The next day, however, the class has come out of slumber and hit the teacher with questions of all kinds ...
Now, Stefy, reminiscent of the Red-belly of his mother lived, has informed the over the years about how children came from the belly of the mother but ... had not yet raised the problem of how we entered ... only a few months ago he mentioned the role of the father, who could not understand ...
Yesterday's revelation: "... a mother, however, now I know what is the dad ... We discussed this with D., who told us that the sow's dad comes .... Albyyyyyyy is initiated Scooby Doooooooo .... . "....
FFFFhhhhh! Is not the first time I have to face in-depth sex education classes (at the time of Richard I also bought a cute little book with very simple design and cute) but this time Q. I would have kissed the teacher ... she does not know, but I was spared the lesson to Stefy, and if so give me time, even at Alby!!
bye bye