Thursday, January 6, 2011

Online Trivial Pursuit Multiplayer

07 - A History - A photo

USES OF CIVIC Linguagrossa ...... (third party)
II Principe di Palagonia, rappresentato dal Procuratore Don Paolo Daniele, si oppone alla domanda del Comune, riferendosi a quanto stabilito con lo strasatto del 1795, e proponendo una lieve proporzionata protezione da comporsi amichevolmente in merito ai restanti usi civici .
La Commissione nella seduta del 30 luglio 1827 emette una decisione preparatoria con la quale ordinava che "si apprezzassero e si valutassero" i diritti di pascere, di legnare e di seminare dei Linguaglossesi, con esclusione delle 120 salme precedentemente strasattate.
Il Comune incarica Don Mario Musumeci, ingegnere, di redarre una perizia, dalla quale si ricava che: “il Bosco della Lenza di San Basilio, in contrada della Conca, ossia Calvaja, confinava a Tramon­tana con il Ragabo, dalla parte di Levante con le terre concesse ad enfiteusi dal Principe… I diritti esercitati dai singoli sopra 1'estensione di salme 96 antica misura, vennero allora strasattate per onze 108 annuali. Il perito considerò questa assegnazione come un'enfiteusi rappresentativa con atto perpetuo di fatto di quegli stessi diritti che si esercitavano dagli stessi singoli so­pra la detta quantità di salme 96 e pertanto, ritenendo sempre che la detta an­nua assegnazione di onze 108 formasse uno stato di fitto non interrotto, la considerò come valutazione inconcussa. Passando poi alla superficie delle terre da periziare, cioè la Lenza di San Basilio, concluse che l'estensione di essa am montava a salme 172, bisacce 1, tumolo 1, e mondelli 3 di legale misura, dalle quali avendo dedotte salme per lave e per torrenti limitrofi ad interni veniva a ridursi l'estensione calcolabile di dette terre in sole salime the legal measure, corresponding to 45 corpses of the ancient. He felt that even though the quality of such lands would be less than that of land Strasatti in 1795 were also more likely to pasture and that quality was more compensated by the law armies with all sorts of animal, and was also enhanced by the proximity of these lands Ragabo the property of the town, near which gave individuals the convenience of stations with their animals and watered regularly in the waters of the socket. An expert on these considerations fixed the value of the right to feed over 45 ancient remains far in the annual sum of onze 30.16.15 and value of pre-emption rights and other wood in the sum of onze annuali par un capitale, in ragione del 5% di onze 1112,3.7.”
La perizia incontrò l'aspra reazione del Barone; intanto la Commissione il 17 aprile 1833 emanava la sua decisione definitiva: essa, modificando la perizia del Musumeci, valutava i diritti dei singoli di Linguaglossa nella misura di onze 710 e ordinava che fosse staccata una estensione adeguata di terre" da designarsi in quale sito che sarà dalla Comune istessa scelto.”
II Decurionato indica come sito prescelto la zona adiacente al Ragabo, compresa tra la Contrada dello Stornello e il Piano dell’Arco; la Decurionale, emessa il 24 settembre 1933, approvata dall'Intendente, was notified to the Baron, who stubbornly opposed to all the decisions previously taken.
After several accidents and lengthy procedures, the High Court of Auditors, by decision of 19 August 1835 would un.altro expert, Don James Galluppi to review the previous report. The incident is yet continued, October 3, 1836 Don James Galluppi presented his report: the value of rights exercised by the city fell from 710 in onze onze 214.20, unless that is a third party. For this price, rather than opens to proceed to a consideration allocation of land, the Prince of Palagonia should have been made for the City the annual fee onze 10.22.
The dissolution of the rights was approved by Royal Decree of 11 December 1841.
On February 26, 1842 shall meet under the chairmanship of Mayor Decurion Notaro Giambattista Toch. It is a broad narrative of all the previous and then "considering that this town has to use some skill all his strength and will undergo any sacrifice to get the reward of the uses for so many centuries exercised on the part of the Ex-called feud Barony, the which are more than a thousand corpses, most of irrigated land, sea and conbinante with a prodigious fertility, acting, among other things, to appoint a commission "to deal with the devesi support this cause," and called to join the Archpriest Dr. Don Gaetano Milana, Dr. Don Francis Elder, Dr. Don Francis Stagnitti Fazio, Dr Don Giuseppe Antonio Pafumi, Dr. Don and Dr. Don Scarlata Concept Previtera give it to me.
We make available to the Commission 117 orders per year, equivalent to 39 ounces. It 's interesting to note the allocation sought by Decurion for that sum, "The Commission shall have the right to elect an attorney, an advocate and a Aggente, by paying them the fee for each quatrimestre of the first 5 ounces, 3 ounces of the latter by two to three ounces. The Commission may allocate one of its member or other person capable of this community to go to the relevant authorities and allocate the salary Tari 5 per day, if you will live in Catania, and Tari 8 per day, whether in Palermo, as well as the necessary costs of access and withdrawal ".
The mayor then called the Province before all'Intendente Paul Don Ferdinando Gravina, Prince of Palagonia. The citation is used to expose the facts and concludes "that grants full and exclusive property to the City the portion of the former estate still open, called Line, just the scale of the remuneration provided in the instructions, and as this portion is not open enough, he checks on the remaining portion misused called Barony and Prince condemn the costs. "(Continued)


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