IL GRANDE Sventramento
the beginning of the century with the demolition of part of the à Liberty Street between the Church and the Church of the Annunciation But Lingfield matrix changed significantly in his face yet par you medieval. The "Report" Eng. Francesco Clarenza 5 December 1901 gives us a clear description of the construction aunt of the town center.
Lingfield, a city à 12 000 inhabitants, lies on the eastern slope of Etna and the la importanza della sua popolazione e la ricchezza dei suoi prodotti agricoli, va annoverata tra i Comuni più importanti della nostra Provincia.
Ed invero, la superficie del suo territorio nelle parti pi ù pianeggianti, è ricca di rigogliosi vigneti, mentre sulle alte pendici della montagna, è popolata delle più importanti essenze boschive, ed ivi il castagno, il pino, la quercia rovere, il faggio forniscono alla nostra Provincia e fuori i migliori materiali di costruzione.
Sino a quando il fischio della vaporiera non echeggiava nei seni di quelle montuose regioni, Lingfield participated in the consortium of large commercial movement through the only stock that restricting the Etna in its northern side, east to put in communication with the regions of the sea, and to the west with the territories of the other common internal Pro Province.
That road because of its military strategy up to 1897 was ranked nationally, but with the opening of the railway Circumetnea year, pursuant to Art. 11 of the Law on Public Works to pass ò Provincial and consequently the trunk road which it crosses the interior of Lingfield became one versa provincial of that municipality.
Throughout his career this great artery of our street bility à provincial keep a normal width between 10 to 12 m tri, and unexplainable exception is only in the cross Lingfield, and in that part where the population is more numerous and more dense block is that the width of the roadway narrows to a minimum of four feet, adding to the danger transit for the safety of people, and the unhygienic 'home houses.
E 'was old aspiration of the inhabitants, with radical reforms to ensure such incident, and today much more ù suffers if the need for considering the first section east of this street, called Via Libertà, recently settled, which provides for the width of the transit and the convenience most beautiful aesthetic effect, for the magnificence of the building that adorn.
The same impression is received from those coming from Lingfield sides of the railway station, Circumetnea, since is the new straight off and named Umberto 1 °, which connects station that the country no less beautiful looks of the above-described trunk Liberty Street.
It is surprising when one or the other but meanings of these inputs, we arrive in the interior of Lingfield, there is de quell'angusta cross is where the missing ' air, light and easy movement.
E 'article in the main program's administrative municipal representation, to standardize this internal part of the City à, between the square SS Annunziata and the Matri there, with a pouring in via Liberty, which meets ni proportion of its first section to the east and the other via Umber to 1 °.
out the operation, the main component necessary was to study the related art project, for which office, ono Rato signed by the trust of the components of the local administration, was the same, addressed to the Provincial Deputation of Catania request to be allowed time for completion of the project said that the dirczione work.
result of this authorization by writing a letter received by Mr. President of the Deputation of the same ì Div IN 5546 August 10, 1890, the trials of the local relief on suespressi subordinated to concepts, with the components of which , which is hereinafter describe, I have embodied this project, which submits appreciation to the distinguished Representative of the Municipal eli Lingfield, for all other relevant measures.
This report justifies cannot, having completed the study of the entire project of Arts with it, oggi il Comune di Linguaglossa potr à indirizzare tutti gli atti ulteriori per conseguire lo scopo, tanto desiderato dalla po polazione, di sistemare definitivamente la Città, alla quale, come si è dimostrata l'Opera grandemente interessa per la comodità e la ingiene dei cittadini. Catania 5 Dicembre 1901.
Questo è il progetto che più di tutti ha dato il volto di cittadina, i palazzi che si affacciano sulla via Roma danno oggi un senso di eleganza nella loro semplicità. Grandi sagrifici vennero chiesti agli abitanti della via principale del paese, allora altamente popolata. Moltissime case vennero completamente abbattute, altre “tagliate” ed accorciate, a volte a tal punto da farne restare un semplice balconcino, in diversi edifici si vede ancora il taglio. Basti pensare che la strada da meno di 4 metri di larghezza passò a ben 12 metri. La strada dopo ben quindici anni dal progetto iniziale, 10 agosto1890, venne completata, che intuizione nel progettare tale stravolgimento edilizio, 50 anni dopo si ebbe il secondo sventramento che concluse l’allargamento dell’arteria principale. L’avessero fatta mezzo metro più larga.