Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Dodge Sprinter Conversion Van Gas Mileage


L'ho conosciuta nella blog-sfera, è uno dei blog che leggo con assiduità (se non lo conosci clikka qui ) ... è la mitica Elasti-mamma di "nonsolomamma" !

I had promised to buy her two books and voila, wonder of wonders, the Carrefour Collegno I found the second book, whose cover is close by here.

Here is the presentation of the book:

" She is an elastic-mother, more elastic, which continues to run between the wording of a business newspaper and the house at Felicity Place, steering a middle course between the children, the husband part-time, work full time and a sense of guilt. He is Mr. Wonder and continues to fly to London every week to study mathematical models for 'killing of the capitalist system, as a good Marxist economist he is. Their hobbits grew: the great, joyful and seductive, like a bunch of bananas hair, blue eyes, a passion for The Lord of the Rings and women, in that order, and the small, sullen and suspicious, round eyes and blacks as tunnel closes only to dance alone in front of the mirror.
are the elastic family's most beloved players and this is the diary of their new "adventures": a long trip American, including shopping centers, nursery schools modeled on various Emilia and folly; racing bike from kindergarten to the office and the wet dream of part-time departures at the dawn of Mr. Wonder and tiring nights, the boyfriend of 'hobbit's imaginary friends big and little of that, the trips and vacations Puglia South Tyrol ... And the long, thoughtful, hesitant, joyful, happy road that led nell'elasti-third hobbit house .... "

that remains is to procure the first!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Vuze Delete Files Problem


ie reversing ... the order of factors does not change the result ...

In fact it is this: how hard I try to bring the above, the games of my children, moving below systematically and the result does not change ... THERE 'ALL OVER CASINO!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

How Much Jon Cryer Gets For Two And A Half Men

stop reading

bed Stefy
8.30 am

"... sure it says its small ..."
"... but what is all 'is Pappardella?"
"... well, as history is a bit long ..."

8:32 pm
"hours ... just stop reading because I voglia di giocare ... "

Con l'arrivo dell'autunno, insieme alla scuola e al basket, è ricominciato il catechismo e Stefy, su invito e consiglio del Parrocobello e della catechista, ha iniziato la lettura del Vangelo ... sfortunatamente è incappata nella pagina relativa agli antenati del Salvatore ...

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Does Bulma Love Vegeta

some color

Giornata uggiosa, tipicamente autunnale, dalle mie parti.
Pioggerella, umidità e il tipico grigiore di queste giornate mi mettono un pò di malinconia quindi ecco in arrivo una botta di colore ...

I miei bambini amano costruire figure traballanti con i regoli ... come non immortalare il risultato finale ???
ecco i 2 costruttori:

Buona domenica !

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Bmx Color, Paint, Paint

The sword of Damocles

Perché si dice così ?  
E' risaputo che significa un grave pericolo sempre incombente, ma da cosa deriva questa espressione ?

Essa fa riferimento to Dionysius (430 BC - 367 BC), tyrant of Syracuse for his tactical ability and great power accumulated became the symbol of absolute power. Dionysius later in history in 406 BC when the Carthaginians invaded Sicily and laid siege to Syracuse. For seven long months, the Syracuse valiantly defended themselves, just the command of Dionysius.

But back to our "sword of Damocles" ... during a banquet Dionysius would explain to his courtier Damocles, who believed happy and relaxed, as in reality there was a man powerful suspend him on the head with a sword tied to the ceiling with a horse hair that, you know, it is not very strong ...
understood Damocles Dionysius perfectly what he meant, and this lesson has become a way of saying still used today!