Thursday, April 23, 2009

Flamin Hot Cheetos Effect

A beautiful thing .....

A song a few months ago that resounds in my head.

I used to rule the world
the seas would rise when I gave the order
hours in the morning I sweep alone sweep
le strade che ero solito possedere

ero solito tirare i dadi
sentire la paura negli occhi dei miei nemici
ascoltare come la folla cantava:
"ora il vecchio re è morto, lunga vita al re!"

un minuto ho stretto forte la chiave
e quello seguente ero intrappolato dai muri
e ho scoperto che i miei castelli
stavano sopra cumuli di sabbia e pilastri

ho sentito le campane di Gerusalemme risuonare
i cori del calvario romano stanno cantando
che tu sia il mio specchio, la my sword, my shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
for some reason I can not explain
since you're gone
there was a more honest world
was so when I ruled the world

the wind was bad and the wild
blew down the doors to let me in shattered windows and
people could not believe
what I have become revolutionaries wait

my head on a Plate Silver
only a puppet on a single wire
who would ever become king?

I hear Jerusalem bells ringing
Roman calvary choirs are singing
you to be my mirror, my sword, my shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
for some reason I can not explain
since you're gone
there was a more honest world
was so when I ruled the world

I hear Jerusalem bells echo
Roman calvary choirs are singing
you to be my mirror, my sword, my shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
for some reason I can not explain
since you're gone
there was a more honest world
was so when I ruled the world

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Ideas On How To Rookie

It 's the new month p.VI

Well, well, we entered in the 4th month of the year: in April.
Today is Easter and I take this opportunity to wish you and try to send them to persons who do not currently have in your home and make company in the field of hospitality and hope to soon return to live and We hope that by giving him our support and our strength.
this month I am facing my second job doing that every year at this time fills me trouble (even if you do not say I will tell you anyway) and most of all possibilities, I ask myself "there will be someone to which may leave his post in the coming years, "the answer I do not know if I'll find and if I want to find it, what are you do you think?
We'll see the sentence.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Whats The Best Way To Get Rid Of A Verruca


I felt little obligation note this anniversary.
Today is April 1 in exactly one month there is a small new house which is called Bud, a sweet puppy who fills us in every sense of the days, thinking about cleaning the house, put food and everything else which includes caring for a small puppy, we knew both me and my meeting went and what we are more than happy to take care of everything to make it grow in the right way.
A nice effort that makes the whole house very proud of this and not being accustomed to having this small, pleasant pensieri di quando portarlo fuori,di quando dargli da mangiare,quando piange sapere il perché e chiedersi in che cosa si sbaglia e tutto il resto che adesso non mi viene in mente.
Sta incominciando a sentire la mia mancanza smetto di scrivere e vado a fargli 2 coccole,vado anche ad assaggiare quei piccoli bastoncini di pollo che ogni tanto gli frego(scherzo).
Ciao, alla prossima