[MU] Robotech Season 01 [DVD9] [36/36]

Titolo originale Robotech
Autore Carl Macek
Mecha design Shoji Kawamori
Musiche Ulpio Minucci
Rete syndication
1ª TV marzo 1985 – luglio 1985
Episodi 85 (completa)
Reti italiane
Italia 7
Episodi it.stag.01 36 episodi
Space opera
la prima stagione è composta da 6 dvd
Robotech (Robotech) è una serie televisiva animata di fantascienza creata nel 1985 negli Stati Uniti unendo in un'unica serie di 85 puntate tre diversi anime, del tutto scorrelati tra loro, prodotti in Giappone dalla Tatsunoko: Macross (Chojiku Yosai Macross) (36 episodi, 1982/83), The Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross (Chojiku Kidan Southern Cross) (24 episodi, 1984) e Genesis Climber Mospeada (Kiko Soseiki Mospeada) (25 episodi, 1983/1984). È stata prodotta dalla Harmony Gold sotto la supervisione di Carl Macek, che ha riscritto la sceneggiatura ed i dialoghi dei tre anime al fine di uniformare la trama. In Italia è stata trasmessa in TV nel 1986 sulle reti Mediaset e successivamente ha avuto diverse repliche sulla rete Italia 7.
Nel 1999, una gigantesca astronave aliena si schianta su un'Isola.
Dallo studio di questo eccezionale artefatto, gli scienziati terrestri ottengono conoscenze tecnologiche avanzatissime, che portano alla costruzione di nuovi mezzi bellici: i caccia trasformabili VF-1 Valkyrie or Varitech and subsequently to the restoration of the same alien spacecraft, renamed SDF-1 (Super Dimensional Fortress 1).
During the opening ceremony, the people of alien attacks Zentradi the island and its inhabitants. A stunt pilot, Rick Hunter, boarded a military aircraft (a fighter Valkyrie) and is involved in combat against his will, finally crashing on the house of a young girl, Lynn Minmay.
The alien forces are so superior to those on land and the commander of the SDF-1, Henry Gloval, order to make a hyperspace jump, which transfers the space fortress, and for much of error of 'island of Macross and the two ships war Daedalus and Prometheus, in the vicinity Pluto.
The giant ship is becoming a real city space, in which the survivors of the tragic accident at work, live and love under the constant threat of Zentradi, which tracked the ship, get down to his pursuit.
The chase is characterized by several stages, marked by episodes of the series, through which various characters are introduced: on the front are alien Breetai, the commander of the fleet Zentradi instructed to recover the SDF-1 and the array of protoculture in it concealed, and his assistant Exedore; Dolza, supreme commander of Zentradi; Lord Kyron, young and impulsive commander of alien shock troops, Myria, ace Meltradi (females Zentradi species). On board the SDF-1, alongside skipper Henry J. Gloval, we find Lisa Hayes, his deputy, and the group of aides led by Claudia Grant, Roy Fokker, patrol leader of the squadron of the "Skulls" (Grey Skulls in the Italian version) and mentor Rick Hunter, Max Sterling, a rising star aviation land.
returned to Earth at the cost of serious casualties (unlike most other animated series "do-gooders," Robotech die in some of the protagonists, as Fokker) and spies on board 3 Zentradi "micromianizzate" all'SDF-1 is ordered by the Government ground units to return to space, to ward off the threat from the alien planet. Regained the space battles and shooting con gli Zentradi, la guerra muta il suo corso allorquando a bordo dell'ammiraglia di Breetai scoppia l'ammutinamento: le 3 spie, ritornate a bordo, hanno portato con loro alcuni oggetti terrestri, tra cui la musica e le bamboline di Lynn Minmay; i compagni d'arme, sconvolti dalle canzoni della giovane e contagiati da quella che viene chiamata Protocultura, convincono Breetai a giungere ad un armistizio, che viene ratificato dal comandante Zentradi ma non accettato da Dolza, il quale porta la sua flotta di oltre 4 milioni d'astronavi in orbita alla Terra... Si scatena una battaglia infernale, in cui la superfice del pianeta Terra viene quasi completamente distrutta (muoiono nell'attacco circa 4 miliardi di persone), ma alla fine l'SDF-1 coadiuvata dagli Zentradi rebels had the upper hand and destroys the huge fleet of Dolza.
Subsequently, in the devastated Earth, the staff of the SDF-1 is working to rebuild and in the meantime, along with Breetai, organize the capture of the Robotech Factory Satellite. But Kyron, survived the mammoth battle with his battalion, meditate revenge and prepares his return to destroy the hated Micromiani. Repair their cruiser, directs in a suicide attack on the new sull'SDF-1 and SDF-2, destroying himself and the three astronauts who are buried along with the Protoculture matrix under a pile of debris dredged from a lake. Rick and Lisa, who survived the disaster, plan the future: a new spaceship, the SDF-3, and the journey in search of the Lords of Robotech, to negotiate peace.
Robotech Season 01-DVD01
Robotech Season 01-DVD02
Robotech Season 01-DVD03
Robotech Season 01-DVD04
Robotech Season 01-DVD05
Robotech Season 01 - DVD06
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[MU] Robotech Season 02 [ DVD9] [24/24]

original Robotech
Title Author Carl Macek
Mecha Designer Shoji Kawamori
Music Ulpius Minucci
Network syndication
1ª TV marzo 1985 – luglio 1985
Episodi 85 (completa)
Reti italiane
Italia 7
Episodi it.stag.37-70 episodi
Space opera
la seconda stagione è composta da 3 dvd
Robotech (Robotech) è una serie televisiva animata di fantascienza creata nel 1985 negli Stati Uniti unendo in un'unica serie di 85 puntate tre diversi anime, del tutto scorrelati tra loro, prodotti in Giappone dalla Tatsunoko: Macross (Chōjikū Yōsai Macross) (36 episodi, 1982/83), The Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross (Chōjikū Kidan Southern Cross) (24 episodi, 1984) e Genesis Climber Mospeada (Kiko Soseiki Mospeada) (25 episodes, 1983/1984). It was produced by Harmony Gold under the supervision of Carl Macek, who rewrote the screenplay and dialogues of the three souls in order to standardize the plot. In Italy it was broadcast on Mediaset TV in 1986 and later had several replies on the network Italy 7.
's been several years since the devastating war against the Zentradi Rick Hunter and long, now promoted to Admiral, left Earth to find Tirol.
Dana Sterling, the daughter of Max and Myria, leads a squadron of drones Defense Earth. Suddenly, giant spaceships appear in the troposphere: they are the lords of Robotech, which after centuries of research, they discovered the matrix Protoculture on Earth by their much coveted. Leading the troops of the new robotic invaders - that move according to the system of "three-in-one or triumvirate - is the mysterious Zhor First. Dana and his deputy Bowie Grant (grandson of Claudia) captured during combat Zhor, not suspecting that the Lords have decided to disable the memory to infiltrate the land lines to find the exact location of the wreckage of the SDF-1. Achieved their goal, the aliens "reactivate" Zhor, making prisoners Dana, Bowie and their unity, but the love that blossoms between a female alien, Music, Bowie and, once again causing a riot and that understands its Zhor origins and decides to put an end to the madness of lords, at the same time trying to destroy himself, his creators and the array of Protoculture, already contaminated by the Invid Flower of Life. But the effort is in vain because the flowers open up in the blast, calling it a third and even more ferocious alien race on Earth.
Robotech Season 02-DVD07
Robotech Season 02-DVD08
Robotech Season 02-DVD09
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[MU] Robotech Season 03 [DVD9] [25/25]

Original title Robotech
Autore Carl Macek
Mecha design Shoji Kawamori
Musiche Ulpio Minucci
Rete syndication
1ª TV marzo 1985 – luglio 1985
Episodi 85 (completa)
Reti italiane
Italia 7
Episodi it.stag.61-85 episodi
Space opera
la terza stagione è composta da 4 dvd
Robotech (Robotech) è una serie televisiva animata di fantascienza creata nel 1985 negli Stati Uniti unendo in un'unica serie di 85 puntate tre diversi anime, del tutto scorrelati tra loro, prodotti in Giappone dalla Tatsunoko: Macross (Chōjikū Yōsai Macross) (36 episodi, 1982/83), The Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross (Chōjikū Kidan Southern Cross) (24 episodes, 1984) and Genesis Climber Mospeada (Kiko Soseiki Mospeada) (25 episodes, 1983/1984). It was produced by Harmony Gold under the supervision of Carl Macek, who rewrote the screenplay and dialogues of the three souls in order to standardize the plot. In Italy it was broadcast on Mediaset TV in 1986 and later had several replies on the network Italy 7.
Attracted by the blossoming of the Flower of Life, the Invid - alien race of entirely different breed than Zentradi and Gentlemen Robotech - violently conquer and colonize Earth. To oppose the excessive power are very few brave rebels, using a technology derived from the first Valkyrie generazione, provano a fronteggiare il nemico. Tutti in realtà attendono il grande evento: il ritorno dell'ammiraglio Hunter e dell'SDF-3, intenzionati a liberare il pianeta dall'ennesimo pericolo.
Un'avanguardia del Corpo di Spedizione, inviata da Hunter per saggiare la preparazione militare degli Invid, viene però totalmente annientata: unico superstite è il sottotenente Scott Bernard, che con il suo VF03 atterra sulla Terra e, poco a poco, riunisce un gruppo di ribelli molto eterogeneo, dando filo da torcere agli invasori.
Nel frattempo l'Entità Madre, la Invid Regis, progetta un secondo stadio dell'invasione, cioè il mutamento della forma energetica dei suoi figli in una struttura umanoide, destinata con il time to replace the human race. To this end, the Regis creates 3 experiments: 2 should lead his troops into battle, while the third, a female will be used for infiltration between the partisans land. This creature, however, loses his memory and the group of the Scott warmly received, so that the head falls in love reciprocated: the oblivious alien was given the name of Marlene (the real one will later be revealed Ariel).
the long-awaited day has come: the Expeditionary land (with the exception of Admiral Hunter and dell'SDF3, reported missing in deep space) back to Earth and is preparing to launch the final attack to the command center of Regis, the Point of Reflection. Marlene, having discovered by chance one's nature, runs away from Scott and faces his creator, the Regis in fact, they should end the war. While the battle raged outside the base, the Regis understands that human beings are willing to die and to sacrifice even the Earth itself to free it from the Invid: mustering all his people, to find a new planet. The Invid in the form of pure energy leaving the Earth, overwhelming the ships of Expeditionary Force stationed on the edge of Earth's atmosphere and was preparing to end a devastating attack, destroy him. Scott, believing the Admiral Hunter still alive, says goodbye to his friends, and leaves Marlene, who now loves him openly ed è rimasta volontariamente sulla Terra, ripartendo a bordo del suo Varitech per cercare il disperso SDF-3.
Robotech Stagione 03-DVD10
Robotech Stagione 03-DVD11
Robotech Stagione 03-DVD12
Robotech Stagione 03-DVD13
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