a tutti, non vi pozzu scurdari, siti parti da me vita, mi criscisturu.
            Oggi sugnu cà picchì Ascenziu da razza ‘i Mazza, chiddi ca staunu e vignitti, voli ca ci scrivu quattru paroli pi prisintari stu travagghiu. Iddu fa i cosi facili, na matina si sbigghia veni e ti dici, vidi ca tu ma ffari a prisintazioni du libru. E iò, pari bruttu ca ci dicu di no, e allura trasu in cunfusioni, e ora chi ci scrivu, chi dicu, macari poi non ci piaci. Ca fari cià scriviri cosi belli, ca ‘u libbru jè ‘ntirissanti, picchì ripigghia riuordi ca si staunu pirdennu, riuordi ca mi fannu riurdari, ruordi ca vi ruorduno. No sacciu ca ffari, macari ci scrivu ca jè ‘n libbru scrittu da ‘n vecchiu ca pi alluntanari a partenza pa Friera, cumincia a pinsari di chiddu ca fu e ca purtroppu not cchiù.
Pinseri about many jautri Annu turnover before Iddu, dicunu all 'the Stissi so, "was megghiu quannu was peju "but think about Senziu chiddu Iddu did not say about dittu nuddu the at'a scusari, purtroppu is andicchia prisuntusu, Sapiti air du continent, no ca sapi Iddu before u said u catuseddu Isidoru Don, and before the ava dittu Itanu Don 'u strazzatu, and before the dittu ava ... ruordu not mu, is all to trovunu Frier. Sulu ca Iddu è cchiù pazzu di tutti vo’iautri. Ni voli fari un libru.
            Canusciu a Senziu di quannu io era carusittu, canusciu ‘i so travagghi, ‘i so pinseri, pinseri di figghiu luntanu, luntanu di so, vuatri u sapiti ca veni spissu a truvarili, è luntanu ma veni o stissu. Tutti i voti ca vidu a Senziu io u sacciu chi sta pinsannu, si sta inghennu l’occhi, da muntagna, di munti du mitosciu, da casa di vignitti, di paroli, di l’amici ca ncontra. Nda menza jurnata si rruodda di tuttu, ‘u tempu pari ca na passatu, I know to head to cumincia curriri a milli, maneddi maneddi, goes to the truvari friends about Macari Sunu cchiù there, but 'goes to the truvari' or stissu, you never know, alluota turnanu.
And think, think back on quannu was carusittu, attornu Hollow, Sleepy cu know about us cunta the storji, including a rusariu en'avi Mary cunta from us is nei truvatura ca church dies: "no you scurdari, nta na culonna left a trisoru else ...". There cunta 'a story of pecuri' i Baffèra Peppe, 'a history of France, 'a fig du' zu 'Princes and Gìddiu chidda zappìnu of u from' Paun, and many jautri.
All Senziu so ca ni cunta the sapemmu all, but you nuddu riuorda, Allura flights DIRI about it and sapemmu nuddu there will be about Duman nuddu jug, there will be about sleeping pause, there sarannu piciriddi cow skins at ca ca lapuni scutunu storji of mavarji of storji of quannu 'u munnu was Linguarossa, our cunti you stannu pirdennu, pirdemmu accussi Macari in our history.
But Allura Senziu not sbagghia, Macari is a ievi pocu strolugu, but is not about voting semmu nuautri capemmu, stammu sbaggjiannu everything tempu cchjiù nor there; wax na unu vote about the old saying about no sannu chiddu Je Je sonniru chiddu CA VirIT, Ascenziu vote is ................ .
Appisu to 'na hopes to' rilòggiu / sciddicànnu time lu / carra is life ...
Linguarossa, 14 frivaru 2011 ;
                                                                 Toninu Cavallaru by race Munti

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Manual Edu Sciense X 600


Il passo successivo è ora l'analisi precisa and faithful of the affiliation agreement. The signing is only the final stage of a process of prospective analysis of the rights and obligations of the franchisee.
For the examination of the affiliation agreement is essential to rely on professionals and do not proceed independently. The contract must be viewed by a person decontestaualizzata.
An accountant will be responsible for: •
estimate the economic burden of rights and obligations of the parties,
• determining whether there are shortcomings in contractual
• require quantification and precise indications of general or abstract expressions.

The accountant has to work to leave no stone not provided for in writing, you must in altre parole inquadrare con precisione i modi di ciascuna azione, la quantità ed i riferimenti temporali.
Dopo essere passato al vaglio del commercialista il contratto dovrà essere riposto nelle mani di un avvocato. Il ruolo del professionista legale è quello di valutare la solidità della scrittura davanti alla legge ed in caso di controversia tra le parti. Ciò significa che spetta all'avvocato il giudizio sulla solidità dell'accordo preso, stimando in che modo il contratto, in giudizio, sia mezzo di tutela degli accordi sottoscritti.
Sempre in quest'ambito sarà utile valutare economicamente e giudizionalmente il peso:
• delle clausole di rescissione dell'atto,
• della mancata esecuzione actions,
• negligence of the parties,
• the unfulfilled promises over subscribed.

Particular emphasis should be placed on articles relating to the exclusive area, the imposition of minimum purchase obligations and the terms of withdrawal. Through the exclusive area of \u200b\u200bthe parent stock to retail franchisees the exclusive use of the mark in a territory, an area similar to a circle with the center carried out on the map in your store. The imposition of minimum purchase must be carefully evaluated and possibly removed. It 'hard to predict what the full course of business for this is more appropriate to relate the constraints to the success of the point sale. Obligations clear but flexible based on the results obtained.
clauses instead of withdrawal must be evaluated with a dual focus. On the one hand, the post on its intention to terminate the agreement, paying attention to what the terms and timing to be able to rise from any commitment. On the other side but to determine the termination of the licensor: the company that manages the franchise. This should not be able to terminate the contract without reasonable notice and, above all, without that economic conditions are such as to justify the termination of the project, then the decay of fame and promise of assistance.
should be noted that within the franchise agreement must still be aligned with existing European and Italian regulations on franchising. The Law 129, May 6, 2004.
Once signed the contract of membership of a trade mark becomes in effect a real franchise and from this moment, it is important to work in concert with the parent company to lower the standard form in the reality of their store.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Signs Of A Period Coming

01 - A History - A photo

History of the relics of the Thorn Cross and
of our Lord at Lingfield

In 1618 Fra Angelico da Messina, Minimum order of Capuchin, a native of our city, gives the City of Linguagrossa the relics of the Thorn and the Cross of Christ. Was a great devotion of the citizens that they provided it Play them and annuities, was also set up a Brotherhood, the first of four that have occurred over time. Argentieri Acireale forge a monstrance and the end are a mermaid who holds two snakes in the chest and embedding a small glass container that contains the relics, was opened in 1653 when the Mother Church, the monstrance containing the relics was brought in specially built chapel to hold them.

Immediately after the reduction to Royal Property, the first settlers of the new town they decided to establish the Fair of the Holy Thorn to be held in the two days preceding the first Sunday in May, and also to provide for the expenses for the great feast that was held May 3.

The poet Francesco linguaglossese Copani in his work "Linguagrossa in the Famine of 1672-73" in the eighth as the XVI recalls

He's Holy Church is called matrix
And chianu study the patch is close
Renew each Annu Community finici the
A lu trionfu of the Holy Thorn.
Illuminata cu pump filici
the strata was the nta siritina.
- About maistusa scene! - Ognunu say
Community had iornu you Camina!

The also recalls the historical canon and Vito Maria Friend:
"Princeps templum, a unique parish, Deiparae sacrum, Archpresbyter commissum, medium beasts assurgit not inelegans oppidum in quo Dominicae Coronae Holy Thorn religious colitur , eiusque honors III Maji festum ab incolis celebratur large pump. "

An old sturnettu "which was sung during the collection of nuts placed the feast of the Holy Thorn among the most important religious events Island.

Triunfo Palemmu cu Santa Cristina,
Catania evident cu Jaita Bbiata,
A Ssiracusa Ddivina Lucia,
A Ttrapani the Holy Annunciation.
The party of Sam Prazzitu to Mmissina
E Santa Vinniruzza Jacitana;
A Llinguarossa cc'è the Holy Thorn
Ca Siggilìa abbunnata the asphaltenes.

And still another variation, say more localist:

A Llinguarossa cc'è the Holy Thorn
the Ca teni Siggilìa abbunnata
and all'ottu of sittemmuru 'to Bammina
Luritu mmuntuata of the matrix.

two days had elapsed since Easter 1929, when a sacrilegious theft deprived the mother church of good most of the valuables, pyx, monstrance, chalices of gold and silver which the Christian piety had donated to the church . Among the items stolen, there was also the monstrance containing the relics of the Holy Thorn and the Cross. They searched in vain. When a year after the treasure was found all had been crushed to be melted. Everything was lost. In the coming years the Brothers of the three fraternities remained, that of the Sacrament of Sant'Egidio and the Immaculate Conception during Good Friday procession carried the black band in mourning.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Black Pearl Plans Blueprint

09 - A History - A photo

Dell'Abbazia di S. Michiele lo Fogliarino

Prima di parlare dell’Abazia di san Michele lo Fogliarino dobbiamo ricordare il Monastery of Saint Michael the Elder, who was located in the district said Chestnut, "the trees that are around that of the relevance of the Monastery of Mount Etna." In the eighteenth century still saw the ruins of the monastery. Later it was abandoned and a new abbey was built in the area known "Terre strong that the caste of the swallows that is divided by a large river which flows down from Mount Etna and a gurna of water called the Monaco as intended service of the monks of this monastery about a mile and a half away from my homeland. "
The Abbey for the acts of the Chancellery Apostolica veniva chiamata col titolo di S. Michiele lo Fogliarino di Linguaglossa, questo perché fino al seicento era nel territorio di Linguaglossa il quale poi smembrato per la nascita del paese di Piedimonte passò alla possessione di Calatabiano.
La chiesa è antichissima nella sua prima fondazione, e stranamente nessuno dei nostri storici ne parla, la prima notizia viene data da Don Rocco Pirri e da Don Vito Amico Statella entrambi parlano dell’abazia nel 1733, i quali dico che era dell’ordine di san Basilio. La chiesa è certamente Basiliana, quindi risalente al XI secolo, anche se nei secoli subisce restauri radicali, infatti nella finestrella della parete est è intagliata una data 1574.
Nel 1474 il 18 giugno il monastero venne assaltato dai briganti che lo spogliarono delle poche cose di valore che aveva, ma a loro si oppose il vecchio frate Federico il quel venne ucciso ed al quale troncarono il dito per rubargli l’anello.
L’amministrazione di questa Abazia è stata sempre in mano ai sacerdoti di Linguaglossa, i quali continuarono a celebrar messa anche quando l’abazia venne abbandonata dai monaci, e tutti i lunedì celebravano messa ed ogni anno celebravano la festa al santo. L’ultimo degli amministratori fu il sacerdote Don Stagnitta, successivamente il principe di Palagonia diede l’amministrazione the priests of Piedimonte. It was 1644.
Almost all the young people of Lingfield in the past were often near the Church of San Michele, abandoned and used as a sheepfold smelly because, we went to collect licorice. A delicacy then. Today the church has been renovated and belongs to a family linguaglossese.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

How To Plant A Nectarine Tree

08 - A History - A photo

USES OF CIVIC Linguagrossa ...... (4 matches)
The Mayor was not only his Decurion, but all the clergy ed anche la popolazione dei braccianti linguaglossesi, vincere la lite contro i Palagonia significava mutare le sorti dell'Amministrazione, quando da Catania o da Pa­lermo arrivavano notizie confortanti il parroco della Chie­sa dei Santi Antonio e Vito faceva sparare le bombe “a secco”.
L'Intendente di Valle emanò due ordinanze, la preparatoria del 22 dicembre 1842 e la definitiva del 14 marzo 1843, tutte e due favorevoli al Comune. E ci fu sparò di bombe.
La senteaza riconosceva ai singoli di Linguaglossa il diritto di preferenza nella semina e coltivazione delle terre nell'ex baronia di Fiumefreddo according to the Act of 1562. Stated that the Barony of Fiumefreddo comprised an estate separate from the estate of Lingfield and accordingly ordered to proceed to the provision that the remuneration payable to the City of Lingfield in the process of estimation, ordered the parties to the appointment of experts for the assessment of uses and therefore for the provision of Berre. He also reckoned that the lands under water, what is the word nell'istrumento 1562, at the time of the grant could not be that the lands of Fiumefreddo, as in St. Basil the few non-irrigated corpses became such that in the very old to us closer and, therefore, the granting of preference in the sow wheat land under Water logically could not report that the irrigated land and less ungrateful Fiumefreddo rather than opens to those of St. Basil.
The Prince of Palagonia appealed, inter alia, pointed out that the barony of Fiumefreddo was already surveyed and possession under lease by not a few individuals in most natural Lingfield.
This was certainly one of the most sensitive of the whole affair: the fight against the prince also meant fighting enfiteuti. It could fight for themselves?
The lawsuit, which has become of great interest legal devolved to the Council by the Sovereign Supreme Court sitting in Palermo, Richard Knight Tondi, because, as an arbiter and intermediary friendly, decide disputes regarding promiscuity and use of Palagonia feudal between Prince and other towns, among them that of Lingfield .
The arbitration decision, issued May 4, 1844, was clearly contrary to the requirements of the City.
The referee declared inadmissible the request of the Municipality:
  1. because with the transaction of 1795 were all Strasatti civic uses;
  2. because the case of uses of which the town had no permission was necessary that the questions were supported by securities back to 1735, and these titles were missing;
  3. because they find the land of 'former stronghold in the third dealer, the City could not ask for more than an installment payment of royalties in the uses ceased, but you should address this question in the first instance all'Intendente and not before a judge about to pronounce the his vote.
II King Ferdinand II July 16, 1844 sanctioned with his approval the decision of the Round.
The Decurionate vigorously protested against the award, the arbitrator accusation of partisanship, he accused the Prince of Palagonia to have surprised the good faith of the sovereign, "while in the City in legal ways to prevent dirigevasi in Naples that Your Majesty was supremely approved by the Decision, the Prince of Palagonia, with the benefit of the coming of Your Majesty in Palermo in July 16, 1844, unbeknownst to the City, the sovereign approval occurred. "
A few years later, January 5, 1853, 1'Intendente Catania, Angelo Panebianco, a report sent to Carlo Filangieri, Principe di Satriano and Duke of Taormina, in Sicily, Lieutenant General of the King, with whom believed that the university had been defrauded in his rights to an award, "based in opposite directions the facts "and proposed the revision of the award itself in order to do justice to the city that had been" unjustly deprived of a pension that was a major part of its heritage. "
venne.Si But the review is not opposed to it already have approved the sovereign, Prince of Carpi from Palagonia. The Prince of Pabgonia, courtier, always had a great influence to the Sovereign.
a second committee of representatives of each went in September 1853 in Milazzo to report to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sicily, in Naples, without concluding anything.
The University will never resign themselves to defeat, insisted at all the authorities, at the same sovereign, but got nothing. In the discussion in the I856 to 1860 is marked in assets, Chapters 10 and 11, from Strasatto former estate of San Basilio, Lingfield earned ducats and former fund Lenza 291.60 32.20 ducats.
With the collapse of the Bourbons the issue was relegated to things retardants regime of atrocities and injustices, and he spoke almost no more. We say almost because of time, without conviction, one of the directors has proposed to the competent authorities of the municipality the right of individuals to essre placed in the ancient uses. The last such request was made by the Prefectural Commissioner of the City of Lingugglossa the Royal Commissioner for the liquidation of the civic uses of Sicily in Palermo, on 20 marzo1928. Known to civic uses, in addition, in the request, to those disabled and lime stone. (End)

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07 - A History - A photo

USES OF CIVIC Linguagrossa ...... (third party)
II Principe di Palagonia, rappresentato dal Procuratore Don Paolo Daniele, si oppone alla domanda del Comune, riferendosi a quanto stabilito con lo strasatto del 1795, e proponendo una lieve proporzionata protezione da comporsi amichevolmente in merito ai restanti usi civici .
La Commissione nella seduta del 30 luglio 1827 emette una decisione preparatoria con la quale ordinava che "si apprezzassero e si valutassero" i diritti di pascere, di legnare e di seminare dei Linguaglossesi, con esclusione delle 120 salme precedentemente strasattate.
Il Comune incarica Don Mario Musumeci, ingegnere, di redarre una perizia, dalla quale si ricava che: “il Bosco della Lenza di San Basilio, in contrada della Conca, ossia Calvaja, confinava a Tramon­tana con il Ragabo, dalla parte di Levante con le terre concesse ad enfiteusi dal Principe… I diritti esercitati dai singoli sopra 1'estensione di salme 96 antica misura, vennero allora strasattate per onze 108 annuali. Il perito considerò questa assegnazione come un'enfiteusi rappresentativa con atto perpetuo di fatto di quegli stessi diritti che si esercitavano dagli stessi singoli so­pra la detta quantità di salme 96 e pertanto, ritenendo sempre che la detta an­nua assegnazione di onze 108 formasse uno stato di fitto non interrotto, la considerò come valutazione inconcussa. Passando poi alla superficie delle terre da periziare, cioè la Lenza di San Basilio, concluse che l'estensione di essa am montava a salme 172, bisacce 1, tumolo 1, e mondelli 3 di legale misura, dalle quali avendo dedotte salme per lave e per torrenti limitrofi ad interni veniva a ridursi l'estensione calcolabile di dette terre in sole salime the legal measure, corresponding to 45 corpses of the ancient. He felt that even though the quality of such lands would be less than that of land Strasatti in 1795 were also more likely to pasture and that quality was more compensated by the law armies with all sorts of animal, and was also enhanced by the proximity of these lands Ragabo the property of the town, near which gave individuals the convenience of stations with their animals and watered regularly in the waters of the socket. An expert on these considerations fixed the value of the right to feed over 45 ancient remains far in the annual sum of onze 30.16.15 and value of pre-emption rights and other wood in the sum of onze annuali par un capitale, in ragione del 5% di onze 1112,3.7.”
La perizia incontrò l'aspra reazione del Barone; intanto la Commissione il 17 aprile 1833 emanava la sua decisione definitiva: essa, modificando la perizia del Musumeci, valutava i diritti dei singoli di Linguaglossa nella misura di onze 710 e ordinava che fosse staccata una estensione adeguata di terre" da designarsi in quale sito che sarà dalla Comune istessa scelto.”
II Decurionato indica come sito prescelto la zona adiacente al Ragabo, compresa tra la Contrada dello Stornello e il Piano dell’Arco; la Decurionale, emessa il 24 settembre 1933, approvata dall'Intendente, was notified to the Baron, who stubbornly opposed to all the decisions previously taken.
After several accidents and lengthy procedures, the High Court of Auditors, by decision of 19 August 1835 would un.altro expert, Don James Galluppi to review the previous report. The incident is yet continued, October 3, 1836 Don James Galluppi presented his report: the value of rights exercised by the city fell from 710 in onze onze 214.20, unless that is a third party. For this price, rather than opens to proceed to a consideration allocation of land, the Prince of Palagonia should have been made for the City the annual fee onze 10.22.
The dissolution of the rights was approved by Royal Decree of 11 December 1841.
On February 26, 1842 shall meet under the chairmanship of Mayor Decurion Notaro Giambattista Toch. It is a broad narrative of all the previous and then "considering that this town has to use some skill all his strength and will undergo any sacrifice to get the reward of the uses for so many centuries exercised on the part of the Ex-called feud Barony, the which are more than a thousand corpses, most of irrigated land, sea and conbinante with a prodigious fertility, acting, among other things, to appoint a commission "to deal with the devesi support this cause," and called to join the Archpriest Dr. Don Gaetano Milana, Dr. Don Francis Elder, Dr. Don Francis Stagnitti Fazio, Dr Don Giuseppe Antonio Pafumi, Dr. Don and Dr. Don Scarlata Concept Previtera give it to me.
We make available to the Commission 117 orders per year, equivalent to 39 ounces. It 's interesting to note the allocation sought by Decurion for that sum, "The Commission shall have the right to elect an attorney, an advocate and a Aggente, by paying them the fee for each quatrimestre of the first 5 ounces, 3 ounces of the latter by two to three ounces. The Commission may allocate one of its member or other person capable of this community to go to the relevant authorities and allocate the salary Tari 5 per day, if you will live in Catania, and Tari 8 per day, whether in Palermo, as well as the necessary costs of access and withdrawal ".
The mayor then called the Province before all'Intendente Paul Don Ferdinando Gravina, Prince of Palagonia. The citation is used to expose the facts and concludes "that grants full and exclusive property to the City the portion of the former estate still open, called Line, just the scale of the remuneration provided in the instructions, and as this portion is not open enough, he checks on the remaining portion misused called Barony and Prince condemn the costs. "(Continued)

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06 - A History - A photo

USES OF CIVIC Linguagrossa ...... (third party)
In the Barony of Fiumefreddo Mancuso, meanwhile, succeeded Gravina, new challenges and new sopprusi arise along the course of 700 in 1770 prohibiting the Palagonia by the Supreme Court of Palermo to continue the abuse of individuals Linguagrossa. "Sebastiano Francesco Gravina, Baron Ferdinand's successor, having recovered from the heirs of the estate-I'ex Mancuso, recognized and reaffirmed the same uses by act of civic Notar Don Giuseppe Palermo dell''anno Migliocco of 1730. "In 1735 we entered into a transaction between Gravina and the jurors Linguagrossa such enfiteuti Mills of the feud Fiumefreddo; the Linguaglossesi provide part of their water for the Baron service of another mill, the University reserves the Truppetazzo water for the Old Mill, "Another Palagonia's successor in 1769 asked for and obtained letters from the Grand Court of Palermo osservatoriali conventions in favor of his bargain in the concession of the above acts mills, and from this university were also requested and obtained letters osservatoriali conventions favor the defendants in the University itself acts stessi. Per sentenza del 27 agosto 1770 ed analogo bando del delegato Don Giuseppe Cultraro fu ordinato di inibirsi i Governatori di Palagonia a non usare la menoma no­vità nell'ex-feudo, di colmarsi i fossati, diroccarsi le mura; ed altre opere che si erano fatte, nel fine di turbare e impedire l'esercizio delli usi civici, la quale disposizione venne eseguita colla demolizione delle Mura.
"Dopo l'epoca testé detta, cessato l'amor di Patria nei Rettori di questa Comune ,così i Decurioni del 1842,  la potenza di Palagonia compi la cominciata usurpazione, posta avendo in difesa e quindi enfiteuticata a diversi Esteri la più preziosa ed estesa parte dell'ex feudo, che porta il nome di Baronia. However, these individuals were intended to exercise the use of feeding, fish tanks, plant, wood, raccorre herbs, and other appliances in the remaining named San Basilio and Lenz. The family later stripped Palagonia also uses these individual named on the San Basilio, who was forced to have this town in 1795 and transiggere content with the miserable fee of 108 ounces per year, so there was the continued operation of uses on the lowest part former fiefdom called Lenza. "The May 26, 1795 was signed at the Notary Gioacchino Maria Potinello Palermo, between the University and the Royal Executive Officer for the Conservation of State Property, Thomas Marquis Christmas and the Prince of Palagonia, Baron Fiumefreddo and San Basilio uno “ strasatto”, il quale ebbe una grande importanza per l'economia della nostra comunità, proprio per questo che verra esaminato con più cura.
L'intero feudo fu diviso in due parti. La prima andava dal Piano dello Stornello sino alla Contrada della Savoia (vigna di Morabito), la seconda dal Piano dello Stornello sino alla parte più alta terminale dello stesso feudo. Per la prima parte l'Università rinunciava agli usi e il Barone in cambio si obbli­gava a versare annualmente all'Università quello che la Decuria ha chiamato –come  abbiamo detto- il miserabile compenso di 108 ounces per year. Moreover the Baron would have provided half of the first part so redeemed in lease to small lots, draw individuals to Lingfield for the annual fee of 357.20 ounces.
The second part of the feud, the one that went from the top floor of Stornello terminal, in other words, the Lenza , remained subject to the civic uses exercised by Linguaglossesi.
addition, the Prince of Palagonia renounced all claims over pure and mixed empire leaving the sovereign power to determine whether it was to be exercised by the Royal Court or the University.
The part of the estate to be granted in the lease was calculated, in Psalm 98, which could give the total fee onze 715.7.6.2, that is 450 ounces for the 45 bodies that were extended by up to Prisa Contrada's Coffee, onze for the 20 bodies that stretched between the Prisa and Fossazza, onze 120.0.13 for the 31 bodies that extended from the top of Fossazza Stornello.
that fee was to be deducted from the annual sum of 108 ounces in favor of the University, be referred to as 78 ounces of crystal grazing rights enjoyed by individuals, from 1 May to mid September each year, on the lands of Fossazza upstream from purple to ogni sorta di bestiame, e sulle terre dal detto violo a pennino per il solo bestiame equino e bovino; ed in quanta alle restanti onze 30 per strasatto degli altri diritti di legnare, seminare lùppini, e del diritto di preferenza nel seminerio.
Il canone annuale delle asque per irrigare le terre fu stabilito in tari 15 per ogni tumolo di terre dal 15 Aprile a San Giovanni, e sempre in tari 15 da San Giovanni sino al 15 di settembre.
Quando l'11 settembre 1825 fu emanato dal Re il Decreto che prevedeva lo scioglimento dei diritti promi­scui tra comuni e privati, il Sindaco di Linguaglossa presentò alla competente Commissione istituita nella Valle di Catania una supplica con la quale, dopo aver exposed all past events ran between the Municipality and the Barons of Fiumefreddo, requested that there be a quantity of land assigned to the University of the estate in respect of the value of rights exercised by Linguaglossesi.
From demonstration plan attached to the petition noted that the feud named Bosco di San Basilio and Lenz had the extension of 168 bodies consisting of vineyards, land blades, oak and pine forests, and that the extension of the feud was Fiumefreddo corpses of 89, consisting of vineyards, irrigated and unirrigated land. (Continued)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

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05 - A History - A photo

USES OF CIVIC Linguagrossa ...... (second part)
II and jurors Mayor's office, in turn, present to the court of Rea! Heritage is a memorial, where they exhibit bullying and harassment perpetrated against them by the Baron Mancuso, especially after the purchase that he had made of pure and mixed empire. The memorial reads: "citatini of them were harassed by Linguagrossa Pascendi et jus et lignandi who have been told by other juresdictioni fegho Fiumefreddo et et S. Forest Basili comply ab fashioned memory that is not homo to the contrary. "
Baron Fiumefreddo, continua il memoriale, ostacola persino l'esercizio dei mulini e “ci ha disturbati lo seminerio et l'acqui conformi l'hanno avuto ab antiquo confirmati in virtù di contratti pubblici et sententii.” I cittadini dichiararono di essere disposti a riscattare presso il Viceré il mero e misto impero già acquistato dal Barone.
Il 21 febbraio 1604 vengono ascoltati alcuni testi­moni, estranei al paese di Linguaglossa, Questi ricordano concordemente i diritti civici di cui ab antiquo hanno goduto i Linguaglossesi. "L'Università e citatini di detta Terra, affermano i testimoni, hanno stato in la loro reale, quieta e pacifica possessioni del burgensatico di paxiri con loro animali in lo fegho et Friddi River Forest and Holy Basil. "reaffirming that the individuals collected in the feud Linguagrossa dead wood, leaves and other things.
But Baron Mancuso continues to strip the University of jus Pascendi, seize the animals found grazing in his feuds in his castle and imprisons the shepherds.
After 12 years of continuing harassment and evidence submitted to the Royal Court, the case with the Baron Mancuso "was crowned the benefit of this common three uniform sentences, which were carried out religiously, the last of which of the 11 November 1614, followed by letters esecutoriali spedide in Messina on the day 17 November I614. "
On March 2, 1616 the University obtained letters from the Viceroy osservatoriali with which it was ordered that all official United were observed the covenants and provisions contained in the grant of Notaries cleft November 13, 1562. I1 Viceroy ordered that neither you nor the Baron officers, or other debiano is presumed to molest or harass nexuna pirsuna of the people of that Land et habitaturi fegho of that land in, or to feed their animals, which enter into the wood et et headlights other foliage et feghi so in those woods in time and Loch et content expressed in the firm contract directly indirectly et scuti under penalty of one thousand apply to the Royal Treasury.
The sovereign authority fianlmente recognized all the rights that are exercised on the estates of Baron linguagrossesi Mancuso.
Also in 1615 the citizens acting together in Parliament to buy the pure and mixed empire, seven years earlier had decided to decline the royal demesne, John Mancuso sells the Royal Court with the money, "it employs the university."
But Baron, despite the ransom of pure and mixed empire, did not cease to harass citizens, which subsequently, in 1651, still resort to the Royal Court and Shareholders get letters addressed to the Procurator Fiscal Officer of the lower court, Don Diego Costanera, con le quali si accordava allo stesso la facoltà di procedere contro Don Domenico Mancuso per l'usurpazione del me­ro e misto impero; l'anno seguente il Tribunale ordinava a Don Francesco Pizzuto, tutore e curatore ad litem di Don Giovanni Mancuso di osservare il contratto di rivendita del mero e misto impero e di non vessare e molestare ulteriormente i citta­dini di Linguaglossa nell’esercizio dei loro diritti. (segue)

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04 - A History - A photo

Individual Linguaglossa practiced several civic uses also separated from their fiefdoms territory, namely the funds Fiumefreddo, San Basilio and Lenze "adjacent to each other, and one ex-estate component, as the endowment that King Alfonso granted in the year 1453 to Baron Nicholas Panza."
L'origine di questi diritti risalgono ad una concessione fatta ai singoli di Linguaglossa da Andrea Cottone, Barone di San Basilio e Fiumefreddo il 29 novembre 1562 che si trova notata agli atti del Notaio Linguagrossese, Egidio Schisano.
            Nell'atto sì legge che il Barone Cottone concedeva in enfiteusi all’Università di Linguaglossa per un canone di 60 onze annuali tre mulini siti nella Baronia di Fiumefreddo. Ma come si arriva a questo atto? Come mai il Cottone dà in enfiteusi non solo i tre mulini, ma come vedremo gran part of its territory? You have to go back a few years. In 1556 the Baroness Isabella Crisafi Balsamo widowed Hyacinth Crisafi, his cousin, he married his second wife with Stephen Cottrell, the son of Andrea. The expansion program of Cotton was very clear, all the lands which have ranged from sea to mountain, it would become one of the largest territories held by one family. In fact, just two years after the deed, December 22, 1568, Stephen is invested in the Barony of Lingfield. The domain of Cottone but still lasts eleven years, the linguagrossesi people uncomfortable, in fact the nephew of Stephen, died without any heir, also Stephen, sold all the territory Bartholomew de Pattis November 1, 1579 which is invested in the Barony of Linguagrossa.
In 1592 Don Ferdinando Gravina Marquis and Palagonia Frant, purchased Cotton from the feud, as shown by an act signed by the notary Giuseppe cleft October 31, 1592, recognized and confirmed all the previous civic uses. It is with the University convennne Linguagrossa the granting of long-term leasing of four other mills, including one called Old Mill. There was also a change as far as concerned the right to graze in the forest of St. Basil, Fossazza from the mountain, the start date was moved from the day of St. Agata 1 March.
In 1600 Baron Lorenzo Gravina, Ferdinand's son sold the estate to John Mancuso, "which contrasted having the use retold these individuals took place a fight. "
began can be very now a fight between the Mancuso and the University of Linguagrossa. In 1602 Baron usurps a tax on hazelnuts, pitch, timber and other goods that were exported from Linguagrossa. The Baron began to challenge the civic uses exercised by Linguaglossesi already several times from the previous confirmed Baroni.
Some witnesses, friends and persons subject to the Baron, they try to deny the rights of the estate Linguaglossesi, in fact, "time will patrons of acorns have banned collar et prohibit foreign people to get in cattle, as its still burgisi land where these forests are there for all carnuluvari et aghiande in some parts to till the first of gennaro, according to what pleases the patron of the acorn; et et sa still saw ipso witness that those who have pirsuni solute et collar feed their cattle in the forests of them Aglianda Patruno aglianda of these forests, seu ante after the Christmas holiday, they are pirsuni Sitati citatini of the land territory et where they sleep, these forests fegho et et et Foreign persuni not sleep been drilling the territory of that fegho et Forest River and San Cold Basili, where officers of the said land Linguagrossa have not used or can use jurisdittioni. "( first part)