Monday, December 27, 2010

Lines Of Green And Pink In Lcd Tv

A Picture - A History - A photo

LINGUAGLOSSA - his mountain
on account of that wood
"An immense forest cover around the slopes of Etna or the second region until shortly after Ia half of its height, which is called the Region and wooded, this extension has the strongest and most long-standing vegetation there is. The forests of Paternò, Lingfield not as surprising? A famous mountain in all nations for the immense rivers on fire, which spewed from her womb, and that courses are burning the nearby countryside, has fed on its side of the vast forests, which have given at all times material to build a dl many ships, vessels, and other significant works. "
So Ferrara began his description of Etna in 1793, and most probably the birth of Linguagrossa is due "to the cause of the forest , where are the trees that make the pitch "; that wood from the Arabic name Rahab (forest) has always been the main resource place in this country " in the forests of Mount Etna . We have news of the exploitation of the forest linguaglossese, both for the extraction of timber, resin since 1300. Filoteo of Omodei, in his work Aetnae Topographia of 1591, has left us a detailed description of how the linguaglossesi "they discovered that there could be a leisurely work on the pitch, the et Linguagrossesi in waiting until today to such a job ...." The end of exploitation of the pine trees came with the great fire of July 22, 1956, when over 400 hectares of forest were destroyed in no time, arson fire, which served to mask an uncontrolled exploitation. But the pine shoot to live and is now popular hiking destination and source of new wealth for the population.
are several times that Etna has put a strain on the willingness of linguaglossesi, there have been several eruptions and earthquakes that have partly destroyed the country, among the most important enough to remember that of 1566 that destroyed part and which is linked to the miracle of Sant'Egidio, or those of 1809 and 1865, when most of the forest was invaded by the lava, and finally that of 1923, when the country was seriously threatened and chain almost completely destroyed the village.

A meno di 10 km da Linguaglossa si incontra il bosco Ragabo, vanto e gloria dei linguaglossesi. La vite, il nocciolo, il melo, il ciliegio ed infine il castagno fanno da cornice lungo la strada che si parte dal centro del paese, la Mareneve, e che arriva fin su alla Pineta. Dagli ampi tornanti della Mareneve il paesaggio si presenta ora di scorcio ora con profondissime prospettive, l’azzurro limpido del mare di Taormina sembra essere la piscina naturale dell’Etna. Poi all’improvviso dopo una curva e dopo un magnifico bosco di querce, il Piano Donna Vita (1250 s.l.m.), si entra nell’immensa pineta; sulla sinistra si trova una pista a fondo naturale che conduce ad una larga radura, è il Piano Pernicana (1400 s.l.m.), la cattedrale della Pineta Ragabo; in fondo al Piano come abside della stessa è la grotta in pietra lavica e pomici che custodisce la statua della Madonnina della Pineta. Così Santo Calì descriveva la pineta Ragabo nel 1953: “ Ad ogni arrivo in Pineta una impressione sempre nuova e irripetibile ti invade, ma rimane costante la sensazione intima del divino e del sacro che occupa la solennità infinita del luogo: i pini fittissimi si trasfigurano nelle colonne svelte e rastremate di un tempio immenso, la cui volta è il cielo azzurro sostenuto dai mille verdi ricami dei capitelli frondosi: l’aria profumata dall’offerta della resina e il coro invisibile ricanta eternamente i miti della nostra gente.                     
            Sempre sulla strada Mareneve, attraversata la pineta a circa tre chilometri si incontra un bivio dal quale proseguendo a sinistra si giunge dopo diversi Fornazzo kilometers, while the right continues the ascent of Etna; rapid ascent through hairpin turns, the road leads to a sudden large clearing Piano Provenzana (1800 m), the majestic presence of Etna seems to crush us. Plan Provenzana, a natural amphitheater, there are the skiing facilities of the Etna-Nord, with a development of cross-country several tens of kilometers, and yet the point of departure for excursions by minibus, to the top of Etna. Surround the Piano Provenzana the pines smelling of resin and white birch trees with their bark, the floor has a beautiful view of Etna, it seems to touch as it is close. A sense of fear pervades the observer but after the calm nature of the place and gives us peace, serenity and silence, it feels far from the world.
From Provenzana towards transparency of the infinite.


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