Today, the Alpine Group Pianezza was celebrating. Two opportunities to celebrate: the 80-year anniversary of the founding of the group and the inauguration of new headquarters, located in front of the local church of La Madonna della Stella. "
" It rises to just over half a kilometer from the old Borgo di Pianezza , in posizione più elevata sul piano circostante: fino a pochi decenni fa era in piena campagna, ben visibile a distanza.
Posta su una diramazione della Via Francigena ,( ...), assunse l'attuale denominazione popolare al tempo dei pellegrinaggi diretti al Campo della Stella (Compostella) ove è la tomba di San Giacomo Apostolo ....
Posta su una diramazione della Via Francigena ,( ...), assunse l'attuale denominazione popolare al tempo dei pellegrinaggi diretti al Campo della Stella (Compostella) ove è la tomba di San Giacomo Apostolo ....
La forte devozione dei Pianezzesi alla Madonna della Stella ha espresso forme popolari di cura della Cappella con i Rettori, un tempo eletti annualmente, ed una particolare forma di vita religiosa laicale con il Romito: un laico che lived in the adjoining house, dressed in his cassock and looked after the maintenance of the church. A vote given by the Community Council in 1714 to secure the release of a "malignant disease," perhaps the nature of influenza continues to be observed today.
On the day of the festival, the September 12, the municipal authorities and the people in solemn procession to the church in thanksgiving for protection and had to implore the new aid. "
On the day of the festival, the September 12, the municipal authorities and the people in solemn procession to the church in thanksgiving for protection and had to implore the new aid. "
Source Site City of Pianezza
As a child I attended this church during the catechism: an hour sitting quietly in the shadows of those outlets and a second, travel to play in the gardens next to them ...
course has now changed the very landscape, remains unchanged but the charm of the place, open to the public on Pianezza cities ... Unfortunately, however, the weather was merciless with those ancient walls and it is here that have been in the Alpine area: they have proposed to be located on the back of the premises and, in turn, have lent their work to restructure the whole . Today, the work done is shown to the authorities and citizens pianezzesi in the presence of military authorities, civil and religious. Me and the tribes have participated in this beautiful moment, a sunny morning and Stef, who has a passion for photography dopo aver ricevuto in regalo per la comunione la sua prima macchina fotografica digitale, ha fatto qualche scatto ...
campanile della Madonna della Stella
nonno Domenico, Alpino DOC