I do not know
In this country, I thought I had seen it all, I thought I had heard it all but maybe I missed the only online. Salvini.
Now it is all
I run out of words?
A moment of silence and think of something else, who has the desire to vote?
Friday, May 8, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Flamin Hot Cheetos Effect
A beautiful thing .....
I used to rule the world
the seas would rise when I gave the order
hours in the morning I sweep alone sweep
le strade che ero solito possedere
ero solito tirare i dadi
sentire la paura negli occhi dei miei nemici
ascoltare come la folla cantava:
"ora il vecchio re è morto, lunga vita al re!"
un minuto ho stretto forte la chiave
e quello seguente ero intrappolato dai muri
e ho scoperto che i miei castelli
stavano sopra cumuli di sabbia e pilastri
ho sentito le campane di Gerusalemme risuonare
i cori del calvario romano stanno cantando
che tu sia il mio specchio, la my sword, my shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
for some reason I can not explain
since you're gone
there was a more honest world
was so when I ruled the world
the wind was bad and the wild
blew down the doors to let me in shattered windows and
people could not believe
what I have become revolutionaries wait
my head on a Plate Silver
only a puppet on a single wire
who would ever become king?
I hear Jerusalem bells ringing
Roman calvary choirs are singing
you to be my mirror, my sword, my shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
for some reason I can not explain
since you're gone
there was a more honest world
was so when I ruled the world
I hear Jerusalem bells echo
Roman calvary choirs are singing
you to be my mirror, my sword, my shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
for some reason I can not explain
since you're gone
there was a more honest world
was so when I ruled the world
A song a few months ago that resounds in my head.
I used to rule the world
the seas would rise when I gave the order
hours in the morning I sweep alone sweep
le strade che ero solito possedere
ero solito tirare i dadi
sentire la paura negli occhi dei miei nemici
ascoltare come la folla cantava:
"ora il vecchio re è morto, lunga vita al re!"
un minuto ho stretto forte la chiave
e quello seguente ero intrappolato dai muri
e ho scoperto che i miei castelli
stavano sopra cumuli di sabbia e pilastri
ho sentito le campane di Gerusalemme risuonare
i cori del calvario romano stanno cantando
che tu sia il mio specchio, la my sword, my shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
for some reason I can not explain
since you're gone
there was a more honest world
was so when I ruled the world
the wind was bad and the wild
blew down the doors to let me in shattered windows and
people could not believe
what I have become revolutionaries wait
my head on a Plate Silver
only a puppet on a single wire
who would ever become king?
I hear Jerusalem bells ringing
Roman calvary choirs are singing
you to be my mirror, my sword, my shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
for some reason I can not explain
since you're gone
there was a more honest world
was so when I ruled the world
I hear Jerusalem bells echo
Roman calvary choirs are singing
you to be my mirror, my sword, my shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
for some reason I can not explain
since you're gone
there was a more honest world
was so when I ruled the world
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Ideas On How To Rookie
It 's the new month p.VI
Well, well, we entered in the 4th month of the year: in April.
Today is Easter and I take this opportunity to wish you and try to send them to persons who do not currently have in your home and make company in the field of hospitality and hope to soon return to live and We hope that by giving him our support and our strength.
this month I am facing my second job doing that every year at this time fills me trouble (even if you do not say I will tell you anyway) and most of all possibilities, I ask myself "there will be someone to which may leave his post in the coming years, "the answer I do not know if I'll find and if I want to find it, what are you do you think?
We'll see the sentence.
Well, well, we entered in the 4th month of the year: in April.
Today is Easter and I take this opportunity to wish you and try to send them to persons who do not currently have in your home and make company in the field of hospitality and hope to soon return to live and We hope that by giving him our support and our strength.
this month I am facing my second job doing that every year at this time fills me trouble (even if you do not say I will tell you anyway) and most of all possibilities, I ask myself "there will be someone to which may leave his post in the coming years, "the answer I do not know if I'll find and if I want to find it, what are you do you think?
We'll see the sentence.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Whats The Best Way To Get Rid Of A Verruca
I felt little obligation note this anniversary.
Today is April 1 in exactly one month there is a small new house which is called Bud, a sweet puppy who fills us in every sense of the days, thinking about cleaning the house, put food and everything else which includes caring for a small puppy, we knew both me and my meeting went and what we are more than happy to take care of everything to make it grow in the right way.
A nice effort that makes the whole house very proud of this and not being accustomed to having this small, pleasant pensieri di quando portarlo fuori,di quando dargli da mangiare,quando piange sapere il perché e chiedersi in che cosa si sbaglia e tutto il resto che adesso non mi viene in mente.
Sta incominciando a sentire la mia mancanza smetto di scrivere e vado a fargli 2 coccole,vado anche ad assaggiare quei piccoli bastoncini di pollo che ogni tanto gli frego(scherzo).
Ciao, alla prossima
I felt little obligation note this anniversary.
Today is April 1 in exactly one month there is a small new house which is called Bud, a sweet puppy who fills us in every sense of the days, thinking about cleaning the house, put food and everything else which includes caring for a small puppy, we knew both me and my meeting went and what we are more than happy to take care of everything to make it grow in the right way.
A nice effort that makes the whole house very proud of this and not being accustomed to having this small, pleasant pensieri di quando portarlo fuori,di quando dargli da mangiare,quando piange sapere il perché e chiedersi in che cosa si sbaglia e tutto il resto che adesso non mi viene in mente.
Sta incominciando a sentire la mia mancanza smetto di scrivere e vado a fargli 2 coccole,vado anche ad assaggiare quei piccoli bastoncini di pollo che ogni tanto gli frego(scherzo).
Ciao, alla prossima
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Pinky Salon Brampton Price List
It' s so beautiful!

Non ci poteva essere compleanno più bello,si proprio cosi,questo caro e già vecchio blog compie 2 anni.
Tempo ne è passato dal giorno in cui mi sono messo a fare questa cosa che ritengo ancora interessante e sempre piena di idee che posso condividere e scrivere qua insieme a voi.
Oggi è il 25 marzo e tutto riguarda il giorno di primavera che per l'appunto da 4 giorni è iniziata e sancisce il nuovo compleanno del blog.
La neve è rimasta alle spalle e mi sa che per un po' di tempo non la becchiamo più almeno spero,visto il duro e gelato inverno passato siamo entrati in questa nuova stagione con delle belle giornate di sole che finalmente ci riscaldano e io posso anche andare a fare passeggiate con Bud.
Now it's time to move on and try to keep up to date with new things that I hope you and news that affect emotions, I hope.
view of the date that we are, you get closer and closer to the long-awaited tournament of the districts that will keep me busy like every year for nearly two months, hoping to best honor my commitment.
We always pick here, the next ......-
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Kates Playground Drying Out
not how you run! It is the new month
their news these days. The people of freedom, the President's party is desperately looking for candidates to be proposed in Lombardy, Piedmont and Veneto for the upcoming European elections.
It 's right as on the occasion of the renewal of the European Parliament in Brussels, several regulations have changed and adjusted the salaries of several Members of many European nations to more regular levels of the crisis we are experiencing, MEPs from Denmark, Norwegians and Belgians have decided to bring the different salaries on the same level and so the Germans can not take more than the French, the British will not take more than the English and Italians do not take more than the rest of Europe.
The agreed price is around € 10,000 by calculating that before in regard to our fellow citizens are going to refund including air travel and various meals on € 32,000. Mamma mia I wonder how they will now, will no longer take refuge in Brussels and in Montecitorio?
The questions to ask, but I leave you not I miss you give me any response voliate. Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Customer Reviews Prolexis
Well I must say good start and finish better this month. Just
Sunday on the first day of the month the whole family went to take the new element of the house: the little Bud.Poi I'll post the pictures made by my father and myself, the rest of the month continues, namely the 21, the blog will celebrate 2 years of life, so I'm preparing to make him many, many congratulations.
Well I must say good start and finish better this month. Just
Sunday on the first day of the month the whole family went to take the new element of the house: the little Bud.Poi I'll post the pictures made by my father and myself, the rest of the month continues, namely the 21, the blog will celebrate 2 years of life, so I'm preparing to make him many, many congratulations.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Ingredients In Orajel
Just a few days and this year will again San Remo, the festival of Italian song.
has now been called to fury of the people making us pull out a lot of money (fee) the "Paul National Bonolis who has performed restoration work at the level of songs by artists who call the plays and attract more people on television, is a difficult job and suitable for large Mediaset conductor had to let go without a word because they have public money and are stronger.
follow him more closely without seeing the results from this new organization of the festival, hoping that a show is a bit ' more appropriate for the occasion and looking for new songs that will make a bit ' success outside the festival.
However we will see more and I'll keep you updated for those who want and those who interest you.
Monday, February 9, 2009
How To Chain Shiny Pokemon In Soul Silver
New Tradition?!

It was the mid 90's, the Balkan war had just ended and my vacation took place in the northern Adriatic, more precisely in the province of Venice.
them I spent many years with my family in those places for young people but not so much really organized in a very precise manner, so as to attract many foreign tourists, mostly Germans, French and Czech.
I remember very well care of my father who wanted at all costs even if starting with a few quiet hours of travel we arrived after 3 am to avoid the long-awaited and tragic at the same time scale traffic awesome that was created at the point of highway that is second in intensity of vehicle accidents and the famous stretch Salerno-Reggio Calabria: Mestre.Vista string to the huge amount of cars coming and going from Italy, that piece of highway is un'inferno been for years for all those who had to travel from that part of Italy.
Now after many years of negotiations, work by blocking and then reopened it ended just the realization of this work began four years ago when there was still the previous Berlusconi government has pushed through a series of sites scattered throughout the peninsula, eventually giving a new impetus and visibility to these new infrastructures that serve this country, I can only conclude by saying President.
I just wanted to say that I now have a certain age and no longer go on holiday with my family, it costs so much when I needed it? Still do the same compliments you managed to do something useful in that is governing all these years, still after all this time you get to the end?
Anyways thank you.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
What Does Disabled Mean On A Phone
remember and then what? It is the new month
There is no other way to pay tribute to this great interpreter of the Italian song that has just left.
I will prove this so .....
There is no other way to pay tribute to this great interpreter of the Italian song that has just left.
I will prove this so .....
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
How To Present Confidentiality
In this month just past, I just wrote and I apologize to everyone now that we entered in February I will delight you with many things to write and to share.
So many things happened in January as though it happened at the end: the death of the great Mino Reitano, who has left a huge void in the landscape of Italian music and television that he accepted and accommodated as a great person.
With so many resolutions we slipped this month and try to live so intense as we live the other
In this month just past, I just wrote and I apologize to everyone now that we entered in February I will delight you with many things to write and to share.
So many things happened in January as though it happened at the end: the death of the great Mino Reitano, who has left a huge void in the landscape of Italian music and television that he accepted and accommodated as a great person.
With so many resolutions we slipped this month and try to live so intense as we live the other
Monday, January 26, 2009
Microwave Oven Secmatic
No problem
You have seen is a bit 'of days I do not write that, the fact is I was wondering if it's all true, and you tell me what I say unto you ask the president, our president.
In these months as you well know there is a crisis that is hurting the economy of many countries, from the place where the U.S. has started and continues to suffer even European nations including Italy.
Crisis and total blockade of growth that has brought many industries, firms and companies with great history forced to lay people and others to lay off was due to a lack of production that this country has a bit 'of time apart I think the crisis is a situation that we carry with us a lot' of years, since the various governments in the past that have never been able to exploit the system as a whole Italy and technically very difficult to understand for many people.
After all, our first president as early not notice anything, many journalists say that the GDP does not grow this summer and he says not to worry, says Europe through its commissioners that this crisis will continue for most of 2009 and says that we must remain calm and optimistic, in the meantime, Fiat does not sell anything, Tiscali 1500 people leave home, but we remain optimistic and we should not worry please, I do not know what to think I know I'm in a dream or a nightmare all around me goes wrong and the president says the opposite, why should he do so?
Hello raga to the next
You have seen is a bit 'of days I do not write that, the fact is I was wondering if it's all true, and you tell me what I say unto you ask the president, our president.
In these months as you well know there is a crisis that is hurting the economy of many countries, from the place where the U.S. has started and continues to suffer even European nations including Italy.
Crisis and total blockade of growth that has brought many industries, firms and companies with great history forced to lay people and others to lay off was due to a lack of production that this country has a bit 'of time apart I think the crisis is a situation that we carry with us a lot' of years, since the various governments in the past that have never been able to exploit the system as a whole Italy and technically very difficult to understand for many people.
After all, our first president as early not notice anything, many journalists say that the GDP does not grow this summer and he says not to worry, says Europe through its commissioners that this crisis will continue for most of 2009 and says that we must remain calm and optimistic, in the meantime, Fiat does not sell anything, Tiscali 1500 people leave home, but we remain optimistic and we should not worry please, I do not know what to think I know I'm in a dream or a nightmare all around me goes wrong and the president says the opposite, why should he do so?
Hello raga to the next
Friday, January 16, 2009
Desert Eagle Airsoft Gold For Sale
It is the new month p.IVA
Oh, how nice, back to write on the blog, is a bit 'that I did not, was shot in the snow blocked me, there still around, it was not dissolved completely, it will take at least a year.
Okay, New Year has gone to great, 2008, greeted us and we started in 2009, today is the birthday of my friend and partner Mark, yesterday was one of my friend Serena and prepare a 2 birthdays to celebrate big time. I think we undergo this fre DDO for a few weeks, you have to get used to, the holidays are over and we are continuing to work, waiting for Easter.
Well, very well tell him this month, we pick the next, hello Friday, January 2, 2009
Female Doctor Check Penis
yet it is so ..... It is always nice
I removed the posters of the filmstrip from the door, I clean the floors (or so), I placed the sofa and coffee table, I are made to clean up a bit 'all over the world.
does not seem true of another new year Parkett is over, all very nice but unfortunately it is done, all very successful from the menu, food well cooked by our chefs and industry to end the show fireworks' fireworks and various barrels organized by the undersigned and his collaborators.
I still could not believe that everything is over, while fixing the living room as I said before I realized that the Parkett is too strong.
Some things can not easily forget, you can get everything clean and reorganize the house without Essert fun with these who we are, that we would like to put everything up to perfection, a feeling of melancholy I salt back to work tomorrow and I have to think of the new year back, I will head into the entrance in 2009, amazing, exciting and full of fun, past 2 days to have fun together, it is easy to forget and then I should not remove the posters and place everything there was to do because it's like I removed something important, it's all in our memories, we try to keep it in mind and remember that all spent together can not do that well not only to me, your host but also to you who are taking part, the rest are the Parkett or not?
Moments that if they go, and moments that come back as well as other New Year's we spent together I can only say that I enjoyed, and at the same time moved, it's time to start 2009 in a beautiful and maybe I made it there, thanks to you.
I removed the posters of the filmstrip from the door, I clean the floors (or so), I placed the sofa and coffee table, I are made to clean up a bit 'all over the world.
does not seem true of another new year Parkett is over, all very nice but unfortunately it is done, all very successful from the menu, food well cooked by our chefs and industry to end the show fireworks' fireworks and various barrels organized by the undersigned and his collaborators.
I still could not believe that everything is over, while fixing the living room as I said before I realized that the Parkett is too strong.
Some things can not easily forget, you can get everything clean and reorganize the house without Essert fun with these who we are, that we would like to put everything up to perfection, a feeling of melancholy I salt back to work tomorrow and I have to think of the new year back, I will head into the entrance in 2009, amazing, exciting and full of fun, past 2 days to have fun together, it is easy to forget and then I should not remove the posters and place everything there was to do because it's like I removed something important, it's all in our memories, we try to keep it in mind and remember that all spent together can not do that well not only to me, your host but also to you who are taking part, the rest are the Parkett or not?
Moments that if they go, and moments that come back as well as other New Year's we spent together I can only say that I enjoyed, and at the same time moved, it's time to start 2009 in a beautiful and maybe I made it there, thanks to you.
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