Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Trying To Pee Wearing A Girdle

Tell me no ....

In April there were general elections.
The people of the freedom led by Silvio Berlusconi's landslide victory by taking home a very large majority in the House and the Senate and the poor Walter Veltroni is downsized out of this experience and ready to do opposition in parliament.
After all the miracles and there is only one person after the first months of government, this coalition is collecting more rating points from the ministers and their representatives and the opposition is becoming increasingly hard to go back to the China, after which these days has lost l'Abruzzo andato dopo 2 anni al centro destra.
Tutta questa storiella perché ve lo detta?....

Alba Parietti"Io alle primarie del PD. Sono stata chiamata da Veltroni dopo avergli esposto il mio desiderio di fare politica"
Walter sei cosi disperato?


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