Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What Do Bus License Look Like

05 - A History - A photo

La sirena bicaudata, nella scultura romanica, si diffonde in molti paesi d'Europa ed in particolar modo è raffigurata nei capitelli e nei portali delle chiese romaniche. Spariscono dalle decorazioni delle cattedrali nei secoli successivi, probabilmente per un più assiduo controllo dei committenti ecclesiastici. Così nei corredi funerari, lampade, gemme, piastrelle, affreschi, urne e sarcofagi portano impresso il segno della sirena bicaudata, potente talismano in grado di accompagnare l’anima del defunto verso l’ultimo e il più pericoloso di tutti gli attraversamenti: quello delle acque avernali. La sirena bicaudata entrerà poi tra gli stemmi distintivi usati dai tipografi. Generalmente viene rappresentata con lunghi capelli, quelli dei Nazirei, simbolo occulto del Cristo. La sirena a simbolo delle tentazioni e dei bassi istinti, animaleschi, che mettono alla prova l’individuo.
Una sirena bicaudata esprime il principio del dualismo cosmico che si manifesta nella creazione, la transizione, una metamorfosi radicale come quelli preposti alla nascita, o al passaggio dall’adolescenza alla maturità, dalla verginità al concepimento, dalla vita alla morte. Così nei corredi funerari lampade, gemme, piastrelle, affreschi, urne e sarcofagi portano impresso il segno della sirena, potente talismano in grado to accompany the soul of the deceased to the last and most dangerous of all the crossings: the water Plutonian.
Recent restorations, to say the least radical it was discovered that the church, although built in a very long period, it is apparent from the various works of construction, and has always been what today has come down to us, no longer then the addition of a nave to the transept of the said "Holy Souls", the name comes from the part of Joseph Minutoli of 1878, which is precisely the Holy Souls in Purgatory. Maybe in 1510 we added the bell tower and the sacristy.
What is certain is that the church already existed in 1308, since this would have to pay the tithe to the Vatican. In sheet number 111 to 886 of the tenth year of 1308-1310 reads: "Presbyter Iohannes cappellanus ecclesie S. Egidio de big Language", and again for Lingfield and still referring to the same church, in the instructions 103/verso number 524 reads: " cappellanus Languages \u200b\u200blarge tar. II" and the sheet number 107 to 671 reads: " cappellanus casalis Languages \u200b\u200blarge tar. I, gr. X".
From these data is obtained so that the Church of Sant'Egidio had to exist by the end of two hundred, and was certainly the Cathedral Church of the country. It was not the only existing church in the territory of Lingfield, in the district known as the " Fontanelle, not far from the town, the hills that surround the country, was the ancient Abbey of St. Catherine:" The first this Abbey Monastery of Saint Catherine was built up to the roots of the forest that nowadays is called the Monaco for the monks who lived there. At present we can see the relics of ancient stones framed in place of nuts in this convent of the Carmelite Fathers in that district called the plan almost a half mile away from the city. This wood is reduced in most vineyards, hazel and chestnut subject to census Abbey owned it, and in sfossar of them will have found other signs of ancient tombs and Flats, but having been abandoned monastery that was manufactured in the City. " Other country churches were all around the country, the Church of St. Nicholas the Greek, that of San Nicola di lu Salvagnolu and San Marco, who were in the land of Jesus and Mary. The church was then dedicated since its inception in Sant'Egidio " Initio fundationis et huius aedificationis Civitatis . (Continued)


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