Monday, February 21, 2011

Where I Buy Red-violet Hair Dye

04 - A History - A photo

CHURCH Sant'Egidio Abate (Part 1 / 3)
The church of Sant'Egidio Abate is the oldest among the churches that exist today in Lingfield. Almost certainly it was built after the period of Norman domination. When in 1145 Linguagrossa is already a reality, there was a small church nestled in the woods Rahab just where today stands the Church of Sant'Egidio, one of the church today is not the Gothic portal into the wall east of the transept. When it was decided to demolish it to build a more grande si decise di inserire a ricordo il vecchio portale; lo stesso in seguito non venne mai utilizzato come ingresso secondario, infatti si trova fuori asse dal centro della facciata del transetto, per anni si è creduto che il transetto fosse la chiesa preesistente alla chiesa attuale ingrandita nel XVI secolo, era probabilmente la chiesa esistente prima che si costruisse quella attuale, e che . Infatti si nota chiaramente che lo stesso si trova spostato a destra rispetto all’asse centrale della parete. Un discorso a parte va fatto per questo portale che tante discussioni a fatto sorgere tra gli studiosi di storia patria. Ci piace qui riportare la descrizione un po dotta ed anche prolissa che ne fa l’autore Anonino di una Storia di Linguaglossa della fine del settecento:
“I nostri antichi levarono per armi della Città una ninfa Serena che impugna due serpi. Se bene doppo la reduzione al demanio avesse levato l’Aquila  come  in  segno  d’armi regie.  Dalle finzioni degli antichi non vi è dubbio veruno che molte e diverse utilità si possono raccorre. Altri ne inseguono precetti di religione, altri di moralità e di simiglianti benefizi. Così dalle allegorie delle Ninfe si denota l’opera della natura, per esse ci viene significata la virtù vegetativa consi­stente nell’umor preparato, per le quali si fa la generazione, nutrizione ed augumento delle cose. Si dicono esser figliole Ocean, mothers of the Rivers, nudrici of Bacchus and Ceres, are said to be fruitful, vague flowers, grazing cattle and maintain the life of mortals. In br protection, as are mountains, valleys, ports the woods and trees under it to be the mood spread within these things ... Others, however, the figures painted in the corner of his Serene fish, but be that as it should, one and the other alludes to the story, the poicchè Serene, as we saw above, inhabited the banks of the River Acis. From various snakes still morality if they can get, there are symbolized for them the demons, so in many parts of Holy Scripture ... quasicchè although in fashion Mongibello arise from this river in any case does not take the rough and succido of that rather than opens fire Tartarean challenging and highly resistant to Demons trying to keep them far from him. And with this change turned our old one that was secular in true Catholic moral teaching that it is giving us the roots of Mount Etna in the fire according to the common opinion of many serious writers ... communication with the hell we should always stay vigilant and strong to resist not to let the demons to plunder our bitterest enemies, and scroll to the short span of our life in the sea of \u200b\u200bcrystal clear, this world. And if first representations of the gentle hill adored the Demons then reduced to the faith of Catholicism. "
nice interpretation, very imaginative and not too far from the actual interpretation of this symbol should be done as discussed in the past, leading those who are interested in our history a fascinating hypothesis, but far from reality.
The mermaid is one of the recurrent symbols of the medieval bestiary, poised between the concept of wisdom, charm and sense of eroticism and perhaps the hint of the soul awaiting purification. The mermaid is connected with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe double, expressed by the symmetry and the intersection, perhaps alluding to the ambiguity and the mystery of human nature, where the balance between body and soul, between earth and sky and constant insecurity, the only certainty in the daily battle between temptation and redemption, was, for medieval man, Christ the Judge of the Apocalypse .
St. Augustine said, "Life in this world is like a stormy sea through which we must guide our ship to the port. If this succeeds, resist the temptations of the Sirens, it will lead us to eternal life"
The sirens
-fish with a single tail are universally known, erotically charged from the waist up, asexual from the waist down. The mermaid, as represented by the hands that diverge on for almost two gynecological code-legs represent female sexuality in its entirety. A mermaid expresses the principle of cosmic dualism that manifests itself in the creation, transition, a transformation as radical as those responsible for the birth, or the transition from adolescence to maturity, the virgin conception, from life to death. is a symbol of femininity and fertility and Christianity also represents the duality of human nature (good and evil, reason-instinct). But in the diagnosis, either good or bad is always good and always bad, and this is the curse of creation. The hidden evil good and good and does the same tricks. (Continued)


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