[MU] Spider-man contro Doc Ock [DVD5]
Supporto: Dvd
Data uscita: 14/09/2004
Anno: 2004
Durata: 75'
Produttore: Buena Vista Home Entertainment
Reparto: Ragazzi, Cartoons
Languages: Italian
Subtitles: English, English for the hearing impaired, French, German, Italian, English
Bonus features: special introduction
Area: Area 2 (Europe / Japan)
Colors: Colors
System: PAL Country
United States
Audio: Dolby Digital 5.1
amazing adventures, breathtaking action, outrageous plot twists, excitement, suspense and great characters await you in this exciting clash between one of the most popular superheroes of all time, the legendary Spiderman, and one of accerrimi his most feared enemies and Doc Ock!
Dr. Octavius \u200b\u200bwas an important and brilliant scientist who was working on a revolutionary new invention until a laboratory accident has not turned into terrible and notorious Doc Ock Doctor Octopus.Ora wants revenge on all those who have done wrong and only two men are able to stop his diabolical plan of revenge, Spiderman and his alter-ego, Peter Parker!
Spider-man against Doc Ock
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[MU] Spider-man Return of the Goblin [DVD5]
Format: DVD
Manufacturer: Buena Vista Home Entertainment
Genre: Animation
Release Date: 16/05/2007
Extra Content: curiosity, cards of approfondimento
Lingue: Italiano
Colori: Colori
Anno produzione: 2003
Area DVD: Area 2 (Europa/Giappone)
Durata: 76'
Sottotitoli: Inglese
Formato Audio: Dolby Digital 2.0 - stereo
Sistema: PAL
Nazione: Stati Uniti
Doppia azione, doppio brivido e un tremendo, pericolosissimo folletto verde attendono Spider-Man.
Spider-Man si trova ad affrontare l'eterno nemico di sempre: Goblin, il quale ha scoperto la sua vera identità e ha rapito Mary Jane Watson, la ragazza di cui è innamorato.
La posta in gioco non è mai stata così alta!
Il pericolosissimo Goblin vuole eliminare Spider-Man ed ottenere il controllo della city. The field of action becomes intense when Kingpin and Hodgoblin join Goblin to fight a war against the breathtaking greatest enemy of crime in America.
explosion of fun and action that no one can afford to miss this.
Spider-man Return of the Goblin DVD
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[MU] Spider-man saga Venom [DVD5]
Studio: Buena Vista Home Entertainment
year of origin: 2004
video: color
Audio: Italian
genre: cartoon
duration: 95 minutes
The Adventures of Spider-man continues with a new adventure in which the legendary super hero must face against one of its worst nemici.Quando an alien element falls into the wrong hands is a terrifying new criminal scoperto.Lasciatevi drag out to be spider-man in a whirlwind of action, emotions and suspense in this spectacular duel with the dangerous venom!
Venom is the union between Eddie Brock, a journalist who hates Spider-Man, and an alien being called Symbiont ampilifica the powers that reproduces and Human Ragno.L 'alien lived for a time as a guest Peter Parker, Spider-Man's alter ego, but was dismissed when he attempted to influence his psyche in a violent way. The combination of the two odes to the same person will push Venom Spider-Man to hunt even in his private life, involving friends and Flash Harry, Aunt May and his girlfriend Mary Jane.
salavto After the pilot of a space shuttle carrying two strange meteors, Spider-Man becomes aware of a black stain on his costume and a strange change in his coscienza.In short time, the stain spreads until it fills the ' full costume and the legendary super hero finds himself pursued by both the authorities and by his most feared nemici.Riuscirà Spider-Man to defeat this new mysterious force? Find out in this exciting new episode!
the saga of Spider-man Venom
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MU] Spider-man showdown [DVD5]
Format: DVD
Manufacturer: Buena Vista Home Entertainment
Genre: Animation
Release Date: 10/01/2008
Languages: Italian, English
Colors: Colors
Production year: 2002 DVD
Area: Area 2 (Europe / Japan)
Length: 90 '
Subtitles: English
Audio Format: Dolby Surround 2.0 -
stereo system: PAL
Country: United States
Revenue Spider-man in action with the world's favorite superhero in the final battle that faces its biggest rival, Goblin, and all its most dangerous enemies. The young Peter
Parker, during a school trip, is bitten by a genetically altered spider turned into a human spider with extraordinary poteri.Soprirete as Spiderman comes to know the obscure origins of his greatest enemy, the brilliant but mad Goblin, in a fantastic fight takes you to the end of this exciting episodes! ... And the adventure continues with Spider-Man that deals with two of his most feared enemies, and Dr.Octopus Kingpin.Sarete trapped in a web of excitement and suspense of this original series a must animated!
Spider-man showdown
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[ MU] Spirit of Wonder [DVD5]
Film for all
Format: DVD
Length: 95 '
Region: Area 2
Manufacturer: Millennium Storm
2001 Categories: Anime & Manga
Production: Millennium Storm Ltd. Japan 2001
Format : 4:3
Languages \u200b\u200band Audio: Japanese Dolby Digital 2.0 - Italian Dolby Digital 5.1 - German Dolby Digital 5.1
Subtitles: German, Italian
Disc Type: DVD
PLOT: In 1958 the club
young scientists celebrates its fiftieth anniversary. Gordon Cooper and Shepard are no longer young, but inside their hearts they still have a great desire to land on Mars. A book written by the daughter of Gordon, and openly mocked by the scientific community, this could turn into reality their mad desire.
Spirit of Wonder
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[MU] spriggans [DVD5]
Original title: spriggans
Country: Japan
Year: 1998
Length: 90 '
Audio: Sound
Genre: Animation, Action, Sci-fi, Biblical
Director: Norihiko Sudo
Subject: Hiroshi Takashige, Ryoji Minagawa
Written by: Hirotsugu Kawasaki, Yasutaka Ito
Character Design: Hisashi Eguchi
Animatori: Hisashi Eguchi
Doppiatori originali:
Shotaro Morikubo: Yu Ominae
Ryuji Aigase: Col. Ken Shiroyama
Mc Dougall: Prof. Meizel
Takehito Koyasu: Jean Jacquemonde
Katsumi Suzuki, Kenji Takano
Little Boy, Fatman
Sakiko Tamagawa: Margaret
Kinryu Arimoto: Sig. Yajima Masaaki Yamamoto
: Narratore
Doppiatori italiani:
Patrizio Prata: Yu Ominae Domitilla D'Amico
: Col. Sergio Graziani
Mc Dougall: Prof. Meizel
Simone Mori: Jean Jacquemonde
Vittorio Stagni, Claudio
Fattoretto Little Boy, Fatman
Pinella Dragani: Margaret
Angelo Nicotra, Sig. Yamamoto
Alessandro Rossi: Narratore
Photography: Hisao Shirai
Editing: Takeshi Seyam
Music: Kuniaki Haijima
spriggans is a Japanese animated film produced in 1998. Taken from the eponymous manga by Hiroshi Takashige and Ryoji Minagawa, the film, directed by Norihiko Sudo entrusted to, is essentially a work by Hirotsugu Kawasaki, who oversaw the construction along with Katsuhiro Otomo. In particular, the film's plot revolves around one of the chapters taken from the manga: The Ark of Noah.
As the eponymous comic book, the film is based on finding fabulous archaeological ultratechnological belonged to some people once lived on Earth, whose technology and greed has led them to extinction. The spriggans are an elite group of fighters dell'Arcam, a Japanese multinational corporation that since the foundation is involved in research and whether these findings need Startup seals. Protagonist of a particular spriggans, Yu Ominae, which is a high school student with natural gifts as a fighter out of the ordinary. Throughout the evolution of this character are treated religious themes, especially technological and humanitarian.
archaeological find was discovered and its discoverers were all killed by an explosion is unknown. A suicide in a high school. These are the two facts that begins spriggans.
It takes only minutes to add mystery to the plot is always keeping to the speed of action and vivid story.
The film follows the story of Yu spriggans Ominae, and his journey to the archeological find: the Ark of Noah mentioned in the Bible.
waiting for the excavation is Mayzel the professor, who heads the scientific dell'Arcam, and his assistant Margaret. Then you discover that there is also another spriggans: Jean Jacquemond. Various adventures follow one another from an attack of the mechanical department of the American army (in the manga called robotic platoon), until the ark that will bring the world to a critical situation.
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