Sunday, December 26, 2010

How Much Does Jon Cryer Earn Per Episode

25 - A History - 24

artistic and monumental heritage
Linguaglossa (third party)

Continuing on Liberty Street to reach the Piazza Sant'Antonio, on this square are two churches, the Church of the Carmine and Church Saints Anthony and Vito . The Chiesa del Carmine was annexed the first monastery built in Lingfield. The Carmelite monastery was abandoned by the only in the last century, following the suppression of religious goods, now houses the Municipal Asylum. The interior of the church with a nave and barrel vault has been renovated recently. The walls are adorned with floral, 1919, with altars and niches.
It preserves several statues, left St. Albert, Saint Agnes, Virgin and Child, in right Santa Teresa, S ant'Anna and daughter Maria, Sacred the Heart, and St. Joseph ; altar is the Madonna of Caramel , papier-mâché work of the nineteenth century.
On our open square is the great Church of St. Anthony and Vito, the most interesting work is the Baroque doorway and window above, all in stone lava carved in 1728 by master Trapani Diego Flavetta and Giambattista Marletta. The church was built in the early decades of the seventeenth century near the ancient church, which until 1956 remained the bell tower with the dome to a pagoda. The interior of a very wide nave is barrel vaulted. The first altar on the left is the 'Adoration of the Shepherds Salvatore Ferro, 1877, with characteristic types of neoclassic style.
The first altar on the right is the picture of the Saints Cosmas and Damian, painted by Giuseppe Minutoli in 1877, the scheme designed di tipo neoclassico “imprime nei volti delle donne una dignità e una dolcezza poco comuni nei pittori siciliani dell’ottocento”. Sul secondo altare a destra si trova un’opera di Salvatore Ferro, l’ Incoronazione della Vergine  del 1885, il quadro venne pagato 450 lire e un San Leonardo di autore ignoto del seicento. Questo quadro proviene dalla omonima chiesetta, suffraganea della Chiesa dei Santi Antonio e Vito, questa sorgeva sulla riva sinistra del torrente che ne porta il nome, e di cui oggi restano sparute tracce, e di notevole qualità artistica.
Altri altari e nicchie custodiscono statue di: Santa Lucia, San Mauro, Sant’Antonio e San Vito. In recent restorations have come to light of the frescoes on the walls of the apse. In the sacristy are preserved two other paintings of modest bill an San Carlo and a Santa Barbara. Of particular interest is the wrought-iron railings with flower patterns made by Master acese Sebastiano Valenti in 1772. Today closes the baptismal font, a few years ago divided the nave from the main altar. The wooden block resting on a red marble font is decorated with foliage front shows the baptism of Jesus, is the work dell'acese Francesco Patanè. On the walls, the Via Crucis, a work of great artistic merit of the sculptor Salvatore Embed. Leaving
the square and along the Via Roma is seen in the distance on a large staircase simply Calvary Church, built in the late eighteenth century was the church outside the "walls".
The church was dedicated in the early eighteenth century also San Pasquale Baylon. The church with a nave and a Latin cross, has only one altar. Inside are two large sculptures, the 'Sorrowful and Dead Christ, 1875. Both sculptures are made of orange and are the work of the sculptor Messina Lio Gangeri. They are works of craftsmanship. The coffin of Christ and of Our fercolo are half of the nineteenth works linguaglossese Antonino Puglisi. E 'in the church work to A. Attinà 1863, The Mystery of Redemption . (Part Three)


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