[MU] Alice in Wonderland [DVD9]

Alice in Wonderland
Original title: Alice in Wonderland
Country: U.S.
Year: 1951
Genre: Animation
Length: 75 'Regia
: Clyde Geronimi, Wilfred Jackson
Official site:
Distribution: Buena Vista
It 's a hot summer afternoon, and little Alice, lying in the shade of a tree, listening distractedly its history lesson, when he suddenly sees a white rabbit go all dressed up, running in a hurry for an appointment. Alice follows him and falls curious in a deep chasm that leads to the discovery of the Wonderland. Thus began his adventure into a new dimension, a dream, in real cuisembrano even the most bizzarre.Alice meets a strange cast of characters and absurd: White Rabbit, Caterpillar, Mad Hatter, Cheshire Cat, Queen of hearts and go through with the hectic pace different situations, where the Disney magic, with a unique freshness, gave outlines of realist vivacità.Un large, valuable classic, MolTech reading, then a welcome surprise for everyone.
Alice in Wonderland
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[MU] Astrorobot [DVD9][38/38]

Titolo originale Blocker Gundan IV Machine Blaster
* Akira Hatta
* Toshihiko Sato
* Masami Anno
* Yuu Sakata
Regia episodi Koushi Anou
* Yu Yamamoto
* Susumu Takahisa
* Akira Hatta Yoshitake Suzuki
Character design Shiyuu Takahashi
Mecha design Kunio Okawara
* Toshi Ketsuda
* Takashi Nakamura animazioni chiave
Direzione artistica Torao Arai
Studio Nippon Animation
Musiche Hiroshi Tsutsui
Rete Fuji Television
1st TV July 5, 1976 - March 28, 1977
Italian Network TV Raidue
1st en. Episodes in September 1980
it. 38 (complete) Duration
ep. com. 24 '
Genre: Science Fiction
series consists of two boxes for a total of 8 DVD
The story begins when an ancient people of Moguru, who lives in the ocean bed, wakes up to reclaim the land. Moguru I have an alien origin, because they come from the planet 5D, once located between Mars and Jupiter, that millions of years ago was abandoned before its destruction. The inhabitants took refuge in the depths of underwater land, thus creating the people of Atlantis. At the head of this people are the Regina degli Atlantidi, Hellqueen la 5° regina dei Moguru, che con i suoi soldati e i suoi orrendi mostri, inizia a sferrare i primi attacchi al genere umano. Il professor Uri, uno scienziato a Capo dell'Organizzazione per la Difesa Mondiale, ha progettato una base di difesa chiamata base Astro, dove sono situate delle sofisticate armi di difesa, ma il fiore all'occhiello di questa tecnologia è dato dalla costruzione di 4 giganteschi robot componibili, realizzati dal dottor Hojo, tutti dotati di armi super tecnologiche. Per pilotare questi robot, loro malgrado sono stati arruolati 4 ragazzi con caratteristiche particolari. Il primo è Yanosh Asuka, un ragazzo dal temperamento irrequieto e arrogante, in quanto cresciuto in un riformatorio. A Yanosh viene affidato il compito di pilotare il robot Tempesta Spaziale e lui lo fa in modo egregio, anche se molto spesso disobbedisce agli ordini del professor Uri. Nonostante tutto Yanosh si dimostra generoso e altruista soprattutto nei confronti dei suoi compagni di squadra. Il pilota del Terremoto Stellare è invece Gensuka Yshida, che contrariamente a Yanosh è molto razionale e strategico, il vero braccio destro del professor Uri, pertanto molto spesso da luogo ad accesi contrasti con il suo compagno di squadra. Il pilota dello Sfondamento Galattico è Ylly, un ragazzo dagli occhi azzurri orfano di padre. Infine per pilotare il Turbine Solare, viene arruolato il piccolo Ynta, un ragazzino di circa 10 anni, amico di Yanosh dai tempi del riformatorio. Tutti i ragazzi have the characteristic of the Y organ, which allows them to drive the Astrorobot. To give a hand to the 4 guys there is also Uka, the daughter of Dr. Hojo, the greatest scholar of the people Moguru, but was killed by gunmen. Uka in history will love Yanosh. The mascot of the group is represented by a small Picot sentient robot (similar to Astroboy), which is able to read minds and to identify people with the power Y.
Aboard 4 Astrobot boys Moguru face a monster that is destroying a city. Unfortunately they are still inexperienced and disorganized and the monster brings them to the mat. This will help them understand that victory is achieved only with un gioco di squadra, pertanto unendosi fra di loro formano la Girandola Y Magnetica, in grado di roteare ad una velocità supersonica e di far fuori il terribile mostro. Yanosh però non vuole stare alle regole e decide di abbandonare il gruppo, per ritornare al riformatorio. Qui viene seguito dalle spie di Moguru, che scambiano l'istituto per la base Astro. I Moguru decidono di attaccare la città e distruggere i riformatorio, proprio quando Yanosh si era spostato per discutere con i compagni della squadra Y. Ylly, non può fare a meno di disperarsi nel vedere la sua città distrutta dal mostro e i suoi amici in pericolo, pertanto cerca di convincere Yanosh a ritornare nella squadra. Questi vede anche morire il suo vecchio insegnante, che si è sacrificato to save the children. Yanosh decides to avenge the death of his friend and decided to resume the battle. The Astrorobot return to the attack and after a heated battle, defeat the monster and rescues the children of the city reformatory.
are called into action when the 4 boys running towards the gate of the base and climb on the Astro platform that takes them to drive four aircraft. From here, after calling their robot, to show leadership and take off with their shuttles: Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta that are positioned in the head of their Astrorobot, assuming the controls. L 'Astrorobot Space Storm led by Yanosh, radiates laser beams from his eyes, fighting with two gigantic mace joined by a chain, shoots missiles chest and is equipped with a thermionic gun, lying on his back. Space storms can also extend his arms to deliver the violent punches. Earthquake led by Yshida Star, has space of chains that shoots from his wrists and emits a lightning liquefying, horns on the head. In the fight of fights using axes, which can combine to form a giant pike. It can also shoot the missiles coming out of the belly of the robot. Even Breakthrough Galactic, driven by Ylly, has a liquefying lightning that emanates from the horns. Fighting with knives arpionanti, which extracts from the legs and shoulder fired missiles. The small controls Ynta Solar Turbines, a Astrorobot with di un pugno chiodato sfalda metallo, missili che spara dalla cintura, lame incandescenti e di un potente raggio laser che spara dall'antenna situata sulla testa. La loro massima potenza la raggiungono quando si uniscono in varie posizioni: la Girandola Y Magnetica che formano quando si uniscono tenendosi per le caviglie e formando un cerchio, che roteando ad una velocità supersonica crea un vortice che distrugge il nemico di turno. Un altro schema è quello del metodo M, dove i quattro Astrorobot, si uniscono ed emanano un gigantesco raggio energetico, per poi assestare il colpo finale. I mostri dei Moguru vengono realizzati da Zanga, lo scienziato e consigliere della regina Hellqueen, in perenne conflitto con Goroski, il terribile comandante dell'esercito of Moguru. After a series of events and fights, Queen Hellqueen dies during a magical experiment. He was replaced her younger sister Sandra, no less terrible than the last and will be accompanied by a fighting body, consisting of only soldiers. Throughout history we find that the father was a Yanosh Moguru, which is crossed with a land, a direct descendant of Nostler, an alien Moguru fled with his people, but with the intent to save the earth.
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[MU] Atlantis the lost empire [DVDRip]
Episode Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Country United States
Year 2001 Duration 95 min
Color color
Audio sound
ratio 2.35: 1
Genre Animation Director Gary Trousdale and Kirk Wise
Music by James Newton Howard Production Design Tab Murphy
Atlantis - The Lost Empire is an animated film of 2001 written by Tab Murphy, directed by Gary Trousdale and Kirk Wise (The 1991 Beauty and the Beast and The Hunchback of Notre Dame, 1996) and produced by Don Hahn; is the 41st classic Disney and was released in Italian theaters December 14, 2001.
The film had a sequel, entitled Atlantis - The Return of Milo, and was filmed on 70mm film format, which does not happen in an animated film by Disney and the magic pot Taron 1985.
Atlantis - The Lost Empire is set in 1914 in America, from which leggenderia an expedition to find the lost city of Atlantis (Atlantis or in English). It is a fantastic story with repeated references to the novel Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne (the Ulysses, for example, reminds the Nautilus) and the history of Atlantis narrated by Plato. The film draws much of history as a setting in the 1994 film Stargate.
The film begins with an explosion and the subsequent huge wave about to engulf the city of Atlantis, some automata stone protect the city center with a force field powered by the so-called Heart of Atlantis, with a gem on its own will, which has the power to defend the city. For services, the crystal demands a tribute, a member of the royal house of Atlantis, in this case the queen. The woman leaves behind her daughter, Princess Kida, and merges with the crystal. The part of the city protected by the barrier of energy you save sinking underground, while the remainder is destroyed by acque.Passano 8800 years. Linguist Milo Thatch, a young dreamer who works as a handyman Research Institute Smithsonian. His studies are conducted on Atlantis and the other a break between his work as a maintenance of the boiler (much to the chagrin of his superiors). His investigations led him to identify the possible place where he would hide the "Diary of the Old Shepherd", a manuscript that Viking would show a way to get to Atlantis. After his request for funding for his work was rejected by his superiors of the Institute, a mysterious woman with attitude from "Mother Christmas", Helga Sinclair, invites him to follow her and Preston B. Whitmore, an eccentric millionaire, to pay off a debt he had with Milo's grandfather, Thaddeus Thatch, had found the diary in Milo was looking for, now that it has in its possession, it can translate it in order to build a way to dispatch Atlandide.La for Atlantis is headed by Commander Lyle Rourke, the same military that had previously led the expedition that he had also found the diary, and Helga. On board the submarine "Ulysses", along with a bizarre team of quirky friends, Milo part, though little accustomed to military life. When they arrive at the entrance to the trail they are attacked by Leviathan, a giant robot submarine, which, despite the main characters manage to escape with the boats, destroying the Ulysses with heavy losses.
After many dangers and a long way, following the directions of the diary, people find the mythical city, meeting in particular between atlantidesi Kidagakash (Kida for friends), the "young" princess of only 8800 years, leading them from old father, the king Kashekim Nedakh, ordering them to leave as soon as his reign because he feels that their presence will not bring anything good. The king, however, accepts the request for Rourke to stay for a night to refresh and prepare for the return journey. Kida Milo helps to decipher the inscriptions with the history of Atlantis, and they discover the true nature of the "Heart of Atlantis."
The Captain Rourke is interested in nature del "Cuore di Atlantide", tanto che da quando aveva trovato il diario era desideroso di ottenere il cristallo: ora cerca in tutti i modi di scovarlo, minacciando addirittura di uccidere il re. Ma proprio all'ultimo momento trova il luogo dove è nascosto il "Cuore di Atlantide", che successivamente si fonde con Kida, imprigionata poi dal capitano e Helga. Poco più tardi nel palazzo, il re, sofferente, spiega a Milo la vera natura della gemma e la storia di Atlantide. Prima di morire dona al giovane il suo cristallo e gli chiede di salvare Atlantide e sua figlia. Con un inaspettato coraggio Milo, aiutato dal resto della truppa che non segue il malvagio comandante, mette in funzione le antiche macchine di Atlantide e salva l'amata. Helga viene scaraventata fuori dal dirigibile che porta il cristallo, mentre il comandante viene a contatto con il cuore di Atlantide e si trasforma in una statua di cristallo che viene fatta a pezzi dall'elica. Viene così salvata Atlantide e Milo decide di restare, al contrario di tutti gli altri partecipanti della spedizione che decidono di tornare in superficie.Una volta rientrati a casa, decidono di tenere segreto cosa è successo a Milo, tranne che al signor Whitmore, al quale consegnano il cristallo donato loro da Milo Thatch. Il film finisce col "funerale" del re, ed una roccia in cui è scolpito il suo volto: egli andrà, come tutti i re del passato, a proteggere il "Cuore di Atlantide".
[MU]Atlantis l'impero perduto[DVDRip]
[MU]Atlantis II il ritorno di Milo[DVDRip]
Titolo originale Atlantis: Milo's Return
Lingua originale Inglese
Paese Stati Uniti d'America
Anno 2003
Durata 70 min
Colore Colore
Audio Sonoro
Genere Animazione
Regia Victor Cook, Toby Shelton
Sceneggiatura Henry Gilroy, Thomas Hart
Casa di produzione Walt Disney Pictures
Atlantis - Il ritorno di Milo è il sequel del film del 2001 Atlantis - L'impero perduto, realizzato in DVD nel 2003 e diretto da Victor Cook e Toby Shelton .
The film opens on a ship that is plowing through the seas of the North, where two sailors are talking to each other in French when suddenly the ship is attacked by a Kraken. The scene shifts to Atlantis: Kida here, become queen, tells the events that occurred in the first film, while you are enjoying with the reconstruction of Atlantis when Milo suddenly spreads the alarm of a possible attack but Milo reassures everyone by saying that Indeed, what appeared as enemies are actually his old friends say Mr. Whitmore, Dr. Sweet, Audrey, Moliere, Cookie, Mrs. Packard and Vinny. Milo informs newly arrived Whitmore of what happened in the North Sea and informs him that the culprit could be Leviathan, the monster is guarding Atlantis. Concerned about what Milo and his friends decided to go and Kida but during the preparations for departure Milo is attacked by the Kraken. The scene moves underwater, Milo here is sinking with its capsule, but a timely intervention to save him Vinny. Once you arrive at Krakenstad resurfaced, a fishing village that looks abandoned, Milo is here urged by Judge Edgar Volgud to leave the country but since his refusal, the judge directs him to the inn of Mrs. Inger Eliassen. Here Milo discovers that all the happiness that once reigned in Krakenstad has been blurred by the court until Volgud and its power will not be destroyed and nothing will change even once is urged to leave. Intrigued by what he told Ms. Eliassen's, Milo decides to investigate and decide overnight so Volgud follows up to a cave. While they are walking, Audrey fell into a ravine but Milo grabs promptly by hand, but Audrey is wearing gloves come off and make it fall again, but a remedial action by Molière save the girl from certain death. The scene changes to the tavern lady Eliassen. Here Volgud the court orders her to burn all the effects of foreigners but being surprised to say that from Vinny decides to leave. Here Milo asked for more information about the court Volgud, and she no longer able to keep quiet, says that once was Krakenstad seized by a terrible famine in fish and that within a short time would have perished. The court then made a pact with the devil if he had returned to the fish he's Krakenstad avvrebbe sent all the souls of dead people. And so it was the devil gave back the fish, but sent a Kraken, which is also called "devil fish" on Krakenstad, and from that day no longer able to leave. Having said that Milo and his companions reached a cave where they discover that the court Volgud can "dominate and control the Kraken. Here Audrey is mesmerized by the court and caught by the Kraken, but thanks to an intervention by the rest of the team, you save. Later, in an attempt to stop the Kraken in the underwater cave, Vinny is also hypnotized, and it turns out that in reality is not the court Volgud to have mental power on Kraken, but the latter being able to hypnotize people to your liking. The beast is finally destroyed by the team, along with Volgud court, whose life was dependent on the Kraken. Finally free from cruel Volgud government, the population of Krakenstad can live happily and peacefully.
[MU] Atlantis II Milo's return [DVDRip]
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