Thursday, December 30, 2010

Golden Sun Vba Debug Room

30 - A History - A photo

The Bonanno but could not, for tax reasons, losing his power over his subjects, with a clever move and decided to build a large church, to thank the kindness of the citizens of Lingfield in 1613 began construction of the Mother Church. All its economic resources, especially coming from the proceeds which he received exorbitant fees, are engaged in the construction of the church. The church of Sant'Egidio still serves as the mother church of the village, this for a few more years, until the inauguration of the Mother Church took place in 1636, from this year onwards for over 150 years the church did not suffer any improvements. Another reason why the frescoes not be dated later than 1640 and the disastrous economic situation that the country faces as a result of a reduction to the Royal Property in 1634. And yet the great famine of 1673 that decimated the country. But why are the frescoes Inalbi, perhaps because of some plague, it was believed that they were carriers of infection, or perhaps a change in architectural taste, most likely this is the reason.
            Nel 1885 Mons. Giovanni Previtera, (1844-1904) Vescovo di Patti, quando era Arciprete del paese fece spostare il simulacro del santo dall’altare laterale destro all’altare maggiore e fece erigere a sue spese una ricca Cappella marmorea, con tarsie molto belle.
All’interno della chiesa si trovano dei quadri di squisita fattura, tutti dell’ottocento; "sant’Alfonso dei Liguori" probabilmente di Pasquale Sciacca; San Vincenzo Ferrieri" e "Martirio di sant’Erasmo" del 1848, both of Emanuele Grasso, the "Lady wasteland between San Pedro and San Pasquale" and the "Martyrdom of Saint Apollonia" Domenico Provenzani perhaps, and yet the "Souls of Purgatory" in 1878 by Giuseppe Minutoli, the statues of Our Lady of Lourdes and St Joseph.
The church also houses the Fercolo on which is placed where the saint is carried in procession. Opera Antonino Puglisi from Lingfield, among other things fercolo author of the Dead Christ in the church of Calvary. It is a fine work of carving all covered in gold in 1864. "The exquisite decoration is common in every detail with all the sagacity of the goldsmith, for example, the elegant rudentate columns, decorated with a fine basis for relief and surmounted by capitals, accented nell'aggetto, the friezes and entablature of the base, which gives a lively note on stamps and corbels, the four corners, and inside the reliquary carved boxes in red background with gold. "
The fercolo the saint in 1923, thanks to the donation of the devotee of Ferrara Egidio Mariano, was placed on a cart to be able to bring in a procession with more comfort.
The saint as in most of the performances and as an abbot with machine guns and bacolo, unlike the saint Nordic representations have next to where the doe nurse. The statue is very simple but evokes the viewer great pathos. The miter and bacolo in silver, bacolo miraculous eruption of 1923, were given away by the family of Regan after the eruption of 1865. Other bacolo silver was a gift from Philip Regan after the eruption of 1809. Great devotees Regan, after the miracle of 1923, Rosario Regan had to redo the entire floor of the church of the saint, as a vote except for having its own district in Caristi hazel, in Cerro, the floor has been removed in recent renovations.
After nearly 10 years of restoration work the church has reached "new" finally returned to the veneration of the patron saint. (Part Three)


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