[MU] Galaxy Express - il film [DVD 5]
Titolo originale Ginga Tetsudo Suri Nain
Autore Leiji Matsumoto
Editore Shogakukan
1ª edizione 24 gennaio 1977 – 6 novembre 1981
Titolo originale Ginga Tetsudo Suri Nain
Regia Nobutaka Nishizawa
Studio Toei Animation Network Fuji TV
1st TV September 14, 1978 - April 9, 1981
Italian network Rai Due TV
1st en. 1982
Galaxy Express 999 (银河 鉄 道 999; Ginga Tetsudo 999?) Is a manga and an anime series (produced by Toei Animation) created by Leiji Matsumoto, and fits in the same fictional universe of other series of the same author as Captain Harlock and Star Blazers, which also shares some characters.
The manga was first published in 1977 by Shogakukan in Big Comic, and ended in 1981 after the publication of 21 tankōbon. The anime series was aired in Japan in 1978 and consists of 113 episodes and 4 OAV.
In 1978, Galaxy Express was one of the first series to win the Shogakukan Manga Award for shonen.
Galaxy Express 999 is set in the year 2021, in a high-tech future, where interstellar rail network now extends across the galaxy, space train service every day and make people with a "body mechanic" are pushing humanity toward extinction. In those years
Megalopolis is designed, modern city still controlled by the climate, where the inhabitants have a mechanical body, which allows them to live up to 2,000 years, given the possibility of replacing parts that do not work anymore. But these are the rich, the poor can not afford a mechanical body and live in shacks on the edge of the city. A mother and son
poor, among the first to know that there is a planet where you can receive a free body mechanic, but I have to take the train out of Megalopolis, the Galaxy Express 999, a train from the advanced technology that appears But like a classic steam locomotive.
Masai, the boy (named Tetsuro Hoshino in the original), like other desperately wants an indestructible mechanical body, that provides the opportunity to live forever and the freedom that humans have poor Earth. The mother is soon killed in a manhunt organized by the mechanical men, which in Megalopolis have fun to hunt humans and then hibernate like trophies. Masai is not captured.
the risk of being frozen to death but is saved by a beautiful woman, Maisha (Maetel original name is derived from the Latin mater), which greatly resembles his mother died. Maisha's offering a free ticket for the journey that the Galaxy Espress 999 is going to do for the planet of mechanical men, in exchange for his company during the trip. Masai agrees.
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[MU ] Galaxy Express series [DVD9] [113/113]
Title Original Ginga Tetsudo Suri Nain
Author Leiji Matsumoto
* Nobutaka Nishizawa director of the series
* Masayuki Akehi directed episodes
* * Shingo Araki Shigeru Kogawa
* Keisuke Fujikawa
* Hiroyasu Yamamura
Animation Animation director Kazuo Komatsubara
Music Studio Toei Animation Network Fuji TV Nozomi Aoki
1st TV September 14, 1978 - April 9, 1981
Episode 113 (complete) Duration
ep. 25 min
Italian network Rai Due TV 1 ª
1982 Duration ep. com. 24 '
Galaxy Express 999 (银河 鉄 道 999,; Ginga Tetsudo 999?) Is a manga and an anime series (produced by Toei Animation) created by Leiji Matsumoto, and fits in the same fictional universe of other series of the same author as Captain Harlock and Star Blazers, which also shares some characters.
The manga was first published in 1977 by Shogakukan in Big Comic, and ended in 1981 after the publication of 21 tankōbon. The anime series was aired in Japan in 1978 and consists of 113 episodes and 4 OAV.Nel 1978 Galaxy Express was one of the first series to win the Shogakukan Manga Award for shonen. [/ Color]
Galaxy Express 999 is set in the year 2021, in a high-tech future, where interstellar rail network now extends across the galaxy, space train service every day and make people with a "body mechanic" are pushing humanity toward extinction. In those years, Megalopolis is designed, modern city still controlled by the climate, where the inhabitants have a mechanical body, which allows them to live up to 2,000 years, given the possibility of replacing parts that do not work anymore. But these are the rich, the poor can not afford a mechanical body and live in shacks on the edge of città.Una poor mother and son, among the first to know that there is a planet where you can receive a free mechanical body. Must go to reach Megalopolis and from there continue their journey with the Galaxy Express 999, a space train that appears driven by advanced technology, however, from a classic locomotive vapore.Masai, the guy (the original is named Tetsuro Hoshino), like other desperately want a indestructible mechanical body, that provides the opportunity to live forever and the freedom that humans have poor Earth. The mother is soon killed in a manhunt organized by the mechanical men, who enjoy a Megalopolis to hunt humans and then hibernate like trophies. Masai catturato.Rischia not remain frozen to death but is saved by a beautiful woman, Maisha (original name is derived from the Latin mater Maetel) which greatly resembles his mother died. Maisha's offering a free ticket for the journey that the Galaxy Espress 999 is going to do for the planet of mechanical men, in exchange for his company during the trip. Masai agrees.
during space travel by train, Masai faces many adventures and meets many "machine men", including the Count Meca, the car that killed his mother. Masai manages to get his revenge on the cruel count. Masai realize more and more that a mechanical body can not solve all their problems. In fact many of the people he meets machine, regret having given away their humanity. The most pathetic of all, Crystal Claire, who works on board the 999. His body, always naked, it's a crystal clear, but want the warmth of human contact, just like the Masai. It is implied that
Maisha has a mechanical body, because he makes a visit to his human body on Pluto, where the human body "rejected" are encased in ice in a giant tomb planet. In the manga, one of the characters calls it "the other universe that I fear", making the question of who or what she is, even more nebulous. Maisha, however, that during the trip strips naked in front of a few times Masai (or is forced to do so), continues to show a human side. Only episode 29 ("The Romance of Space"), the girl seems to reveal its true nature, anche se i particolari non vengono mostrati allo spettatore.Finalmente Masai e Maisha raggiungono Andromeda dove lui scopre la terrificante verità... che sta per essere trasformato in un bullone. La Regina Prometheum, capo dell'impero meccanizzato e madre di Maisha, controlla il pianeta Andromeda con componenti umane completamente meccanizzate. Con la prospettiva di Masai trasformato in un bullone, Maisha si rivolta contro la madre. Con l'aiuto di suo padre, il Dr. Ban, che esiste nel pendente che lei porta al collo, Maisha distrugge sua madre e Andromeda. La vera natura di Maisha viene svelata; lei vive in un corpo uma no ed è in grado di rimpiazzarlo ogni volta che invecchia, permettendole di vivere per sempre.Maisha e il 999 riportano Masai on Earth, and she, after a poignant goodbye, again for space on that same train, presumably never to return più.Queste are the original words of farewell to Maisha, what she intended to Masai before leaving forever " I am a woman who exists only in your memory: an illusion that has taken on a life of a child in your heart. "
In 1996, Matsumoto began a new series of GE999, set one year after the first, when Earth is destroyed and Masai tries to discover the source of the 'darkness' that threatens the life of the universe.
DVD Galaxy Express Galaxy Express 01
DVD Galaxy Express DVD 03
Galaxy express DVD 04
Galaxy express DVD 05
Galaxy express DVD 06
Galaxy express DVD 07
Galaxy express DVD 08
Galaxy express DVD 09
Galaxy express DVD 10
Galaxy express DVD 11
Galaxy express DVD 12
Galaxy express DVD 13
Galaxy express DVD 14
Galaxy express DVD 15
Galaxy express DVD 16
Galaxy express DVD 17
Galaxy express DVD 18
Galaxy express DVD 19
Galaxy express DVD 20
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[MU] Gigi the Spinning [DVD9] [ 65/65]
Original title: Dasshu Kappei
Author: Noboru Rokudo
Director: Masayuki Hayashi
* * Seitaro Hara
Studio: Tatsunoko
Network: Fuji TV
1 ª 1981
TV Episodes: 65 ( complete) Duration
ep.: 21 min
Italian networks: local networks
* Miscellaneous * COOLTONE (Repeats in progress) 1 ª TV
1983 Genre: anime
The series consists of 11 dvd
PLOT: The protagonist of the story is
Kappei Sakamoto, a boy dotato di grandi capacità verso qualunque tipo di sport, simpatico, dolce e generoso, ma ha un unico "difetto": non raggiunge neanche il metro d'altezza.Kappei non ne fa un problema, anzi, ne approfitta per vedere sotto le gonne delle studentesse, perché, oltre allo sport, la sua passione sono le mutandine bianche. Anche se eccelle in ogni tipo di sport, non gli va di iscriversi a nessun circolo sportivo, ma, per le regole della scuola, il Liceo Seirin, è costretto a scegliere una disciplina.Sceglierà il circolo che sembra essere meno adatto a lui, quello della pallacanestro. Oltre ai componenti della squadra, qui incontrerà Akane, ragazza gentile e sensibile, che farà breccia nel suo cuore. I tentativi di Kappei di conquistare Akane, however, is still hampered by an unusual suitor, the dog of the girl, Seiichiro, who can speak, but only manages to Kappei capirlo.Con the advance of time, Kappei is a challenge: he decides to defy all sports clubs and beat them.
LINK: Gigi
the top 01 DVD
Gigi the top 02 DVD
Gigi the top 03 DVD
Gigi the top 04 DVD
Gigi the top 05 DVD
Gigi the top DVD 06
Gigi the top 07 DVD
Gigi the top 08 DVD
Gigi the top 09 DVD
Gigi the top DVD 10
Gigi the top 11 DVD
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[MU ] Gintama Series 1 [DVD5] [49/49]
Genre: Comedy
Original title: Gintama
Country: Japan
Year: 2006 Duration
: 47
Director: Shinji Takamatsu
Production: Sunrise
Distribution : Dynit
Total episodes: 49, Taken from manga: Hideaki Sorachi, Character Design: Shinji Takeuchi [align = center]
The story takes place in the city of Edo, lattuale Tokyo, Japan
. This town is invaded by aliens called
Amanto sin dal periodo Edo. I samurai giapponesi sono ormai
caduti, e gli Amanto hanno posto il divieto di portare le
katane in pubblico. La trama si concentra su un eccentrico
samurai, Sakata Gintoki, il suo (parziale) apprendista Shimura
Shinpachi, e una giovane aliena, Kagura. Tutti e tre sono dei
liberi professionisti che cercano lavoro per pagare laffitto
mensile, cosa che solitamente non accade.
Gintama DVD 01
Gintama DVD 02
Gintama DVD 03
Gintama DVD 04
Gintama DVD 05
Gintama DVD 06
Gintama DVD 07
[MU] God Sigma [DVD5] [48/48]
Episode Uchu Taitei Godd Shiguma Sigma-God, Emperor of space
Author Mitsuteru Yokoyama
Directed by Takeyuki Kanda
* * Kazuya Miyazaki Screenplay
Keisuke Fujikawa
Mecha design Yutaka Izubuchi
Studio Toei Animation Network TV Tokyo Flag of Japan
1st TV March 19, 1980 - March 25, 1981
50 episodes (complete) Duration
ep. 30 min
Mecha Genre
God Sigma (宇宙 大帝 ゴッド シグマ, Uchu Taitei Godd Shiguma Sigma-God, Emperor of space?) is a Japanese anime series originally broadcast on Japanese TV from 19 March 1980-25 March 1981. In Italy it was aired for the first time on Telereporter in 1981.
The series consists of 10 DVDs.
The future of the Earth is attacked by the evil empire of Held, the land rises to defend the powerful Godsigma robot piloted by Toshiya, Giuliani and Kiraken.
In 2050, the Earth's civilization has evolved dramatically and peacefully achieving a high degree of technological and scientific development. Nevertheless, the Earth is threatened by energy crisis caused by the high degree of overcrowding. Dr. Kazami develops in Trinity City, a huge underground base located in the middle of the ocean, the Triple Energy, a clean and inexhaustible source of energy and build three experimental robots (Thunder, Earthquake, and Neptune) supplied with this energy and for the exploration of space. The three robots are also able to come together to form God Sigma, a very powerful robot. The Empire
Helda eager to capture the energy Trinity sends its army under the command of General Terral to invade the land. This establishes a basis for Joa (hypothetical satellite of Jupiter) after having wiped out the colony land that was there and then triggers the attack on the ground. Dr. Kazami then entrusted the guidance of its three robots to his assistant (Giulian Noguchi) and the two young refugees Joa's (Dan and Toshiya Kiraken Kensaku).
The struggle between the robots and their Heldiani Cosmosauri God Sigma and lasts a long time, but when it has reached stalemate in a spaceship comes from deep space that destroyed an outpost of the Empire Helda and assume control. Heldiani are the twenty-fourth century back in time to prevent his army is defeated in the past. The new commander of Held, the Supreme Commander Laghan resumed attacks on land with even greater violence, but the general Terral and his men, who initially do not passively accept orders, they decided to rebel. Unfortunately, the revolt failed, but General Terral manages to escape though wounded and was recovered from God Sigma pilots who admitted to Trinity.
Dr. Kazami fascinated by the possibility of time travel secretly imprisons General Terral and starts torturing him, but is discovered by three pilots who stunned closes in isolation. Then leave at a time of Joa (with all the basic Trinity) in response to requests for help from survivors of land still left alive on this planet. The fights become more and more hard and near Mars, God Sigma and the basis Trinity saved only thanks to the general Terral. When Trinity and God Sigma
reach Jupiter Laghan Supreme Commander ordered the mass attack of the whole army, all seems lost for the land when Dr. Kazami get rid of the room and seizing command of the army Heldan proposes to exchange the secret energy of the Trinity for the travel time. The agreement fails and is killed by Kazami Heldiani. Giulian
but manages to invent a powerful laser cannon, powered by the energy of Trinity, and this can destroy the spaceship of Heldiani, Sigma allowing God to overwhelm the enemy and restore peace on earth.
God Sigma 01 dvd dvd
God Sigma 02
God Sigma 03 dvd dvd
God Sigma 04
God Sigma 05 dvd
God Sigma dvd 06
God Sigma dvd 07
God Sigma dvd 08
God Sigma dvd 09
God Sigma dvd 10
[MU] GOLDRAKE [DVD9][60/74] D-Visual version
Titolo originale UFO Robo Gurendaizā
Autore:Gō Nagai
Regia :
* Masayuki Akehi
* Tomoharu Katsumata
* Masamune Ochiai
Sceneggiatura :
* Shozo Uehara
* Keisuke Fujikawa
* Tohojiro Andou
Character design:
* Kazuo Komatsubara (ep. 1-48)
* Shingo Araki (ep. 49-74)
Studio :
* Toei Animation
* Dynamic Planning
Musiche :Shunsuke Kikuchi
Rete :Fuji TV
1ª TV :5 ottobre 1975 – 27 febbraio 1977
Episodi :74 (completa)
Aspect ratio :4:3
Durata ep. 24 min a episodio
Rete italiana :[[Rai Due]]
1ª TV it. 4 aprile 1978 – 6 gennaio 1980
Episodi it. 71 / 74 Completa al 96%.
Genere :anime
UFO Robot Goldrake (UFOロボグレンダイザー,, UFO Robot Grendizer?, pron. UFO Robo Gurendaizā), è un anime televisivo di 74 episodi, prodotto dalla Toei Animation dal 1975 al 1977, e basato su un soggetto di Gō Nagai, già autore dell'omonimo manga nel 1973. È stata la prima e, probabilmente, la più famosa serie mecha giapponese trasmessa in Italia, dove venne conosciuta, nell'adattamento trasmesso dal 1978 al 1980 sulla Rete 2, con il nome Atlas UFO Robot. Per dare un'idea del successo avuto all'epoca basti pensare che il 45 giri prodotto dalla Fonit Cetra con le sigle della prima serie, Ufo Robot/Shooting star (firmate con lo pseudonimo Actarus), ottenne addirittura il disco d'oro, superando il milione di copie vendute.
La serie ebbe successo anche in Francia e nel mondo arabo, soprattutto in Egitto e Arabia Saudita. Ancora oggi, a distanza decades of its transmission, is remembered by thousands of fans, especially in Europe.
PLOT: The protagonist of the series is
Prince Duke Fled, fled after a desperate resistance on an advanced robot battle, Grendizer (Grendizer) from its star Fled home following the attack the troops of the fierce King Vega. Forces Vega in fact are used to attack the invading and annexing them to their planet to Earth impero.Giunto Duke Fled was found dying by Dr. Procton (Genzo Umon), Space Research Institute Director, who welcomed him and hides it under the guise of Actarus (Daisuke Umon), passing it to his son returning from a long trip. Grendizer Even with its disk space (Spacer) is hidden within the Institute, in whose basement was built a kind of huge hangar.Circa eight years later, continuing their plan of invasion, even the troops arrived at Vega Earth and under the guidance of the master Hydargos (Blacky) and the fierce General Gandal, ambiguous character with a half male and one female, establish the basis Skullmoon on the Moon. Actarus will use again Grendizer to defend his adopted planet. Alcor is to help the young man (Koji Kabuto), who pilots a flying saucer in its design and construction. The two oppose a fierce resistance, though barely able to repel the continuous attacks of the invaders Vega.Durante periods of truce, Actarus lives and works on the farm of Rigel (Danbei Makiba) and his two sons, Mizar (Goro Makiba) and Venus (Hikaru Makiba), in love with him and initially all 'dark, like everyone, his real identity. During a major battle in which the disk is destroyed and the master Alcor Hydargos lose his life, Venus is aware Actarus's secret identity, but during an attack and Vega will be seriously injured: Actarus able to save it a transfusion of his blood alien, giving her the strength to survive, so that Venus decides to fight by his side. This will be possible enhancement program developed by Dr. Grendizer Procton, and that will give Venus the Dolphin Space "(Marine Spacer), means capable of leading the Grendizer even below the water surface. Even
Alcor will soon have a new medium called "Grendizer 2" (Double Spacer, appears in the episode "The earthquake mysterious"), whereby Grendizer can fly more easily than your hard Spacer.Dopo his death, Hydargos Zuril is replaced by the minister, a man of great daring and scientific culture, and a great strategist. These, Gandal is any opposition to the master: the two of them will, frequently, instead of fighting it cooperate, to lust for potere.In below, will make his appearance Maria (Maria Grace Fled), the sister of Actarus. Although she gets on the ground, except for (a child) by an inhabitant of the planet Fled which it was adopted as a grandson. He will die, killed by the soldiers of Vega. On his deathbed, he revealed all to Mary begging her to give a hand to Grendizer.
Subsequently, however, believing in Actarus to find his archenemy, Mary hires a death struggle with him until an imperial medallion reveals the truth: the two are brother and sister, heirs of the royal family of Fled. From the moment Mary, in battle, helps his brother with a new medium, "Auger Space" (Drill Spacer), in grado di far penetrare il Goldrake sottoterra.La lotta prosegue a lungo e le forze di Vega subiscono numerose sconfitte, mentre il loro impero comincia a dissolversi. La Stella Vega, invasa dalla radioattività, finirà per diventare una stella morta e la Terra apparirà agli alieni come l'unica speranza per la sopravvivenza. Gli attacchi si faranno quindi sempre più decisi e disperati. Actarus e gli altri fronteggiano non solo con i propri mezzi, ma principalmente con il coraggio, la forza di gruppo e lo spirito di sacrificio, gli invasori che intanto sono sempre più impegnati anche in lotte interne per la supremazia al potere.
Intanto la guerra s'inasprisce. Da una parte perdono la vita i grandi amici d'infanzia di Maria Actarus and, secondly, as the son of Zuril leaders, provoking, in both parties, strong desires for revenge. Re
Vega, in an attempt to ensure the success of the war, took advantage of the love that her daughter Ruby, a former fiancee of Actarus, it has to, to try to lure him into a trap. Actarus, Zuril captured by the minister (who was also infatuated with Ruby), accused of having deceived, but the young princess with an extreme gesture saves him, only to die in his arms. The minister Zuril die struck by Alcor.Nel Meanwhile, the female part of the master Gandal has a sudden qualms of conscience and desire to achieve peace with the land, paying attention to life king. But is stopped and killed by her male half. At the end of life and eager to redeem himself with his king, Gandal, died in a fight with Goldrake.Decidendo front of a counter, the fellow Actarus set off for the moon base of Vega with a new spacecraft, Cosmos Special. During the battle, King Vega, aware of the impending defeat, will try to crash their spaceship on Earth, to trigger the destruction: Actarus able to stop the war and in tempo.Terminata previously informed by Rubina that their homeland is Fled coming back to life, Actarus and Mary decided to return to rebuild, together with those who survived the invasion by Vega, il regno perduto.In un commosso commiato dal padre adottivo Procton e dagli amici più cari, Actarus e Maria decollano alla volta di Fleed.
Goldrake DVD 01
Goldrake DVD 02
Goldrake DVD 03
Goldrake DVD 04
Goldrake DVD 05
Goldrake DVD 06
Goldrake DVD 07
Goldrake DVD 08
Goldrake DVD 09
Goldrake DVD 10
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