[MU] Toy Story [DVDRip]
Toy Story Episode
Country United States of America
Year 1995 Duration 77 min
Colour Colour Sound Audio
Report 1, 77:1
Genre Animation, Comedy Directed by John Lasseter
John Lasseter, Peter Docter, Andrew Stanton, Joe Ranft Screenplay
Joss Whedon, Andrew Stanton, Joel Cohen & Alec Sokolow
Music by Randy Newman
Toy Story - The world of Toy was the first animated feature film developed entirely in computer graphics, produced by Pixar and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures.Venne projected world premiere Nov. 19, 1995 in Los Angeles. He came out in theaters in the United States of America in November 1995 but was released in Italy March 22, 1996. It has grossed $ 356,800,000 worldwide, and came to 65 º on the list of films that have sold more. The film has been remastered in 3D and is released in the U.S. and Canada on October 2 2009.Il film gave rise to a sequel, Toy Story 2 - Woody and Buzz to the rescue, in 1999, for a spin-off, Buzz Light year Star Command: Here we go! in 2000, and a television series, Buzz Light year of Star Command, also in 2000. These last two characters Buzz Light year and saw how small green little men of the first film. On 29 May 2009 was released in theaters the first teaser trailer for the second sequel, Toy Story 3, together with the new Pixar film Up.
In 2005 he was selected for preservation in the National Film Registry of the Library of Congress of the United States.
The film begins with a meeting of toys, during which creates chaos because it is announced that day that Woody is Andy's birthday, the child masters all loro.Tutti toys are afraid of being replaced except Woody, the favorite. To calm the others, Woody decides to send a small group of soldiers with a portable radio that can communicate with fellow left of sopra.Avendo heard che i bambini stanno arrivando al piano di sopra dove si trova la camera di Andy, tutti i giocattoli si affrettano a tornare al proprio posto.Quando Andy arriva, Woody è spostato dal suo posto, il centro del letto, e messo sul pavimento, per far spazio al nuovo, famoso Buzz Lightyear.Il conflitto tra i due si sviluppa nella gelosia di Woody nei confronti di Buzz, al punto tale che Woody farà cadere Buzz fuori dalla finestra (in realtà non lo farà neanche apposta, voleva solo farlo cadere dietro la scrivania). I giocattoli di Andy lo scoprono e Woody è costretto a trovare Buzz.Woody riesce a ritrovare Buzz; tentano insieme di tornare da Andy, e attraverso una serie di disavventure raggiungono il loro padroncino al Pizza Planet, una sala giochi. There are, however, recovered by Sid Phillips, a child who loves to torture toys for fun. Arriving in the new house, Buzz (who believed himself to be a real Space Ranger) realizes he is just a toy and falls quickly in depressione.Woody prepares a plan to save Buzz from Sid and succeeds, thanks to all the other toys in Sid , to flee dimora.Tuttavia Woody and Buzz do not have time to get on the truck for the move (because Andy, his mother and sister were about to leave for a new home) and are forced to use every means to return padroncino.Alla from your end, thanks to the rocket that Sid was attacked in the back of Buzz, the two can finally return from the little Andy.
[MU] Toy Story [DVDRip]
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[MU] Toy Story 2 [DVDRip]
Original title Toy Story 2
Country United States
Year 1999 Duration 92 min
Colour Colour Sound Audio
Ratio 1.78: 1
Genre Animation, Adventure, Comedy
Directed by John Lasseter, Lee Unkrich, Ash Brannon
Written by Ash Brannon, Peter Docter, John Lasseter, Andrew Stanton Producer
Karen Robert Jackson, Helene Plotkin Photography
Sharon Calahan
Assembly Edie Bleiman, David Ian Salter, Lee Unkrich Music by Randy Newman
Toy Story 2 - Woody and Buzz to the Rescue is an American animated feature of 1999, directed by John Lasseter, Lee Unkrich and Ash Brannon, produced by Pixar and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. The film was subsequently remastered and released in 3D in theaters February 10, 2010 (as Toy Story.) Is the sequel to Toy Story - The World of Toys (1995) and repeats the same characters of the first film, adding new .
PLOT: The film begins when
Buzz Light year can be found on the planet Zurg. The hero, after passing a series of challenges, including one reminiscent of Indiana Jones, it reaches the galactic tyrant, coming tuttavia disintegrato. Rex giocava al gioco dedicato a Buzz e alle sue avventure, e non vede l'ora di poter sconfiggere Zurg e finire il livello.A casa di Andy, Woody e Buzz sono diventati amici. Un giorno, Woody cercava il suo cappello aiutato dai suoi amici, perché voleva andare al campo campeggio cowboy, finché Slinky lo trova ma riferisce anche che sta arrivando Buster, il vivace cagnolino di Andy.Andy, giocando nell'attesa che la madre si prepari, rompe accidentalmente il braccio destro di Woody, che dopo quel fatto vive un incubo: Woody viene buttato da Andy sulle carte di picche finendo in un cassonetto, poi arrivano delle mani mostruose che lo afferrano e lo trascinano mentre Andy chiude il secchio. Woody si sveglia ed all'improvviso incontra sullo scaffale Wheezy, un pinguino fischiabile rotto anni fa, che dice a Woody che la mamma del ragazzo decide di vendere a un mercatino Wheezy, perciò Woody quest'ultimo tenta di riportarlo a casa dopo aver "cavalcato" il cane di Andy. Woody cade dal cane Buster durante il ritorno a casa, quando Al McWhiggin, un avido venditore di giocattoli, nota il cow boy giocattolo e dopo qualche tentativo, riesce a rubarlo.Woody arriva nella casa di Al dove conosce la cowgirl Jessie, il cavallo Bullseye e il vecchio cercatore d'oro Stinky Pete. Woody scopre di essere stato il protagonista di una serie animata di successo molti anni prima, Gli amici del west, troncato all'improvviso dall'arrivo del primo uomo sulla Luna, che innescò la vendita di giocattoli spaziali. Woody poi prova alcuni prodotti su loro: uno yo-yo, un tiro a bersaglio nel quale si possono lanciare palline contro i denti di Woody, uno spara bolle di sapone, un "serpente nello stivale" ed un giradischi. Ma lui ed i suoi vecchi amici scoprono di essere diventati oggetti da collezione; il perfido Al infatti vuole vendere lui e gli altri protagonisti della serie a un famoso museo di giocattoli di Tokyo.Ma Buzz, insieme a Rex, Slinky, Hamm e Mr. Potato, parte alla ricerca di Woody. I giocattoli si dirigono al negozio di Al, dove Buzz si ritrova contro un suo nuovo modello, che, dopo uno scontro, lo imprigiona nuovamente nella scatola. Il falso Buzz si unisce poi al gruppo dei giocattoli di Andy per raggiungere Woody che intanto ha deciso di partire per il Giappone.Il Buzz from the box and runs true to exit the store at, it drops the boxes to allow the door to open. From one of those boxes, however, goes chasing Zurg Buzz to the elevator. Buzz resumes its identity as a group leader, in search of the group that believes that the false Buzz is true, until proof to convince Woody to return to home. The Cowboys, however, refuses, deciding to stay with his friends from the west. But when Woody sees an old song you have a friend in me, and changed his mind after calling the group of Jessie and Bullseye Buzz convinces him to come with toys they head to the elevator where they find that Zurg hires a tough fight against the false Buzz.Poco later, Jessie and Bullseye, Woody convinces to come con lui, ma il cercatore d'oro ferma il gruppo per un breve tempo, venendo alla fine, consegnato ad una piccola bambina.Dopo un'ultima rocambolesca avventura, Woody, Jessie e Bullseye vengono liberati e fanno ritorno alla casa di Andy, dove il film si conclude con Wheezy che canta la famosa canzone Hai un amico in me.
[MU]Toy Story 2[DVDRip]
[MU]Toy Story 3[BDRip]
Titolo originale Toy Story 3
Paese USA
Anno 2010
Durata 113 min. ca
Colore Colore
Audio Sonoro
Rapporto 1,85:1
Genere animation, comedy
Directed by John Lasseter Lee Unkrich
Screenplay Michael Arndt
Studio Pixar Animation Studios
Music by Randy Newman, Riccardo Cocciante, Gipsy Kings
Toy Story 3 - The Great Escape is an animated film directed by Lee Unkrich and the third and final film in the series after Toy Story Toy Story - The World of Toys (1995) and Toy Story 2 - Woody and Buzz to the Rescue (1999). The film, produced by Pixar Animation Studios, was released in cinemas U.S. June 18, 2010 [1] and made his debut in the Italian July 7 2010.Con Toy Story 3 Pixar recapture the record that he had lost Finding Nemo in 2004 with the advent of Shrek 2, namely that of the animated film with the largest collection, at the end of August, the film exceeds a billion dollars in worldwide box office, the fifth film in history to do it first and those between entertainment. Finally in the last weeks of projection wins the title of most profitable film of 2010, surpassing even Alice in Wonderland.
The film begins with a setting that sees Western Sheriff Woody, Buzz and Jessie to go after the one-eyed Burt (Mr. Potato), the one-eyed Betty (Mrs. Potato) and the evil Dr. Ham (Hamm ). The characters between them repeat the same phrases that Andy uses in the introduction of the first films such as "I took my dog \u200b\u200bwith fierce galactic shield." Just in the final questa fantastica avventura si scopre che tutto ciò nasceva dall'immaginazione di Andy e questa scoperta apre una serie di filmati, ripresi da una telecamera amatoriale, in cui si vede Andy bambino giocare con tutti i suoi giocattoli. Come sottofondo viene nuovamente usata la canzone "Hai un amico in me" di Randy Newman (nella versione italiana canta Riccardo Cocciante).Alla fine dei filmati Andy, ormai diciassettenne, si sta preparando per partire per il college. Intenzionato a non gettare via i suoi vecchi giocattoli, Andy apre il suo vecchio baule e, dopo aver messo dentro a un sacco tutti i giocattoli rimanenti, si ritrova davanti Woody e Buzz. Il ragazzo mette Woody nella scatola degli oggetti da portare al college, mentre Buzz finisce nello stesso sacco in cui gli altri giocattoli nel frattempo si stanno agitando. Poco prima di mettere il sacco in soffitta, la sorellina Molly chiede aiuto ad Andy per trasportare alcune sue cose e lui appoggia il sacco con tutti i giocattoli a terra; la mamma di Andy prende il sacchetto, credendo che fosse spazzatura, e lo mette sul marciapiede. Woody, che ha visto tutta la scena, chiama Buster, il cane di Andy, che però è ormai anziano e a stento riesce a reggersi in piedi. Il cowboy raggiunge i sacchi della spazzatura, temendo che i suoi amici vengano messi nel camion passante, ma scopre che i compagni si sono salvati e hanno raggiunto la macchina della signora Davis, madre di Andy. Lì scopre che i suoi amici, delusi dal comportamento di Andy, vogliono raggiungere Asylum Sunnyside "Where is it going Mrs. Davis. The first Jessie tries to reason with Woody, but this explains to his friends that there was a mistake, that Andy was going to put them in the attic. But Andy's mother sets in motion the machinery, and toys are inevitably going to kindergarten. When you arrive, they discover that the place is a paradise, and the head of a lots, a pink teddy bear bouquet of strawberry, explains that all toys from broken hearts are welcome at Sunnyside and the show, convinced of their stay, their classroom. Woody, however, is willing to say goodbye to all his friends more than once trying to reason with her, but also seeing Buzz convinced not to return to Andy leaves il Sunnyside. Dopo una rocambolesca e fortunosa fuga, Woody viene trovato e prelevato da una bimba di nome Bonnie, figlia della proprietaria dell'asilo. Nel frattempo Buzz, Jessie, Bullseye, Slinky, Rex, Hamm, i coniugi Potato e gli alieni di Pizza Planet scoprono che la classe a loro assegnata è quella destinata ai bimbi più piccoli e, restando brutalizzati, decidono di parlare con Lotso.Il portavoce è Buzz ma al primo colloquio viene imprigionato e impostato nella modalità demo. Lo space ranger diventa quindi nemico dei suoi amici e scordandosi di tutti i bei momenti passati assieme contribuisce a farli imprigionare. Nel frattempo Woody conosce i giocattoli di Bonnie che gli rivelano la vera identità di Lotso e, deciso ad aiutare i suoi amici, il cowboy torna all'asilo. Grazie all'aiuto di Telefono chiacchierone, riesce a spiegare ai suoi compagni il piano di fuga da effettuare durante la notte. Accidentalmente resetteranno Buzz nella sua modalità spagnola, anche se ciò non gli comporterà nessun tipo di guai se non a Jessie, la quale verrà corteggiata più volte. I giocattoli useranno uno scarico per spazzatura per uscire dall'asilo ma Lotso e i suoi scagnozzi riescono a trovarli. Woody e Ken però riescono a convincere Bimbo (la spalla destra dell'orso), il quale getterà con rabbia Lotso nel bidone dell'immondizia.Lotso però riesce ad afferrare una gamba di Woody trascinandolo nella spazzatura poco prima che il camion della spazzatura arrivi, forzando così gli amici Cowboy to throw to save it. In the chaos inside the truck saves Buzz Jessie taking on his head a TV, but thanks to the big hit it will return to its regular version does not remember his other modes. The truck carries the toys in the dump where they are pushed into a shredder waste section. Woody and Buzz help lots, which was stuck in the trash, managed to save, but the toys are pushed into the incinerator. Lots now is to have the opportunity to save, but instead, he decided to leave them to their fate. For the toys now do is to accept their imminent end, but luckily saved by a giant claw three puppets manipulated by aliens. Lots will have a brutta fine venendo trovato da un netturbino, il quale decide di legare il peluche davanti al proprio camion che usa per lavoro.Woody e i suoi amici ritornano a casa con un camion della spazzatura e si preparano ad essere messi in soffitta, ma il cowboy decide all'ultimo momento che lui e i suoi amici devono continuare, insieme, il loro compito da giocattoli da qualche altra parte, quindi lascia un post-it a Andy suggerendogli di donare i suoi giocattoli ad un indirizzo, che è dove abita Bonnie. Il film si conclude con un addio reciproco fra Andy e i suoi giocattoli che descrive come loro lo hanno fatto divertire. Insieme a Bonnie, infine, Andy giocherà con i suoi amici un'ultima volta prima di partire per il college. La scena finale vede Woody guardare verso the now increasingly remote machine Andy, managing to wrest from his lips moved a "Goodbye friend." The film does not end in the next scene because the toys remained in Sunnyside send a letter, written by Ken and Bonnie tucked in a backpack, a Woody and his friends to let them know how the asylum, run by him and Barbie, has become a paradise for everyone because the members who are part of helping each other to withstand children's play and have fun at night when no one sees them.
[MU] Toy Story 3 [DVDRip]
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[MU] Tarzan [DVDRip]
Episode Tarzan
Country United States
Year 1999 Duration 88 min
Color color
Audio sound
Genre Animation Director Chris Buck, Kevin Lima
Written by Tab Murphy Manufacturer
Chris Buck
Studio Walt Disney Feature Animation
Distribution (Italy) Buena Vista Motion Pictures Group
Art director Daniel St. Pierre
animators Glen Keane, Ken Duncan, Russ Edmonds, John Ripa, Michael Surrey, Randy Haycock, David Burgess, Bruce W. Smith, Sergio Pablos, Dominique Monfrey, Jay Jackson, T. Daniel Hofstedt, Chris Wahl
Music by Phil Collins and Mark Mancina Tarzan
is the 37th classic Disney product dalla Walt Disney Pictures, uscito nelle sale americane il 18 giugno 1999 mentre in quelle italiane il 3 dicembre dello stesso anno. La storia è tratta dalla serie di racconti Tarzan delle Scimmie, scritta da Edgar Rice Burroughs; è il primo film d'animazione su Tarzan che sia mai stato realizzato ed è considerato dalla critica tra i più riusciti prodotti dell'azienda Disney nel suo decennio d'oro (1989-1999).
Il film inizia con un naufragio. Una famiglia sopravvive e approda in un'indeterminata costa dell'Africa. Per difendersi dagli animali della giungla costruiscono una casa in cima ad un albero. Nel frattempo lo spettatore apprende che una coppia di gorilla, di nome Kerchak e Kala, perde il loro cucciolo a causa the ferocious leopard Sabor.Durante a shift of the pack Kala hears the cry of a little child and follows the sound to reach the tree house. Entering discovers that adults are dead and a baby of a man lying on the ground. Suddenly the leopard reappears, still in search of prey. With a daring and successful escape Kala takes the baby and the two manage to save themselves and reach the group of gorillas. The head of the companion animal community and also did not like the arrival of the puppy of a man, but to mitigate the pain of his partner for the death of her son accept the new arrival. The baby is called Tarzan.Il time passes and Tarzan teenager trying to live with the other gorillas of his age, he spent with them days having fun and learning to defend themselves. His friends are Terk, an exuberant female gorilla, and Tantor, a baby elephant and invandente hypochondriac. One day, when Tarzan is an adult, the leopard Sabor attacks the herd of gorillas and Tarzan has a terrible battle with the cat, the two fall into a hole and only come out triumphant with the carcass of Tarzan Sabor, probably pierced by the spear of Tarzan . Suddenly, the jungle, he hears the sound of a shot, and while Kerchak plan to avoid the dangers of hiding and he and his like, the ape-man remains to understand the origin of quell'inedito noise. So he runs into beings that walk on two legs and are not covered with hair. This is the Professor Porter, the young daughter and their guide Clayton. The girl, named Jane, is now a bit 'behind its peers and being chased by a pack of baboons and saved by the intervention of Tarzan, the ape-man has never met anyone and does not speak the language of his fellow Jane is bewildered by his presence, so the gestures become the first form of approach between the two beings can umani.Nel meantime, Terk, Tantor and a group of young gorilla English explorers arrived in the camp of havoc they are doing. While having fun devastate everything that they see Tarzan Jane is taken back to his tent (the similarity of race between the male and the female is a shock to the gorilla who until then had not seen beings like Tarzan) and a furious Kerchac in search of Tarzan and other young people who have disobeyed his orders. The man-ape and gorillas quickly abandon the site just before the arrival of Professor Porter and Clayton.Tornati in the jungle, Tarzan Kerchak warned not to approach foreign endangering the safety of the entire herd. Tarzan argues instead that there is no apparent danger from those things, but the pack leader follows his instinct. It is the mother-gorilla tries to explain to the young and inexperienced son, the natural suspicion of the animals, but Tarzan is also mocks her because she never had revealed the existence of man. Kala then takes the young man until the tree house where she has saved and where his natural parents are dead. Tarzan begins to understand that its origins are different, but also that the bond between parent and child does not depend on the kind of membership.
Kerchac Despite the admonition of the young is more and more attracted by his peers and curious. He spent time in camp with Jane, who helps him and explains the existence of the human world as if it were an older sister. Clayton instead wants to use the opportunity of the presence of Tarzan to be identify the locations where they are hidden in the jungle the gorillas. Tarzan can not reveal it because of the admonitions of Kerchak and an innate distrust of what its like. The young woman is then slowly how to teach ape-man's own language and some customs man civile.Il time passes and Tarzan learns a lot. Now try to imitate the man and his upright walking, was born in him an affection for the young woman picking flowers for donarglieli, but the camp is in the process of demobilization of the tents and everything is taken away. Asks him for an explanation of this sudden change and is informed that the consignment is to return home to England, because it succeeds in the purpose for which they originally had come early, that is to study the gorillas. Clayton slyly understanding the feelings of the young man takes advantage of the occasion, the start would be delayed if he lead them by his animal friends. The naive man-ape door così con se Jane e gli uomini nella giungla consentendo a Clayton di scoprire il luogo esatto in cui vivono i gorilla.
Tarzan, pensando che il suo posto sia tra gli esseri umani a cui razionalmente appartiene e che potrà vedere altri suoi simili, grandiose città e le meraviglie della tecnica che Jane gli ha proiettato su tela, si veste come un essere umano e raggiunge la grande nave ancorata nella baia. La sua intenzione è di stare ancora accanto a Jane. Quando però sale a bordo della nave è catturato e imprigionato dall'equipaggio. Scopre solo in quel momento che il losco Clayton l'ha truffato assieme agli altri componenti della spedizione scientifica. Le vere intenzioni di Clayton e di una parte dell'equipaggio è quella di catturare alcuni esemplari di gorilla.Dopo averli tutti rinchiusi nella stiva della nave Clayton va a caccia dei gorilla. Fortunatamente Tantor e Terk, giunti sulla spiaggia per dare l'addio al loro amico d'infanzia, accortisi del pericolo corrono a liberare Tarzan e i suoi compagni di sventura. L'uomo-scimmia, libero e pienamente cosciente della situazione, corre a salvare la sua famiglia e i suoi simili. Nella lotta che segue i marinai assoldati Clayton sono sconfitti e i gorilla liberati. Nella mischia Kerchak viene però ferito a morte da Clayton. Questo fa infuriare l'Uomo scimmia e scatena un ultimo duello nel quale sarà Clayton a morire.
Al capezzale del padre morente Tarzan riceve da Kerchak un monito
« proteggili... figlio mio »
Tarzan understood. He understood his feelings, his true nature, the gorillas are his peers, his race. The kinship with the animals of the jungle is a link between the heart and mind, an instinctive bond and rational, even if it means giving up the love for a woman. Tarzan leads the pack of gorillas in giungla.È the time of separation from Jane. You must return to his world civilization. A quick goodbye before the boat leads to the ship departing. And it is here that Jane understands her feelings. Encouraged dall'avveduto father abandoned the boat and running toward the beach, racing towards the future, towards the being who she loves and where she is loved.
So in the end Jane and her father living in harmony with Tarzan and the gorillas.
[MU] Tarzan [DVDRip]
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[MU] Tarzan & Jane [DVDRip]
Tarzan & Jane is an animated film by Walt Disney Pictures in 2002, a 75-minute film made up of the last three episodes of the TV series The Legend of Tarzan . The film was released, both the U.S. and around the world directly to home video.
Tarzan and Jane are celebrating their first year together, surrounded by all their friends. During the festivities will remember spent all their adventures in the jungle. A film banner of joy and emotion, with all the favorite characters of the classic and a fantastic soundtrack with a new version of Phil Collins song "Two worlds, one family".
[MU] Tarzan & Jane [DVDRip]
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[MU] Tarzan 2 [DVDRip]
Tarzan Episode 2
Country United States of America
Year 2005 Duration 68 min
Color color
Audio sound
Genre Animation Director Brian Smith
Tarzan 2 is a the 2005 animated film by Walt Disney.
Tarzan is back, but is small in this emerging Midquel Tarzan and the difficulties he experienced as a child to be accepted by those who were profoundly different from him. His need to find an equilibrium initially led him to move away from family. Understand that the differences are important and need to know how to exploit. Among the values \u200b\u200bthat will be able to learn for the family and a group of friends who support you and love you are among the main ones.
[MU] Tarzan 2 [DVDRip]
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[MU] The Monkey Series Film + [DVD9] [39/39]
Episode Goku no Daibōken
Author Osamu Tezuka
Directed Gisaburō Sugii
Screenplay Shiro Fujimoto Shigeru Yamamoto
Character design studio Mushi Production Music
* One Seichiro * The Crocodiles
Italian acronym
Fuji TV Network TV
1st January 7, 1967 - September 30, 1967
Episode 39 (Full)
Approximate 30 '
Italian Network RTI
1st en TV.
1980 Genre: animation
Monkey (悟 空 の 大 冒険, Goku no Daibōken?), Literally "Great Adventures Goku "is a Japanese anime of 39 episodes, written and produced by Osamu Tezuka in 1967 with his independent production company, the Mushi Production, distributed in Italy in the eighties. The plot takes in key comedy and parody the famous Chinese novel Journey to the West (Saiyuki), an issue already addressed by the author in 1952 with the manga Boku no Son Goku (ぼく の 孫悟空, "My Son Goku"?), and then animated by Toei Doga in a movie called Saiyuki, in Italy The thirteen renamed labors of Ercole (1960).
In Japan, where the novel is studied in schools, children often complain that the character of Son Goku (Goko) initially strong and arrogant, as he later became a willing student, and Tezuka first tried to overcome the problem, giving the character traits of a modern boy, rude and disrespectful. Although the cartoon was intended for an audience of children, the language was considered too vulgar associations of parents and teachers, and was subsequently withdrawn after a few years from TV stations [1], this has probably limited the export, already difficult due to the fact that the novel at the time was virtually unknown to the general public in the West.
In the East there is a mysterious robber generous Monkey!
hilarious series inspired the mythical journey to the West, which sees the protagonist as a monkey with a great desire to face life. As in other series, even in this there are important values, such as mutual aid that brings out the episode in which the monkey on a journey together with a wise monk who frees him and gives him lessons of life .
joyful moments in the series alternate with moments of drama and comedy in a unique way, brought out, at times, surreal situations so as to make you identify with a culture western epic.
LINK: The Monkey
The DVD 01 DVD 02 Monkey
The Monkey DVD 03
The Monkey DVD 04
The Monkey DVD 05
The Monkey DVD 06
The Monkey DVD 07
The Monkey: The Movie
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