[MU] The Adventures of The Rescuers [DVDrip]
Title The original Rescuers
Country United States of America
Year 1977 Duration 74 min
Colour (Technicolor) Sound
Audio (RCA Photophone)
Genre Animation Director
Wolfgang Reitherman, John Lounsbery, Art Stevens
Subject Margery Sharp (novel)
Screenplay Larry Clemmons, Ken Anderson, Vance Gerry, Frank Thomas, Dave Michenar, Ted Berman, Fred Lucky, Burny Mattinson, Dick Sebast
Wolfgang Reitherman Manufacturer
Executive Producer Ron Miller
Studio Walt Disney Productions
Distribution (Italy) Buena Vista Distribution (distribution of the original film), Walt Disney Pictures (90s)
Art director Don Griffith
animators Ollie Johnston, Milt Kahl, Frank Thomas, Don Bluth, John Pomeroy, Cliff Nordberg, Andy Gaskill, Gary Goldman, Art Stevens, Dale Bear, Chuck Harvey, Ron Clements, Bob McCrea, Bill Haje, Glen Keane, Jack Buckley , Ted Kierscey, A. Back Lanpher, James L. George, Dick Lucas, Stan Green, Dale Oliver, Chuck Williams, Harry Hester, Walt Stanchfield, Dave Suding, Leroy Cross, Jeff Patch, Richard Rich
Music by Artie Butler
The Adventures of The Rescuers Disney classic is 23 °; was produced in 1977 by Walt Disney Productions and released in U.S. theaters June 22, 1977. The film focuses on a society of mice, called Rescue Company, who has an office under the United Nations building in New York, this company has the task of giving support to those who need help, two mice belonging to this society, the timid and awkward and elegant Bernard White, are in fact to save Penny, a kidnapped child, with the help of a odd albatross and some comical inhabitants of the bay where a prisoner Penny. The story is inspired by the stories of the writer Margery Sharp, in particular to Miss White Castle Black (The Rescuers) (1959). To make this work for four years had about 250 people, including 40 animators who produced, approximately, 330,000 drawings. Were created 14 sequences with 1,039 separate scenes and 750 backgrounds. Some of the backgrounds used for the Bay were later reused in the animated film The Little Mermaid, the song is sung in the sequence Baciala.L 'animation in the scene where Penny runs were created by reusing some of the work of the previous film The Jungle Book (1967). The nation of which he is representative in the association of white mice and Hungary. In the first scenes of the film, more precisely during the departure from New York, there have been numerous controversies from the audience because of alleged subliminal messages in satanic-porn content: checking the scene in slow motion you can see in the window of a skyscraper 'image in question. However, the sequence is so fast and blurry as not to see clearly the "message" content, so the suspicion of religious and sexual immorality against Disney is immediately revoked. In new editions of the image was removed.
The film begins with a child who throws a bottle with a message of support from the wreck of a vessel aground on which it is held captive. The bottle sailing to the shores of New York where he is found by Rescue Company, a company that resembles the United Nations and has its own seat in the foundations of the UN building, attended by representatives of rodents from around the world. The message is decrypted, although it was difficult to read because of the trip at the mercy of the water, and you discover that a child di nome Penny, era stata rapita dall'orfanotrofio Morningside. La rappresentante dell'Ungheria, Miss Bianca, chiede di ricevere l'incarico di salvare la bambina, ma l'assemblea accetta la sua proposta solo a patto che lei scelga un compagno con cui affrontare la pericolosa missione. La topina, sorprendendo tutti, sceglie l'imbranato usciere Bernie. I due topini vanno quindi a cercare indizi nell'orfanotrofio dove risiedeva Penny e lì incontrano Rufus, un gatto ormai troppo vecchio per dare la caccia ai topi. Il gatto rivela loro che Penny era una bambina molto triste e solitaria, che credeva di non essere bella in quanto nessuno voleva adottarla. Negli ultimi tempi però una strana coppia di individui aveva cercato di convincere Penny a salire in macchina with them. The woman, named Madame Medusa and operated a pawn shop, which she considered a "boutique".
Madame Medusa.
Rescuers go to the shop of Madame Medusa and while looking for clues, find a children's book signed by Penny and hear the woman talking on the phone with his assistant, Mr. Snoops, accusing him of not being able to find something called "Eye of the Devil" and of failing to monitor Penny, who often managed to escape and send messages in bottles. In anger, she decides to take the first flight to the "Swamp Devil" and part with his car. The two mice try in vain to chase jumping in his suitcase, but due to the reckless driving of Jellyfish are thrown out of the car.
To reach the "Devil's Swamp," The Rescuers seek help from the airline "Albatross Airlines" dall'albatros handled Orville, along with pilot and "airplane", which leads them in flight to Devil's Swamp. There, the two mice find a strange bunch of field mice, including the housewife Ellie Mae, her drunken husband Luke and courageous dragonfly Evinrude, who know why they hate the Medusa and the woman, along with his two crocodiles to guard Brutus and Nero, is destroying their swamp. With the help of Evinrude, The Rescuers reached the boat, where Penny is being held captive and listening to the speeches of Medusa and Snoops find that the Eye The Devil is actually a huge diamond and Penny had been kidnapped because he was the only small enough to reach the place where he had hidden the stone. The two semi-trained alligators, smelling the scent of White, discovered the presence of two mice and attempt to devour them throwing in a panic that Medusa began firing wildly with a big gun. Rescuers fail to save for a miracle and achieve that Penny is pleased that his message in a bottle have been able to get there. The three thus preparing a plan to escape, but to achieve it necessarily need the aid of Ellie Mae, Luke and their neighbors. Bernie Evinrude sends to warn residents of the Marsh, but unfortunately, the dragonfly is blocked by some hungry bats. Shaded
the escape plan, the next morning Medusa and Snoops bring Penny in hidden place where the diamond: a very small well that ends in a narrow cave where many pirates have buried their treasures. Hidden in a pocket of the child, even Rescuers have fallen into the pit with her and help the child in research, finding the stone inside of a skull. After a hasty escape, due to the fact that the cave was rapidly filling with water due to high tide, they are forced to deliver the Eye of the Devil in the hands of Medusa. Snoops want 50% of earnings, as she had promised, but decides not to sell the Medusa diamond, and keep it to themselves, hiding nell'orsacchiotto of Penny.Evinrude, meanwhile, manages to escape the siege of bats and achieving Ellie Mae and her friends, who learned of the situation, leave immediately attack. Meanwhile, Medusa and Snoops has cornered Penny, pointing against the gun in his hand and clutching a teddy bear with the gem, but Bernie tries to escape, holding a rope behind a door, tripped over causing her to lose the precious treasure. At the same time there's Ellie Mae and her friends, who keep busy Medusa by any means - including rolling pins, forks and fireworks - and allowing the mice to reach the girl Palumobile, a type of watercraft used da Medusa per spostarsi sulla superficie della Palude, e di fuggire. Purtroppo Medusa si libera dagli amici di Ellie Mae e raggiunge la palumobile proprio nel momento in cui sta partendo. Medusa, in un disperato tentativo di riprendere il suo diamante si aggrappa ad una corda attaccata al veicolo e usa i suoi coccodrilli Bruto e Nerone come sci d'acqua in un rocambolesco inseguimento dove sfoga tutta la sua malvagità (come in La carica dei 101). Dopo aver retto troppo tempo, la corda si spezza e Medusa finisce appesa all'albero maestro della nave. Dopo aver dato un ultimo saluto al suo diamante: "Per sempre addio al mio diamante!!!" viene assalita dai suoi alligatori che la divorano. Alla fine Bianca e Bernie, ritornati a New York, scoprono ascoltando un TV news in the Eye of the Devil was handed over to Penny at the Smithsonian Institute and the child was adopted, her dream of having a father and a mother. Rescuers decided to keep a team down and start a new adventure, accompanied by Orville and Evinrude.
[MU] The Adventures of The Rescuers [DVDrip]
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[MU] The Rescuers Down Under kangaroo [DVDrip]
The Rescuers Down Under Original title
Country United States
Year 1990 Duration 74 min
Color color
Audio sound
Genre Adventure
Director and Mike Gabriel Hendel Butoy
screenplay Jim Cox, Joe Ranft and Bryon Simpson
Producer Thomas Schumacher
Studio Walt Disney Feature Animation
Distribution (Italy) Buena Vista Motion Pictures Group
Storyboard Daan Jippes
Rescuers in the land of kangaroos, produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation in 1990, is 29 º Disney classic (the first sequel ever to have been considered that, after that only Fantasia 2000 will fall within the canon). The film, set in the inland of Australia, is the sequel to The Adventures of The Rescuers (1977), adapted from stories by Margery Sharp. To create this film si misero all'opera 415 artisti e tecnici, cinque dei quali dovettero andare in Australia per osservare, fare fotografie e disegnare i paesaggi e la natura che sarebbero stati poi illustrati nel film.
Il film inizia con Cody, un bambino australiano, che sente il richiamo di un canguro che conosce. Il canguro dice a lui che un'aquila dorata, un'enorme aquila dalle penne dorate che appartiene ad una specie rarissima di nome Marahute, è incappata in una trappola in cima ad una rupe; così Cody scala la rupe e libera l'aquila che nell'impeto della liberazione fa cadere Cody, ma poi lo salva e lo porta nella sua tana dove fa vedere al bambino le sue uova. Marahute regala al bambino una penna dorata e lo riporta a terra. Tornando Cody sees a mouse at home and tied the loose, triggering a trap that will ruin Cody is in a deep hole, it was a trap set by the evil poacher Percival McLeach who warned by a signal that the trap was taken has already set in motion for reach its prey. Realizing he had found a child, take him away, while the questions will probably find that your child knows where you hid the golden eagle Marah, reveals that he has searched for the golden years and to be responsible for the killing of her husband. Meanwhile, the mouse that had been saved by Cody sent a distress signal to the Independent Rescuers save where they work, and the two mice are to dine in a luxurious restaurant, different Bernie times trying to find the courage to ask Bianca to marry him but are interrupted by a messenger who tells them the demand for saving, so start immediately to try to save the bambino.Vanno Orville the albatross that has accompanied them in the adventure above, but are Wilbur, Orville's brother, asks him to bring to Australia once, but Wilbur, believing that the two mice are on their honeymoon says that he would wait until spring, because a snowstorm rages outside, mice but the two say they are on a mission to rescue Wilbur and understanding the reason for their insistence accepts. Arrived in Australia to land at the airport Jake, a rat-kangaroo from Australia, but the runway is too small, despite all efforts to extend it for Jake, so Wilbur hurts, but keep the passengers unharmed, and is brought to the clinic. Needing a guide, White asked the gallant, but very skilled, Jake to help them. While passing through the territory, repeatedly Bernie tries to give White the ring but is always interrupted by qualcosa.Nel Meanwhile Cody is questioned by McLeach at where is the lair of Marah, but the child refuses to say anything it is locked in a cage with other animals. Cody tries to escape with the help of other animals, but is guarded by the poacher and his huge lizard Joanna. Later McLeach decides to change tactics and tells Cody that someone had shot the eagle, viciously by noting that the eggs were in danger without the protection of the mother; Cody is thus released and immediately runs to take care of the eggs without thinking you were deceived while McLeach follows him from afar. In that moment White, Bernie and Jake coming home and seeing McLeach to go, realizing the situation, jumping on the Jeep-tank bracconiere.Arrivati \u200b\u200babove the den of Marah, the three mice fall off the cliff to reach Cody, at that Marah returns to its burrow when falling into the trap of McLeach that manages to imprison her with the child, and Jake White, Bernie fortunately remains in the den and can to protect the eggs from the assault predator Joanna, replacing them with stones are spherical, the lizard, unable to eat, jumps off a cliff because his master had ordered to kill all the children of the eagle. When McLeach goes away, returns Wilbur, now healed, which takes care of the eggs while Bernie was going to rescue others. McLeach brings the child to the Falls of crocodiles and leaves him dangling from a rope just off the mouth of the terrible alligators in the meantime get that Bernie can knock out the wagon McLeach; begins to understand that somehow sabotaged, but not finding responsible, the trapper decides to let go of Cody in the middle of shooting crocodiles that keeps him tied to a rope, but before he could finish the work on him to ruin Joanna chasing Bernie McLeach throwing it into water. Crocodiles so let the baby dangling above the water with the rope that is about to break, the defending and attacking McLeach shot at, but unfortunately he died falling into raging rapids, but the rope breaks and Cody falls into the water, Bernie gives it to Jake White and the key to their cage and jumped into the water to save Cody, but the mouse is not strong enough to rescue the child, but Jake White can leave Marah that saves the child and the courageous Bernie. Finally safe, Bernie finds the courage to ask her to marry Bianca, who accetta.Il film ends with Wilbur that desperate calls for help to ward off the little eaglets that have since hatched from Marah.
[MU] The Rescuers Down Under kangaroo [DVDrip]
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[MU] BuzzLightyear of Star Command [DVDrip]
Episode Buzz Light year of Star Command: The Adventure Begins
Country United States of America
Year 2000 Duration 67 min
Colour Colour Sound Audio
1.78:1 ratio
Genre Animation, Comedy Directed by Tad Stones
Screenplay Mark McCorkle, Robert Schooley, Bill Motz, Bob Roth
Montaggio John Royer
Musiche Adam Berry
Buzz Lightyear da Comando Stellare: Si parte! (noto erroneamente come Toy Story 3) è un lungometraggio d'animazione direct-to-video realizzato dalla Disney come episodio pilota per la serie Buzz Lightyear da Comando Stellare.Il film si apre con una sequenza in cui appaiono tutti i personaggi del film Toy Story che attendono, grazie all'aiuto del sergente con la vecchia tecnica della "rice-trasmittente" la VHS (loro attendono la VHS, ma il film è edito anche il DVD) del film "Buzz Lightyear da Comando Stellare: Si Parte!".
Woody e la sua gang fanno dei piccoli scherzi a Rex il quale attende impazientemente che venga inserita la VHS nel lettore per poter vedere tutti insieme un'avventura vera del vero Buzz Lightyear. Così inizia il film sul ranger di Toy Story. Buzz Lightyear è uno Space Ranger al servizio del Comando Stellare, organizzazione (un po' come le Forze dell'Ordine) che serve a mantenere l'ordine nell'Alleanza Galattica, da sempre minacciata dall'invasione del malvagio imperatore Zurg, che domina sul Pianeta Z. Lightyear e il socio Warp Darkmatter sono stati inviati in missione sul Pianeta Z per ricercare degli LGM (acronimo di Little Green Men il cui significato è Piccoli Omini Verdi) scomparsi. Ma altri LGM all'insaputa dei due ranger si nasconderanno nell'auto e cercheranno di salvare i dispersi che, come volevasi dimostrare e come Light year suspected, had been captured by Zurg. Li was tortured to obtain information about the secret of mental link. But in the rescue attempt, Zurg active car and Warp is a victim of his plan. Buzz is shaken by the death of mate, and then even after seeing the selections for the Space Ranger, and after noticing that a young princess gets along pretty good. Commander Nebula announces that she will be the new member of Buzz, but refuses to work together after what happened. Meanwhile, the LGM create a new experimental ranger as a partner for Buzz, but after a test mission, XR is the victim of Zurg. In this test mission Zurg, through his new henchman, Agent Z, has captured the icon of the union of LGM, this has always been on their planet, the UNIMENTE. It's up to Light year, along with XR, Princess Mira Nova and also thanks to the nice Booster, guardian of Star Command, a new plan to ruin Zurg in this episode-guide of the TV series.
[MU] BuzzLightyear of Star Command [DVDrip]
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[MU] Belle and Sebastian [DVDrip] [52/52]

Episode Meiken
Jolie Directed by Kenji Hayakawa
Character design Shuichi Seki
MK Studio Company
1st TV network NHK on April 7 1981 – 22 giugno 1982
Episodi 64 (completa)
Rete italiana Italia 1
1ª TV it. aprile 1981
Episodi it. 52 (completa)
Belle e Sébastien (名犬ジョリィ Meiken Jolie) è un anime giapponese creato dalla MK Company nel 1981 e mandato in onda dalla NHK. È basato su Belle et Sébastien, una raccolta di novelle francesi di Cécile Aubry.
La serie animata è giunta in Italia nel 1981 su Italia 1.
La storia inizia in un villaggio dei Pirenei, tra la Spagna e la Francia dove Sebastien vive con il nonno e la zia. Il ragazzo non ha molti amici, perché non ha la madre ed è quindi preso in giro dagli altri ragazzi. Sebastien But one day he meets a huge white Pyrenean mountain dog, wrongly accused of terrible crimes and that all the villagers feared. The dog is called Belle and the boy will become his best friend. To save the dog from an unfair fate, Sebastien leave his adoptive family and start a long trip to France with her dog Belle and Pucci, then he will live many adventures hiding from the police, in search of long lost mother, sure of that is still alive.
01-a-friend misunderstood
a friendship 02-03-
fierce fighter
04-run over the border
a bad encounter 05-06-
in prison
thanks lena 07-08-
promise to sunset
l'addio a 09-lena 10-
thieves on the farm
the sweet 11-12-pippi
grandfather cortes
13-city adventure
14-an act of courage
15-l'amicizia with a burglar
16 - the sea of \u200b\u200bhis grandfather
17-the secret of the ship
unforgettable 18-day 19-
the ghost of the old castle
20-the revenge of ghost
21-follower of the devil
22-desperate flight
the 23-Witness
24-a thief magician
25-race hope
beautiful 27-
the flames after the fire 28-29-
fate of the railroad
the river in flood
32-portrait of Mom
back beautiful 34-35-
bye beautiful 36-37-
the flight of Hope
38-una crudele menzogna
39-l'acqua malsana della sierra nevada
40-hanno catturato belle
41-belle è condannata
42-operazione salvataggio
43-un treno per i pirenei
44-il fantastico carol
45-festa in maschera
46-la grande scalata
47-il cammino verso casa
48-buffera tra le rocce
49-un messaggio disperato
50-la fine della caccia
51-la decisione
52-il cielo azzurro dei pirenei
[MU] Brain Powerd [DVD 5] [26/26]

Episode Buren Pawado
Hajime Yatate
Directed by Yoshiyuki Tomino Yoshiyuki Tomino Yoshiyuki Tomino
Mutsumi Inomata character design
Mecha Mamoru Nagano
Design Studio Sunrise
Music Yoko Kanno
Network WOWOW TV 8
1st April 1998 - November 11, 1998
26 episodes (complete) Duration
ep. 30 '
The series consists of 7 DVDs
Brain Powerd (ブレンパワード Pawādo Buren) is an anime broadcast in Japan since 1998 and arrived in Italy on DVD published by Dynit. The anime, produced by Sunrise employs some of the most renowned names in the Japanese, as Yoshiyuki Tomino (director), Mamoru Nagano (mecha design) and Yoko Kanno (Music). Was derived from the soul and even a manga, drawn by Yukiru Yugisaki in the same year.
In a not too distant future the Earth has been almost completely devastated by several earthquakes and tsunamis, and the origin of all this there is the mysterious organization called Orphan. The goal of Orphan is to recover a mysterious sunken ship. Orphan's agents pilot called Grand mysterious mecha heres, and are looking for huge disks that appear from time to time on Earth's surface, and whenever they appear from the ground comes a Brain Poower, a creature similar to the Grand Ceres. The protagonist of the story, becomes a pilot of a Hime Brain Powerd, and joins the international organization that is trying to stop Orphan.
brain powerd dvd 2001
brain powerd dvd 2002
brain powerd dvd 2003
brain powerd dvd 2004
brain powerd dvd 2005
brain powerd dvd 2006
brain powerd dvd 07
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