Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Myspace Relationship Counter

05 - A History - A photo

USES OF CIVIC Linguagrossa ...... (second part)
II and jurors Mayor's office, in turn, present to the court of Rea! Heritage is a memorial, where they exhibit bullying and harassment perpetrated against them by the Baron Mancuso, especially after the purchase that he had made of pure and mixed empire. The memorial reads: "citatini of them were harassed by Linguagrossa Pascendi et jus et lignandi who have been told by other juresdictioni fegho Fiumefreddo et et S. Forest Basili comply ab fashioned memory that is not homo to the contrary. "
Baron Fiumefreddo, continua il memoriale, ostacola persino l'esercizio dei mulini e “ci ha disturbati lo seminerio et l'acqui conformi l'hanno avuto ab antiquo confirmati in virtù di contratti pubblici et sententii.” I cittadini dichiararono di essere disposti a riscattare presso il Viceré il mero e misto impero già acquistato dal Barone.
Il 21 febbraio 1604 vengono ascoltati alcuni testi­moni, estranei al paese di Linguaglossa, Questi ricordano concordemente i diritti civici di cui ab antiquo hanno goduto i Linguaglossesi. "L'Università e citatini di detta Terra, affermano i testimoni, hanno stato in la loro reale, quieta e pacifica possessioni del burgensatico di paxiri con loro animali in lo fegho et Friddi River Forest and Holy Basil. "reaffirming that the individuals collected in the feud Linguagrossa dead wood, leaves and other things.
But Baron Mancuso continues to strip the University of jus Pascendi, seize the animals found grazing in his feuds in his castle and imprisons the shepherds.
After 12 years of continuing harassment and evidence submitted to the Royal Court, the case with the Baron Mancuso "was crowned the benefit of this common three uniform sentences, which were carried out religiously, the last of which of the 11 November 1614, followed by letters esecutoriali spedide in Messina on the day 17 November I614. "
On March 2, 1616 the University obtained letters from the Viceroy osservatoriali with which it was ordered that all official United were observed the covenants and provisions contained in the grant of Notaries cleft November 13, 1562. I1 Viceroy ordered that neither you nor the Baron officers, or other debiano is presumed to molest or harass nexuna pirsuna of the people of that Land et habitaturi fegho of that land in, or to feed their animals, which enter into the wood et et headlights other foliage et feghi so in those woods in time and Loch et content expressed in the firm contract directly indirectly et scuti under penalty of one thousand apply to the Royal Treasury.
The sovereign authority fianlmente recognized all the rights that are exercised on the estates of Baron linguagrossesi Mancuso.
Also in 1615 the citizens acting together in Parliament to buy the pure and mixed empire, seven years earlier had decided to decline the royal demesne, John Mancuso sells the Royal Court with the money, "it employs the university."
But Baron, despite the ransom of pure and mixed empire, did not cease to harass citizens, which subsequently, in 1651, still resort to the Royal Court and Shareholders get letters addressed to the Procurator Fiscal Officer of the lower court, Don Diego Costanera, con le quali si accordava allo stesso la facoltà di procedere contro Don Domenico Mancuso per l'usurpazione del me­ro e misto impero; l'anno seguente il Tribunale ordinava a Don Francesco Pizzuto, tutore e curatore ad litem di Don Giovanni Mancuso di osservare il contratto di rivendita del mero e misto impero e di non vessare e molestare ulteriormente i citta­dini di Linguaglossa nell’esercizio dei loro diritti. (segue)


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