Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What Cheese Can I Use Instead Of Reblochon

Una foto - Una Storia - 22

Linguaglossa (first part)
The town of Lingfield is adorned with wide streets and old buildings and two lush villas. Many districts still have the character of a medieval city, with streets intersecting each other, where you can still breathe the air of a past that is the story of villagers linguaglossesi.
On Via Roma, the main street of the village, the country's largest square in the heart of charming Old Town, the Mother Church, dedicated to Our Lady of Grace, whose factory began In 1613, the severe facade utilizes a balanced two-tone shades resulting from the turning of the lava rock with sand that give it a stern voice and graceful. Logo on a fake pillar of sandstone, an ancient sundial, one of the few existing at Lingfield.
The interior has three naves, a transept raised the central aisle, which divides it from a triumphal arch. The nave roof has a horizontal, wood, squares with the center and crossroads of stylized roses that make it flexible and give you a sense of starry sky. The aisles have roofs cruise corresponds to each cruise an altar.
Five altars are on the left and you're on the right. A marble balustrade separates the altar from the transept and presbytery. Even the transept chapels are enclosed by marble balustrades, are also richly adorned altars side corresponding to the arms of the transept.
left aisle at the entrance is perhaps the best known framework in Lingfield, it is the Miracle of St. Giles in 1566 while he heals the paralytic old woman who will announce later on the protection of the Holy City of Lingfield, is work of the painter C. Tanasi 1895.
On the first altar a painting by Salvatore Minutoli dated 1879, a miracle of St. Vincenzo Ferreri. The second altar is a painting by Salvatore Ferro, 1878, the Ecstasy of St. Alphonsus Liquori. The third altar is a painting by Angel D'Agata 1877, The Martyrdom of St. Cyrus. The fourth part of another altar D'Agata 1877, St. Cajetan of Tiene and the Holy Family. The fifth altar is a statue of St. Joseph.
In the right aisle on bronze baptismal font by the sculptor S. Embed there is a painting by an unknown author, perhaps the eighteenth century which is the baptism of Jesus
On the first altar there is a statue of St. Anthony Abbot, works in papier mache, author unknown, is the beginning of ' nineteenth century. La statua proviene dalla chiesa cinquecentesca di Sant’Antonio Abate, ormai da molti lustri chiusa al culto. Sul secondo altare quadro di Domenico Provenzani, San Biagio che guarisce un bimbo. Sul terzo altare altra opera del Provenzani, Resurrezione di Lazzaro. Sempre del Provenzali, sul quarto altare, San Filippo Neri e Sant’Ignazio di Loyola. Sul quinto altare opera del D’Agata, l’Arcangelo Michele. Sul sesto altare ancora un quadro del D’Agata del 1877, San Pietro e Paolo.
Nel transetto si trovano l’altare dell’Incoronazione della Vergine e l’altro della Madonna delle Grazie. Nel primo una scultura in legno, nel secondo una pittura. La scultura, voluta dall’Arciprete Raciti, is the work of Joseph Rungaldier of Ortisei and 1966. The painting can be attributed to Anthony Bonaccorsi, who is the author of the painting of the Pieta was destroyed during the bombing of August 10, 1943, now that this picture was in the opposite wall is left only the face of tearful Sorrows, a work of sublime grace.
Under the aisles, there are two chapels, one to the left of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the right of the Crucified One, now the Infant of Prague. Also in the transept, above, are two frescoes representing the "pagan sacrifice and the Christian prayer" and "Moses and the Serpent", both assigned to Olivio Sozzi. Sumptuous high altar stands the great organ of 1903, the work of high genius made by the Company Locatelli of Bergamo.
The work that gives more prestige to the church is located just behind the main altar, under the great organ. And 'the magnificent wooden choir of 1728, executed by master carvers Catania G. Turrisi and G. Cirolli. So Maganuco: Choir carved friezes, bas-reliefs and sculptures in the round, used throughout the apse is ... great work that should be noted next to the Benedictine choir of the cathedral of Catania and Piazza Armerina. "Another work of considerable bill is the large wooden crucifix of the seventeenth century. In sacristy other great works, the Madonna delle Grazie Salvatore Magneni of 1758 and still the Child of Prague, which was venerated in the Church of Jesus and Mary (1633). (First part)


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