[MU] Yatterman [DVD9] [108/108]
Episode Time Bokan Series: Yatterman
Tatsuo Yoshida Directed by Hiroshi Sasagawa
* * * Mamoru Oshii
Kouichi Mashimo
* Noboru Ishiguro
* Tomio Ashida
* * Hiroshi Yamada Yu Yamamoto
* Suzuki Ryoutakeshi
Character design
* Yoshitaka Amano main characters
* Keiko Nakamori secondary characters
* Akemi Takeda secondary characters
Mecha design Kunio Okawara
Music Studio Tatsunoko Masayuki Yamamoto
Fuji TV Network TV
1st 1st January 1977 - January 27, 1979
Episode 108 (complete)
Italian network Rete 4 TV
1st en. 1983 Episodes
it. 108 (complete)
the series consists of three boxes for a total of 18 dvd
Yatterman (タイムボカンシリーズ ヤッター マン, Time Bokan Series: Yatterman?) Is a Japanese anime series produced by Tatsunoko in 1977, part of the Time Bokan series of which is the second and more famous. The first transmission is in Italy took place on Channel 4 in 1983, later became popular thanks to local TV. In 2008, Japan came out the second series, currently unpublished in Italy.
80s: the trio of thieves and swindlers known as Drombo Trio, whose symbol is a skull, is contacted and "co-opted" by Dr. Dokrobei, a mysterious and powerful character who has always and only in their voice, which is located in a different subject from time to time, imprinted with a skull, then at the end of the explanation, it explodes. Their task, then, will find the four fragments of Dokrostone meeting where you can get a fabulous treasure. The Trio Drombo begins to organize l'ennesima truffa per poter racimolare i soldi necessari alla realizzazione del robot da combattimento che li porterà nel luogo dove secondo Dokrobei "dovrebbe" esserci un frammento della pietra. Inutile dire che l'intuizione del Dottore nella maggior parte dei casi si rivelerà sbagliata.
Ma i tre non hanno fatto i conti con i paladini della giustizia, gli Yattaman, che scoprono i loro piani e li inseguono con i loro mezzi robot a forma di animali. Giunti nel luogo prescelto, le due formazioni si scontrano, prima fisicamente e poi per mezzo dei rispettivi robot. Alla fine, più per la stupidità o la sfortuna dei cattivi che per la bravura dei buoni, il bene trionfa. Il trio Drombo si riavvia mesto verso casa a bordo di un tandem, ma le loro suffering is not over: Dr. Dokrobei is unhappy with them, and bestows a terrible punishment.
This plot is repeated for all the episodes of the series, until the last, where a surprised Drombo Trio manages to put together the Dokrostone and discovers the unexpected bond with Dr. Dokrobei. Discover, after delivering the last piece (by filling the skull) of the stone Dokrostone Dokrobei that's true identity is nothing but an alien and that the famous treasure never existed, leaving the planet Earth with all the pieces of Stone. The trio was discovered to have been deceived, he decided to take part with three different paths. But will meet again because the three paths reassembled into a single strada.
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