Thursday, April 29, 2010

Rotel And Velveeta From Commercial

quite quickly Now I know what you need ...

La maestra di matematica di Stefy aspetta un bimbo; ha made the announcement to the class which has reacted with unusual slowness ... some buzz, some comments and then quietly, calmly, some hope but not much heard ...
The next day, however, the class has come out of slumber and hit the teacher with questions of all kinds ...
Now, Stefy, reminiscent of the Red-belly of his mother lived, has informed the over the years about how children came from the belly of the mother but ... had not yet raised the problem of how we entered ... only a few months ago he mentioned the role of the father, who could not understand ...
Yesterday's revelation: "... a mother, however, now I know what is the dad ... We discussed this with D., who told us that the sow's dad comes .... Albyyyyyyy is initiated Scooby Doooooooo .... . "....

FFFFhhhhh! Is not the first time I have to face in-depth sex education classes (at the time of Richard I also bought a cute little book with very simple design and cute) but this time Q. I would have kissed the teacher ... she does not know, but I was spared the lesson to Stefy, and if so give me time, even at Alby!!
bye bye

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Does Alabama Helmet Have A 12 Or 13 Now

in Turin ...

This week I went to the center in Turin for two times, in really nice sunny days: Monday 19 we joined the group in our parish and I went with Stefy and Alby, to see the Shroud. Arrival at the Royal Gardens, but sliding along the path to enter the cathedral and finally the space of a prayer before this extraordinary fabric, which is impressed upon himself the sufferings endured by the man of the Cross.
E 'an intense moment, I had already experienced in previous expositions, but this time had a different flavor, as shared with Stefan, who is preparing for First Communion, and Alby, which without being able to catch everything, has curbed his natural exuberance and looked wide-eyed on this battered. I will not regard scientific assessments, but the presence of this image imprinted on the linen is in itself an extraordinary event and there, at that moment, think and say "I believe" is the most natural thing in the world.
... and then you look around and see the multitude of people who have noticed, of all languages \u200b\u200band nationalities and you feel really at peace!

The second walk I did on Thursday with my elderly mother who rose for the first time on the subway, to buy the capsules of Nespresso in Via Roma ...

until much more frivolous, but enjoyable because I saw the beautiful full of Turin life of boys on a trip, a pilgrimage groups, different languages, about a woman who, with a strong foreign accent, asked for a guide of Torino in Russian ...

I know I already said, but I repeat myself: Torino is beautiful! If you can, come visit us ... it's worth it!
(images from the Web)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mount And Blade Demo Mac

What a beautiful movie!

Saturday there were 25 degrees in the shade, the blue sky extraordinary, and we shot the sun .... where was it?? closed boxes in a gym for a basketball game under 10 ... and we have also massacred! sgrunt!
verso le 18.00 sento il martirio di ritorno da Alassio, sede della prima gara boccistica della stagione primaverile - da quel momento iniziano le gare all'aperto e non più nei bocciodromi coperti - il quale mi propone di fare una bella gita al mare il giorno successivo, approfittando di questo tempo bellissimo ... 
domenica mi ha svegliato verso le 4.00 un vento fortissimo e verso le 7.00 il diluvio universale ... arisgrunt !!!

Per farvela breve: siamo andati al cinema a vedere il mitico AVATAR in 3D ... lo so, lo so non abbiamo propriamente battuto sul tempo tutti quanti, ma l'importante è arrivarci ! ;o)

Ma how much I liked this movie?? very much!
Beautiful texture, ecologicosentimentalimpegnata, positive intentions, the special effects created on the computer ... aaaahhhhh and then the braid with Filini life of its own with the power to connect to any living being .... In short: I was dreaming for the 166 minutes of programming ...
The downside: it was not even provided a range and my two minor children have a Coke sucked average during the first 2 hours ... do not tell you the ending, but I guess it .... O)