Saturday, January 1, 2011

Tesco Bread Maker Model Bms1

02 - A History - A photo

CAMERA, went home.
VICTORY AND 'SOME (first part)
Little has been said of the war in Lingfield. Too far from the battlefield, was a valley of peace and quiet where life went on without any major shocks, but the day came when all Lingfield found himself confronted with the war in its rawest reality.
On July 16, 1943 was a fact so severe that it shook the Christian sentiment of all Linguaglossesi, two young sailors of Catania, Angelo Pappalardo of 23 years and St. Ursinus 24 anni, accusati sommariamente di diserzione vennero condannati a morte mediante fucilazione; la sentenza venne eseguita nella mattinata del 16 Luglio nel Piano Giarammidaro. Ecco come Antonino Melita ricorda questo tragico momento: "Li ricordo benissimo. Indos­savano la divisa bianca. Prima che li prendessero, li avevo visti in piazza col loro zainetto sulle spalle. Due marinai fanno impressio­ne a Linguaglossa, paese di montagna, perciò mi rimasero nella me­moria. Credo che stessero cercando di orientarsi: da che parte an­dare? Quel pomeriggio seppi che avevano preso due marinai e li avevano portati al comando, che aveva sede in una palazzina in piazza Roma, di proprietà dell'Avv. Previtera. Capii che dovevano essere loro, e il giorno after they had confirmation. When word spread that they had been sentenced to death, there was a wave of horror. Unfortunately, there was no way to fight that ruling. Only one person could give it a try: it was the parish priest, Monsignor Biagio Palermo. He was able to talk to the military commander, but since his speech was based only on the humanitarian issue, it was natural that an officer is not taking it into account. We saw them the next day, which was July 16 in the afternoon, I and many other young men, marching on foot, escorted and exhausted, Giadamidaro the plan behind the plan Calvary, where is the Church. Followed them, hiding in the shelter of the walls. The side by side the other blindfolded, were shot in the chest by a platoon of soldiers. They did not say a word before he died. " They could not have the strength. Some people heard him say, Mom! Venenro buried in the chapel of the Immaculate, the war ended in Lingfield venenro parents reported their loved ones and, finally, home.
Gi à July 13 twin-engine of Americans had flown over the territory of Lingfield and had launched several incendiary in the countryside around the village. La popolazione al­larmata incominciò a sfollare il paese, si diresse in maggior parte nei casolari di campagna ed anche nelle grotte naturali dell'Etna. Il 19 Luglio alcune bombe vennero lanciate sul paese; a causa di queste bombe morirono quattro militari — Verde Severio, Bianchi ni Egidio, Muni Giuseppe, Canegatti Giuseppe . Il 3 Agosto un mitragliarnento aereo uccide altri tre militari — Fazio Giovanni, Balbo Angelo, Laucia Nicola; altro militare muore il 7 Agosto. Nella mattinata del 9 Linguaglossa subisce il primo vero e proprio bombardamento, muoiono due militari — Bastardi Guerrino e Masini Renato e il Sig. Concetto La Guzza di anni 38, che muore sotto le macerie della propria casa sita alla fine the ascent of the Via Nuova, today the Rue Neuve are obvious signs of the bomb. After that bombing the country is almost completely evacuated, the population had increased considerably in the meantime for the influx of displaced persons from Catania and its neighboring countries. The day after American and British planes still bombard the town, this time the country lost three of his fellow citizens: Mr. Joseph Melita, Pomiere in the district, Mr. Romeo Rosario, mortally wounded in the neighborhood of the Cappuccini, 12, dies August S. Hospital Rocco Pagano Mariano and the child of just 12 years old, who is mortally wounded in the town center, the mother who was with him remains miraculously unscathed; Mariano died on 11 Agosto per le ferite riportate nell'Ospedale del paese. Le vittime di questi bombardamenti ancora non erano suffi­cienti a pagare il contributo di sangue che Linguaglossa doveva so­stenere per potere essere liberata. L'11 Agosto muore un altro mi­litare, Campagna Eduardo. Dopo l'incursione dell'11 Agosto si rese necessaria la chiusura delle Chiese di San Nicola, San Francesco e Chiesa Madre, perche erano state colpite da alcune bombe. (continua)


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