Titolo originale: Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa
Lingua originale: Inglese
Paese: USA
Anno: 2008
Durata: 92 min
Colore: colore
Audio: sonoro
Rapporto: 1.85:1
Genere: animazione,
comedy directed by Eric Darnell, Tom McGrath
Screenwriter: Etan Cohen
Producer: Mireille Soria, Mark Swift
Executive Producer:
Studio: DreamWorks Animation
Distribution (Italy): Universal Pictures
Storyboard: Gary Graham, Paul Fisher
Art director:
Character design:
Mecha design:
Entertainers: Bill Diaz, Ryan Gong, Tomoyuki Harashima, Mariko Hoshi, Jeffrey Joe, Eunjin Suh, Greg Whittaker
Cast and characters
Voiced by: * Ben Stiller
: Alex the lion
* Chris Rock: Marty the zebra
* David Schwimmer: Melman the Giraffe Jada Pinkett Smith
*: Gloria the hippo
* Sacha Baron Cohen, King Julian
* Cedric the Entertainer: Maurice, lemur
* Andy Richter: Mort, lemur
* Bernie Mac: Zuba
* Alec Baldwin: Makung
* Sherri Shepherd: Florrie
* Will. i.am: Moto
Italian voice actors:
Besentini * Alessandro (Ale): Alex the lion *
Villa Francesco (Franz): Marty the zebra
* Robert Gammon: Melman the giraffe
* Chiara Colizzi: Gloria 's hippo
* Oreste Baldini: King Julien, lemur
* Roberto Draghetti: Maurice, lemur
* Massimiliano Alto: Mort, Mark lemur
* Objectives: * Zuba
Stefano De Sando: Makung
* Emanuela Rossi: Florrie
* Roberto Pedicini: Moto
Special Effects:
Music: Hans Zimmer
The film begins with a brief flashback that tells the story of Alex the lion . Alakay (the real name of Alex the lion) is the son of Zuba, the alpha lion, a herd of animals in a reserve in Kenya, and Florrie, the companion to Zuba.
While his father is challenged by Makung, Alakay falls into a trap of poachers: follows a mysterious rope that leads out of the reserve, where no animal dares venture, and is kidnapped. The father tries to retrieve the infant and the fight can untie the cash from the van where the poachers Alakay have closed the small, but was wounded in one ear and fell from the vehicle. The van swerves violently and cash in with the lions, now loose, slide the vehicle ending up in a river that flows into the Atlantic. Zuba does not realize it, and once rising, continues to chase the van screaming desperately as the son. The case with the puppy, meanwhile, arrives in New York, where he was fished out by immigration officers. The baby is brought to the zoo in Central Park, where Alex will be renamed. There will grow and become the famous "Alex the lion, forgetting of his childhood in Africa.
After the flashback, the story begins just after the conclusion of the first film. Penguins, feeling responsible for the "tragedy", they decide to help their four friends, Alex the lion, Melman the giraffe, Gloria the hippo and Marty the zebra from Madagascar to escape. The plan is to release the air from the giant tree where it is trapped and unable to do so decollare.Il plan fails and the plane departed to New York, also on board King Julien, Maurice and Mortino, and the usual two monkeys and Mason Phil.Purtroppo the plane as he was reduced to ruins, falls and lands (miraculously) in Kenya, where the four protagonists find their own kind, and Alex finds his father and madre.Mentre penguins try to reconstruct the attacking aircraft Tourists who make the jeep safari, Alex discovers that will support proof of passage between adolescence and adulthood, Melman the giraffe becomes a doctor in the area, Gloria the hippo finds love and Marty the zebra finally found a herd of zebras exactly identical to him apart from the penguins , everyone will understand that this is their natural habitat that is better to stay there, rather than the Central Park Zoo in New York that will remain a ricordo.Ad one point, the only source of reserves dry up and Alex and Marty will venture out from the reserve to destroy the dam and tourists, having been looted by the penguins, they have made to get water and kidnapped Alex to eat it (they were very hungry). Comes with the penguins and the plane will destroy diga.Alla the end Alex and Zuba, father, dance in front of New Yorkers who have captured them and he will recognize their myth, Alex the lion, while Marty, Melman, Gloria, lemurs and apes are able to save them with a plane repaired by scimmie.Infine Skipper goes well with the hula dancer and will start with the penguins on their honeymoon in Monaco.
madagascar 2
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[MU] Mulan [DVDRip]
Mulan Original language English / Mandarin
Country United States
Year 1998 Duration 88 min
Color color
Audio noise ratio 1.33:1
Genre Animation Director Tony Bancroft, Barry Cook Producer Pam Coats
Studio Walt Disney Feature Animation
Distribution (Italy) Walt Disney Pictures
Mount Tom Acosta, Jim Melton
Music by Jerry Goldsmith , Matthew Wilder
Production Designer Hans Bacher,
Mulan is 36 º Disney classic. Its output is on American screens in 1998.
The primary intent of the giant American film was to be able to penetrate deeper into the Chinese market. The choice of topic was the subject of lengthy negotiations to reach a compromise that might be "objectionable" by the government People's Republic of China and sufficiently attractive by the Walt Disney Company.
The film is inspired by an ancient Chinese fairy tale.
long been the territory of China are protected by the Great Wall, a gigantic structure that surrounds its endless boundaries. People are living a period of peace, but the Huns, led by the bloodthirsty Shan Yu, unable to overcome the huge building and flooded the country.
The tranquil village life has been rocked by the news of the invasion. Each family must provide a male component to the formation of the armies that will start to face the invaders. Mulan, a young woman's family does, with the intent to save his father was crippled in war and to redeem the honor lost in the encounter with Mezan disguises herself as a man and leaves for boot camp. Mulan is accompanied by Mushu, a little spirit of the ancestors of the family F with the appearance of Chinese dragon who despite his past ineptitude is committed to protecting it.
Mulan has to live in military men of all sorts, coarse and macho. These include the captain, son of General Li, which is to be real soldiers can face the terrible enemy. Mulan, thanks to his gifts of intelligence, can overcome the natural lack of physical strength, can indeed give esprit de corps to the ranks and gain the confidence of the instructor. The soldiers are ready to go to the front and towards a mountain pass where the invading troops have to go.
clash with troops of Shan Yu has undergone arduous. The army of General Li Shang father of the young captain, has been completely wiped out by the dreaded bandit who appear here is the horde of Huns on horseback warriors.
But while troops of Shan Yu are about to overwhelm the army of Shang, Mulan, again using his intellectual gifts, he rushes towards the enemy alone for the last launch artillery fire against a snow-capped peak causing the avalanche allow the defeat of the Hun. The avalanche, however, brings with it, as well as Mulan, Shang also, that semisvenuto, is rescued by the girl. Quando ormai tutto sembra tranquillo però, il colpo che Shan Yu era riuscito a infliggerle inizia a sanguinare e questo porta l'esercito alla scoperta del suo vero sesso.
La notizia è esplosiva: una donna tra uomini in arme è inammissibile, scandaloso e disonorevole per l'armata cinese. Mulan merita la morte, ed è Shang, sotto l'ordine del consigliere dell'imperatore, a doverle dare la morte, decapitandola. Ma, avendo Mulan salvatagli la vita durante la valanga, lui la grazia, considerando il suo debito saldato.
« Una vita per una vita. Ho pagato il mio debito. »
(Shang, quando lascia cadere la spada)
Mulan è quindi lasciata al suo destino sulla montagna, mentre la guarnigione l'abbandona and to report back by the emperor's defeat of the army of Huns.
Shan Yu and the members of its armed forces are stronger, however, survived the avalanche, and they headed to the emperor for a final attack. Only Mulan realizes this and, aided by Mushu, returns to warn of the danger his companions, who came to the imperial city are celebrating the recent victory with a parade, but, being a woman and therefore not as worthy of attention, for nothing apply its efforts to convince fellow first and then their compatriots in the presence of the enemy in the imperial city.
During the conversation between the general and the emperor, belonging to the falcon rips out of the hands of Emperor Shan Yu's sword his master returning it to its rightful owner. The signal that the last remaining Huns groped waiting for a final attack on the emperor. Hidden inside the dragon that was part of the parade can take everyone by surprise, could then easily and close to kidnap the Emperor in his palace. A nothing worth the efforts of the 'army to break the door of the building.
is again the idea of \u200b\u200bMulan saves the Emperor and China. Convincing his three most trusted friends to dress up as concubines, are able to penetrate the building, taking by surprise the guards who guarded the door to keep the room where the emperor is imprisoned. After being able to immobilize guards, Shang finally able to come in, last-second save the emperor from the sword of Shan Yu. While
Shan Yu and fight Shang, Mulan manages to escape the emperor with his companions, and to save it and Shang, she loses the ability to save himself, deciding to remain with the general. Shan Yu, Shang convinced that it was to take away the victory, when Mulan is about to kill him, drawing his attention makes him understand the mistake.
Following a chase through the corridors of the building, moving on the roof until, thanks to Mushu, Shan Yu is permanently deleted.
Mulan is a heroine in every respect, but she is a woman, and beyond that has broken too many laws to be so. This, at least according to the adviser of the emperor, but is denied by the emperor himself who, in addition to bow to her gives her the opportunity to enter as a member on the board. Mulan declines the offer, saying it was too long away from home. The emperor then, not to forget what she had done for him and for the Chinese people over the imperial coat of arms and the sword of Shan Yu, gifts that will be used to make the entire world know what he did.
Back home, the moving scene of 'embrace between father and daughter is assisted by her mother and grandmother. The latter, annoyed by the fact that her niece had brought home a sword instead of a man, is silenced by the appearance of Shang, that as an excuse to review Mulan, the reports that he had forgotten his helmet. Meanwhile, Mushu can finally convince the ancestors to give him the post of keeper of the family Fa, toltogli for 500 years before its failure that caused the death of a family member.
And so ends the story of a woman heroine who saved China from its greatest enemy.
[MU] Mulan [DVDRip]
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[MU] Mulan 2 [DVDRip]
Episode Mulan II
Country United States
Year 2004 Duration 79 min
Color color
Audio sound
Genre Animation Director Darrell Rooney, Lynne Southerland
Screenplay Michael Lucker, Chris Parker, Roger SH Schulman
producer Jennifer Blohm
Mount Tom Acosta, Jim Melton
Music Jerry Goldsmith, Matthew Wilder
Production Designer Hans Bacher
Mulan II is the sequel to Disney's Mulan in 1998. It was released November 4, 2004 in Italy (and the rest of Europe) and on 1 February 2005 in the U.S. on DVD and VHS. The film reflects on marriage, loyalty, the relationship of the couple, the responsibility for their choices
Film, General Shang asks Mulan for her hand, and she accepts. Upon hearing of their engagement, Mushu is thrilled for them, until the chief of the ancestors did not inform him that if Mulan gets married, he'll lose his job as guardian dragon and must leave. Married, become a part of Mulan and Shang's family will be protected by the guardians of his family. To keep his job and his friend, Mushu attempts to split the pair.
Meanwhile, the Emperor calls for Mulan and General Shang escort his three daughters, Princesses Mei, Ting Ting and Sue, through China to get married with three principles of Qui Gong, so that between the two countries to form alliance. If the missione non è compiuta in tre giorni, l'alleanza crollerà, e le truppe Mongole distruggeranno la Cina. Mulan e Shang partono, insieme a Chien-Po, Ling e Yao, per scortare in sicurezza le principesse al loro nuovo regno. Ad ogni modo, a causa delle intromissioni di Mushu e del fatto che le tre Principesse non sono contente dei loro matrimoni combinati e si innamorano di Chien-Po, Ling e Yao, Mulan decide di andare contro gli ordini e di fermare l'unione dei due regni. Una notte Chien-Po, Ling e Yao portano le Principesse a visitare una cittadina, e durante la visita le corteggiano. Contemporaneamente, Mushu inganna Shang facendogli credere che Mulan vuole prendere il suo posto.
Mentre il gruppo attraversa un territorio di banditi, Mushu confessa a Mulan che cosa ha fatto. Alleggerita dalla notizia, Mulan prova a parlare con Shang, quando i banditi li attaccano. Le Principesse sono salve, ma Shang precipita in un burrone. Mulan continua il viaggio da sola verso il Qui Gong. Non volendo che le Principesse siano obbligate e sposare principi che non amano, e vista la morte del suo promesso sposo, ella si offre come moglie per uno dei figli del Re. Shang, che è sopravvissuto alla caduta, lo scopre e tenta di fermarla. Mushu decide di aiutarli e, fingendosi il Drago d'Oro dell'Unione, obbliga il Re a interrompere il matrimonio. Mulan e Shang si sposano, e le Principesse sono esentate dai loro obblighi.
Alla fine, Shang unisce i templi delle due famiglie. Mushu può mantenere il suo titolo e, in his happiness, he accidentally reveals himself to Shang Mulan ... even if he had spoken to her husband of his little dragon friend ... all mixed with a healthy dose of irony!
[MU] Mulan 2 [DVDRip]
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